Starting Monday?

rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
Is anyone starting Monday? I have done 1 round and part of a second but will start completely over this Monday! I gained a few pounds over the holidays so now I would like to lose about 15 to get to my goal!


  • I was thinking of going back at it Monday so sure! Why not ;) Mix BR and gym outta get this weight off
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I was thinking of going back at it Monday so sure! Why not ;) Mix BR and gym outta get this weight off

    Yep!! I'm adding my spin classes and running so hopefully that will do it!!! Hooray! Glad to have you along! ????
  • Time to kick each others *kitten* again? ;) Look forward to it :)
  • I am starting Monday! I have been running for a few weeks, but wanted to wait until I started the weight loss challenge to start up on Body Revolution. Hoping to see some awesome results!
  • krickett84
    krickett84 Posts: 8 Member
    I started today....This is my first time, I did Zumba last spring/summer and I loved it, but moved and haven't found a class here yet...
  • cherryrobot
    cherryrobot Posts: 64 Member
    I am starting today! My coworker did it and lost 12 pounds.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I starting again today, I did some last week but had very bad TOM and a cold, so didn't workout - will be doing day 1 in a hour!
  • sarahnyy51
    sarahnyy51 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started today! I am doing the 7 day kickstart meal plan/workout plan. LOVE IT!!!
  • lilbrowngirl
    lilbrowngirl Posts: 35 Member
    I'm starting tonight! I've really fallen off in terms of healthy eating and working out. I'm hoping to drop some of the holiday weight I've added. Everything is way too tight.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I started today too.
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Hooray! I am so glad to see some others starting today too! I have to wait until this evening to do work out 1! I hope everyone is having a good day!
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I am starting today! My coworker did it and lost 12 pounds.

    I lost 17 the first time!! I am hoping to lose AT LEAST 15 this time. :)
  • deemoggy
    deemoggy Posts: 3 Member
    I started yesterday.. two days in and my legs are so sore.. but I guess that's a good thing. :happy:
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi ladies hope you don't mind if I tag along, I'm starting today with the 7 day kick start week and meal plan, I'm sitting here not enjoying the yogurt/cinnamon combo so I won't be having this breakfast again, oh well you love and learn, I'll be doing my morning workout a little later and am a little scared as haven't done any exercise since before Christmas. Well gotta start somewhere! Good luck to you all!