Competition Guidelines

lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
Please let me know if there is an aspect of this competition that is not addressed in this list and I will attempt to clarify.

1. Basics. Everyone must weigh in on the same scale each week (your scale at home or at the gym or at the doctor, whatever) as close to the same time of day (for you) each week. Try to wear the same weight of clothing (e.g., if you wear shoes for your first weigh in, wear them at each subsequent weigh in). This keeps things consistent.

2. Calculating the Winning Team. The competition results will be tracked using the percent of body weight loss. The calculation takes your actual weight (each week) and subtracts it from your initial weight. Then this sum is divided by your initial (starting) weight. Don’t worry, I’ll do the calculations. You just need to send me your weight ON TIME each week. The team with the largest % loss at the end of the 12 weeks is the winner.

3. Side Competition. IF you’re interested in tracking inches along with weight, I’m happy to keep track and run comparisons for the group. Provide your measurements with your weight each week and I will determine whether the team concept will work based on the number of people who want to do this. If it’s a small group then individual or duo competition may be constructed. More about this next week when I have a better idea of how many of you are doing this. If you are participating in the side competition, please provide measurements for the following in inches to the nearest ¼ inch: (a) Bust, (b) Waist, (c) Hip, (d) Thigh, and (e) Upper arm. Please send the same side of the body each week or measure both and average to maintain consistency.

4. Weigh In Reporting. The first weigh in must be done sometime tomorrow (Sunday, January 6) and the information is due tomorrow by 9pm EST. Weigh ins will be weekly each Sunday and are always due to me by 9pm EST. The competition will run for 12 weeks with the final weigh in on Sunday, March 31. I’m toying with an optional 5 week extension or “lightening round” running from March 31 – May 5, so tuck that away in your list of things to consider.

5. Soft start. Additional brides may join during Week 1, provided that they have a weigh in from Saturday/Sunday of this week. I’m doing this because the group just formed and we’re still getting 10+ new brides each day. IF the interest is still high after that (Week 2 and forward), I may give late joiners their own a separate group. They would still be judged by % of loss in the time that they have left, so it’s unlikely it would prove unfair to other groups who start on time, but that way no one gets left out if they want to play.

6. Challenges. There are two types of challenges: Group and Team. Any team can issue a challenge to the whole group (for a week starting on Sunday or for a shorter period). The team calling the challenge is responsible for monitoring progress with that challenge. There can be no more than one group challenge per week. Teams may regulate their own challenges and determine how many work for their members. For this first week, I will issue the first Group Challenge in a Message String designated for the Group Challenges on Sunday.


  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Perfect I will get details to you in the morning....thank you again let the competition begin :bigsmile:
  • Sully16
    Sully16 Posts: 18 Member
    This sounds great, thanks for all the work that you have put into it! What a great way to keep motivation up there.
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    where do we report our sunday weight? to you directly, or will you set up a discussion page each sunday that we can post on?
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Sorry, Kelly. Yes. Please message me directly with your weigh-in numbers this week.

    This week, I am going to manage all of the data entry since the spreadsheet, while complete, has been hard to format to look pretty on my MacBook. I am going to try to look at it over my lunch at work on Tuesday to see if I have better luck with my Dell.

    Also, I am trying to figure out how to make the spreadsheet accessible to all of you (in case you want to see how everyone is doing) each week. I'm just not sure that MFP has a way to do that. Does anyone else know? Alternatively, I could set up a blind email distro for those who want me to send it out each week. That would protect your privacy as well.

    Let me know what you all think.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Also, I am trying to figure out how to make the spreadsheet accessible to all of you (in case you want to see how everyone is doing) each week. I'm just not sure that MFP has a way to do that. Does anyone else know? Alternatively, I could set up a blind email distro for those who want me to send it out each week. That would protect your privacy as well.

    Let me know what you all think.

    I was in a challenge before where the person had the spreadsheet set up on google docs. They had the link posted so everyone could view it.
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Is anyone doing measurements? If you are, we're doing them this week and at the end of weeks 4, 8, and 12! You may, of course, track them weekly in your personal reports, but this should make the burden easier and the results more dramatic since it's only about 1" for every 10-12 pounds...
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    lawyerette, dropbox is a way to share files over the net its free and easy to use basically just save the spreadsheet in the folder and you state who shares it - only thing is you need email addresses
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I swear there is too much technology to keep up with!! Anyhow, I'm going to try out those two (and anything else you all suggest) and see which works better. Since I'm still adding brides this week, probably won't post until after everyone turns in their end of Week 1 weights.

    Thanks again for the great suggestions!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Thanks for the clarification!!

    When I have run challenges in the past I find GoogleDocs is good for sharing spreadsheets. :)
  • Methinksabout
    Is anyone doing measurements? If you are, we're doing them this week and at the end of weeks 4, 8, and 12! You may, of course, track them weekly in your personal reports, but this should make the burden easier and the results more dramatic since it's only about 1" for every 10-12 pounds...

    I took measurements earlier this week, and I def think it makes sense to do them every 4 weeks! And even then I don't lose 1" every 10-12lbs.. :grumble:

    Do you want me to send them to you or what shall I do with them? :embarassed: or can I eat them back? :laugh:
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    LOL - Don't eat them back. I am tracking them. Just send them whenever :)