First Week Down!!!

I think most of us finished our first week. So, how did it go? What was challenging? What would you differently? What will you try to do better this week?
For me, the upper body workouts were the hardest because I was so SO SORE for most of them. The leg workout was too easy so I need to up my weights. I bought some groceries Saturday so I will prep food today and try to follow the meal plan as much as I can. I will also start on Tuesday and have two rest days from the plan instead of three because I want to start each routine on Monday instead of Wednesdays (that's when I started last week because of NYE).
Whoohoo to week one down!


  • lindseymaekeller
    Congrats on a great first week!

    I finished today and I will actually be starting again tomorrow. I too want to start on Mondays, so ill need to print my pages tonight.

    My overview of week one...I challenged myself weights wise, but still found the workouts to be too quick, so I usually ended up doing abs at the end, or a few mins stair mill. Lemme tell ya....stairmill after a legs workout is not fun! I can't wait to get to week 5 when things get really challenging.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    I also thought the workouts went a little quickly. My hardest day was shoulders, still feeling it 2 days later!
  • juliecarlile
    Just wait until you girls get to phase 2! It takes me 90 minutes to complete the entire work out. Highlights from the week: 1- I got all 6 days in for my workouts. 2- I am getting a lot stronger and am so happy to be lifting heavier. 3-I had 2 people ask me how to do different lifts, and asked what I had in my amino acid drink. (I guess I am finally looking like I know what I am doing). I also got asked for my number again this week by a good looking guy. Even though I am married, it feels nice to know that I still got some mojo going on. :)

    Downfalls- Diet, diet, diet. I want to eat clean so badly but just don't do it. I do pretty well in the morning but by afternoon/evening am craving something sugary or carbs. Still trying to figure that out. I am still staying under calorie though so at least that part is good. 2- also, didn't do well at taking my supplements this week. I will do better next week though. :) Week 8 this week for me.
  • nmalek1025
    juliecarlile --haha you go girl for getting a dude asking for your number and even better--someone asking you how to do lifts!! I can't wait til I look like I know what I'm doing. Luckily, this past week my bf was there for 3/4 workouts to show me how to do the lifts properly. The one day he wasn't there was leg day and I was circling the barbell trying to figure out how to put weights on each side! Pathetic haha
  • labgeekj80
    labgeekj80 Posts: 32 Member
    I loved this first week my only dislike was that I didn't feel as though my muscles got worked as hard as they should. I know as we all progress it will get harder. I also wish I had the extra money right now to purchase some more weights for at home, since I can no longer afford a gym membership. It's all good though I like working out at home much better and when you have to be creative it's amazing what all you can accomplish. Also I am missing getting in a little cardio I will try to incorporate some Zumba for Xbox and Yoga this week with my weight-workouts. Hope everyone is still loving it all and can't wait to see how everyone does from here on out.
  • amhwh
    amhwh Posts: 25 Member
    Great job juliecarlile! I'm glad to hear you're getting stronger as certain upper body moves during weeks 1&2 are making me feel very weak!

    I found week one, I was sore after each workout and for a few days after - I needed the 3 days off to feel like I got enough rest and recovery in to tackle week 2. I did Day 9 today and I felt a little stronger on some of the moves. I don't feel as sore as last week either. My weaknesses so far have been my biceps and my rear delts, so I'll be putting a little extra effort into those parts.

    While my diet hasn't been totally clean (a piece of chocolate most nights, some pizza on the weekend), I've stayed roughly around my calories and done pretty good with protein intake. Gradual changes work best for me so they'll be some more tweaks along the way. :)

    I'm enjoying the program so far and look forward to my workouts. I just started back to my full-time job which includes work at home every night so it'll be tough when the workouts increase in time and # of days per week, but I'm committed to getting it done.
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Awesome! Glad everyone is enjoying it! I started week 2 today and I definitely pushed myself. The 60% of my max is right on! I'm doing both sets of pushups on the smith machine bar and completed 3 sets of 12 of each!

    I made 2 difference recipes in my crock pot that I portioned out to bring to work with me so grocery shopping was a success!!
  • juliecarlile
    I love chatting with you guys! You are all doing great. I remember feeling a good burn at the beginning but thinking it wasn't quite as hard as I thought it would be. Phase 2 is definitely a step up. I usually only get to the gym 5 days a week and she has it programed for 6 days with 2 of those days being legs. So I usually just do legs once and then go out for a walk or run on the day I don't make it to the gym. Thanks for all the inspiration. So far today is going great with the food. I am still eating a normal dinner with my family at night because I don't want to make more than one meal. But the rest of the day is clean. :)
  • mznortiz
    mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
    week one i was more conservative with the weights. i sorta used it as a baseline.
    this week (#2) definitely increased weights. my difficulty has been with narrow push ups. they hurt my wrist.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    The first time I started this program, I was pretty conservative with my weights, too. After doing more research, I'm trying to lift a lot heavier. I'm using 8 lb dumbbells for most of the arm workouts (except one of the shoulder workouts, where I had to switch to 5 lbs. Ouch!).

    I did start to do the wide leg squat with a 50 lb barbell, but I could barely lift it over my head, so I switched down to 40. Probably not the best for my legs, but I'd rather not kill myself. :ohwell: Baby Steps.
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    Yay, I can report now that week 1 is DONE :). Woohoooooo. I will measure on Sunday to see if/any changes are happening (I know it's probably too soon yet) and report back. I have decided to take them weekly on Sundays after the entended rest days to allow for the water weight to come back down.

    Congrats to all of my fellow Live Fiters - we're gonna do it to it!!!
  • lindseymaekeller
    I really failed by not taking measurements at the start of the program. I took measurements about 2 months ago. I guess I will have to go by those?

    During week one I was super conservative with weights just to see how hard it was, since this is about muscle endurance after all. Week two, I upper my weights significantly, but not necessarily because I am stronger, but because I am more confident in the moves.

    I am very excited about moving to week three since there are 5 days instead of 4! The workouts are also a little bit longer. I've found myself adding extra sets at the end because I felt like I could do more.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I really failed by not taking measurements at the start of the program. I took measurements about 2 months ago. I guess I will have to go by those?

    During week one I was super conservative with weights just to see how hard it was, since this is about muscle endurance after all. Week two, I upper my weights significantly, but not necessarily because I am stronger, but because I am more confident in the moves.

    I am very excited about moving to week three since there are 5 days instead of 4! The workouts are also a little bit longer. I've found myself adding extra sets at the end because I felt like I could do more.

    Good for you! I could've added more sets, but I'm so OCD about doing programs exactly as they say. :laugh: I'm looking forward to next week, too! If memory serves from the first time I tried this, I really enjoyed weeks 3 and 4!