Welcome Back to MFP Brides! (please check in here)
Hello Brides!!! I've missed you all very much! Between the craziness of the final few weeks before my own wedding and our extended honeymoon, I've been away WAY to long! Before I forget, I want to congratulate all of our newlyweds! I don't know about you all, but I love being married! Every day with my husband feels like…
Cycle 3 Irises
Congrats to our Autumn Brides! You're going to be a Mrs. in less than 6 months! How exciting! You must be crazy busy getting your ducks in a row and now that MFP Brides is back you'll have the camaraderie and encouragement to stay the course and hit your wedding day goal! Check in here and tell us where you're at and what…
Cycle 3 Stargazers
Congrats to our 2014 Brides! It may seem like a long way off still, but 2014 begins in about 6 months! MFP Brides is back and ready to help you reevaluate your wedding day goals and get on track to knock them out of the park! Check in here and tell us where you're at and what your goals are now that you've got the planning…
Cycle 3 Delphiniums
Congrats to our newlyweds! I don't know about you all, but coming back from the honeymoon makes me feel like I'm back in college again. I guess they weren't kidding about the Freshman or Newlywed 15 :-/ ........Well, the good news is that MFP Brides is back and ready to help all of us get back on track toward our goal of…
Newlyweds Stories (show us the pics!!!)
So, you've said "I do" but we want to hear the story and see the pics! Put them here!!!
Cycle 3 Kick-off
1. Basics. Everyone must weigh in on the same scale each week (your scale at home or at the gym or at the doctor, whatever) as close to the same time of day (for you) each week. Try to wear the same weight of clothing (e.g., if you wear shoes for your first weigh in, wear them at each subsequent weigh ins). This keeps…
Cycle 3 Daffodils
Congrats to our Summer Brides! Are you all excited? Your weddings are happening now or very soon! How exciting!!! And MFP Brides is back in time to help propel you to that goal weight in the final weeks leading up to your wedding! Check in here and tell us where you're at and what your goals are now that you're in the…
Cycle 3 Black-Eyed Susans
Hello, ladies! I don't know how many of you are still TBD for a wedding date, so we may not have a Black-Eyed Susan Team this go-around! If you've set your date, please feel free to add into the appropriate group (Daffodils/Irises/Stargazers). Otherwise, let's see how many of you are still here! Check in here and tell us…
Any Long Island Brides?
I'm looking to have my wedding somewhere in Nassau (ceremony & reception at the same place) October/November 2014 on either a Friday or Saturday night. Looking for recommendations on places with nice grounds that aren't crazy expensive (are there any that are under $100pp?). I'm looking at Crest Hollow Country Club,…
*NEW TEAM DAFFODIL (JuneJulyAug 2013 Brides :)
Good evening ladies! Thanks to the Summer brides for being so flexible during our first week and for coming together as Daffodils :) In case you want the comprehensive participant list for your group, I've pasted it below. Please let me know if you need anything at all! ~E Cappa124 (Catherine) rock_kowgurl (Kelly)…
Team Iris (SeptOctNovDec 2013 Brides! :)
Congrats Team Iris! You all seem to have similar ideas of why you are here – for inspiration to work steadily toward your goals. A common vision is important, so I’m looking forward to seeing how you approach the competition as a group. In case you are interested, “[t]he iris is an astoundingly intense addition to any…
12 Week Challenge Results
FINALLY, ladies! Here is your LONG AWAITED results posting (thanks for your patience) :) Thanks for hanging in there for 12 weeks, through all of the ups and downs. Weddings, weight, work - and still wonderful us! I know it hasn't been easy for me to stay committed to this process, but you all have challenged me every day…
Team Stargazer (2014 Brides :)
Congrats Team Stargazer! You all tackled your first task quickly and efficiently and I can't wait to see how you approach the competition as a group. I think the 2013 brides are going to be surprised by your dedication despite having more time than the rest of us ;-) Anyhow, here's your team message area. Use it to…
Team Black Eyed Susan (ALL TBD Brides! ;)
Congrats to the Black Eyed Susans! I think that coming up with a name is quite the accomplishment, especially given that you haven't picked your date yet :) You all have some new members today, so be sure to check the list and get acquainted with our newbies. Remember, this is your team message area. Use it to coordinate…
*NEW TEAM DELPHINIUM (MarAprMay 2013 Brides :)
Delphiniums- Good job on Week 1! I think we can definitely win the top spot during Week 2 IF we all report in on weight and challenge numbers. I've posted the revised list of our team members. Please reach out to one another to ensure everyone gets in on Sunday :) No Bride left behind :) Sarahsarahsarahk (Sarah)…
How did you meet him.....
I met my hubby to be on Eharmony. We were matched on September 13, 2011. First date on September 25, 2011. Wedding September 14, 2013. Could have done a September 13, 2013 wedding but I refused to be married on Friday the 13th.
Ab Workouts
I haven't had time to write out my favorite ab circuit, but I saw this one posted in the discussion boards. Feel free to try it out and let me know!
Food and Nutrition
Borrowed this from the message boards as something interesting about nutrition and weight loss. The poster cited from Wikipedia, but I think that most of the information is accurate from what I've learned from other fitness professionals. I would encourage you to read it and to post other food/nutrional information you've…