Completed Week 1

Wow. I know I am far from graduating but from doing nothing by means of exercise for some time I am proud of making it to the end of the week.

I have decided to do week one again next week seeing as I started from 0 exercise. I dont want to go too hard too fast and end up with an injury. Slow and steady as they say.

Woo Hoo! Week 1!!!

(Just wanted to share. hehe)


  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Yay! That's really good starting from zero exercise!!! How are your thigh muscles doing?

    I just got home from w1d2 and am off to look for Epsom salts before I soak in the tub.
  • lilystardust89
    i didnt find my thighs too bad. just the front of my left foot. but i broke 3rd and 4th metatarsal when i was younger and get pain in it from time to time...

    was meant to do w1r1 again tonight but my mp3 player has malfunctioned. will be going back to the shop tomorrow (its inly 8 days old) then run w1r1 again tomorrow instead. damned technology...
  • AliciaC81
    AliciaC81 Posts: 72 Member
    Great job! I finished week one on Saturday, I start week 2 tomorrow. I've been doing it indoors on our treadmill, but today my husband and I went out for a walk and I was able to keep up a faster pace walking than I have been on the treadmill walking I might try bringing the C25K outside too, we'll see!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Well done! I started week 2 yesterday and runnning an extra 30 seconds was a breeze. Keep up the good work