Due April 2013



  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Due April 28th according to ultrasound or May 4th based on LMP. With my frst son i was due july 28th with ultrasound and august 4th with LMP. I was induced on April 27th due to decreasing amiotic fluids and had him on the 28th. My mom said with all seven of us she always had us the day before or on the day of the LMP due date. I got one doctor who is fine with giving me til may 4th and a specialist who does not recommend i go past the 28th. After some research i learned that decreasing amiotic fluid is normal with impending labor and that i opted for induction due to impatience and wanting to meet my son. I am hoping impatience doesn't win out again. Here is to going to labor naturally, so i don't know my due date. My pregnancy scatter brain is all over this post. Who know maybe with working and exercising i will naturally go into labor on the 27th and have him on the 28th. It would be cute for my to sons to have 28th birthdays. This is son number two and with career wants and husbands request this is the last baby. I used to joke i wanted to be done having babies by 25 and i will be 25 sept of this year, but will have to put my nurse prac education on hold. I am hungry. who knows with work life and school life it might be better to get induced. I am graduating grad school in May for my nurse educator and will be running around doing clinicals and trying to work in these next four months plus a comprehensive exam days before my baby is suppose to be due. My poor husband and 17 month old. ok down sharing. Good luck moms!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Obum- Welcome and what an adorable bump! I love it! Sounds like your stress levels are about the same as mine. This is my last semester of school and in March I have a big test that determines that I'm getting my degree(I say THAT rather than if because I AM getting my degree). I don't know about you but it's SO hard to focus on school when all i want to do is baby stuff. Luckily my husband is amazing and allI need to do is make a list of the things I'd like done and he gets them done :) I hope this baby comes naturally for you...try not to get ahead of yourself with thinking about induction this early in the game (I'm speaking to myself too because I've already been hoping and praying I don't need to be induced)
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in! It's been a while! I started the pregnancy overweight and had a doctor approved max weight gain of 20 pounds for the whole pregnancy. Well, I've already reached that 20 pound gain. I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow (due 4/9). Now, I'm just hoping to to be at the same or a lower weight then I was with my son's pregnancy. It's all my fault since I'm unabashedly eating oreos and terrible foods as if the world were ending tomorrow. I do find that tracking has helped a teensey bit so I continue to do so although I don't post my diary very frequently because I'm so ashamed (not ashamed enough to stop eating leftover halloween candy!!). I am still working out consistently and feel very strong physically if not a bit chubby and I've saved up enough Christmas money to pay for a very rigerous 8 week diet and excercise program for non-pregnant mommas called Body Back through my local Stroller Strides. I've seen lots of my Stroller Strides friends come out of the program super lean, strong, and changed. I'm in! If all goes well I should be starting that up in mid to late May!! I refuse to waddle in baby fat for years after having this one! Also, this little boy finally has a name. Dmitri. YAY, I hated the ongoing name wars we were having at home!! Hubby and I both gave up the names we each loved but the other hated and chose one that we both accepted. I came up with the name so I allowed him to have the spelling. Sigh of relief. Now, let's get this third trimester done!!!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Also, anyone increase cals to third tri levels? Ugh, I'm so scared too. I'm so FAT!!! Ok, well you know what I mean. I am starting to feel more hunger pains throughout the day sometimes just half an hour after a protein packed meal. HOW?!?! Well, maybe I can add the cals to my tracker and stay within my limits (that would be a first in a LONG time), and little Dmitri can suck up all that fat all by himself and keep it off mommy.

    Request to baby:
    "Please Dmitri, please suck up all the fat in this next trimester, and I promise not to be mad at those chubby cheeks and round body as I'm pushing you out! You can be 10 pounds, I swear, just don't let me gain the weight, let it be you!!!"

    Ok, I'm good.
  • leighf84
    leighf84 Posts: 7 Member
    April 27th for me ! Good Luck to all you ladies!
  • I think I've reached the point where my belly is too full for normal sized meals and my belly button looks like it wants to start um, changing shape. EW! LOL.

    I havent weighed myself in forever, but am struggling in the exercise front. This is non-preggo related as its just been busy, its been COLD (and dark at 5:00) and my gym is filled up with those dang 'resolutionaries' and there is NO PARKING. Man, I hate January. ;D
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I think I've reached the point where my belly is too full for normal sized meals and my belly button looks like it wants to start um, changing shape. EW! LOL.

    I havent weighed myself in forever, but am struggling in the exercise front. This is non-preggo related as its just been busy, its been COLD (and dark at 5:00) and my gym is filled up with those dang 'resolutionaries' and there is NO PARKING. Man, I hate January. ;D

    I totally get the exercise thing right now! I feel like it has been forever... between the craziness of Christmas, and then having a stomach virus AND THEN the flu, I was down and out, and now that I feel better enough to go to the gym, it is going to be packed! I can't wait until next month when the gym isn't so busy! I also ordered two prenatal workout DVD's from amazon, so if the gym is too crazy, I might be doing them a lot! I am pretty excited to try them. I got a prenatal ballet video and a prenatal yoga.
  • Hi ladies! I just found this group and topic, and would like to join in. I'm a ftm, expecting my baby girl on April 27th (jus tlike Leight84 above). I've stopped logging since I got pregnant, but now that I've gained weight faster in the past 6 weeks with all the Christmas candy, decided to keep track of what's going on. So far I've gained only 12 lbs and I try to stay moderately active, but I hope that logging everything I eat will help me cut back on sugar a bit. That's my biggest challenge! Any ideas on how to beat the sugar cravings?! I'm already eating a ton of fresh whole fruit, but that doesn't seem to help....
  • Am I the only one that feels more nausea now than in the first trimester? This is messing with me!
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Wicked....... I am on 8mg of Zofran a day and will be til i deliever. i realize that when i started eating in moderation instead of eating to do away with nausea it tapered down. My body is defnitely all too busy this time around to egg my nausea on as with my first son..........That being said it also means i am running around so much now that when i do vomit it is usually with little warning and at the most least expected times at work. The thing that is most burdenson is the sensation that will past out that i feel in the first 5-6 hours of being at work and constantly on my feet.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I think I've reached the point where my belly is too full for normal sized meals and my belly button looks like it wants to start um, changing shape. EW! LOL.

    I havent weighed myself in forever, but am struggling in the exercise front. This is non-preggo related as its just been busy, its been COLD (and dark at 5:00) and my gym is filled up with those dang 'resolutionaries' and there is NO PARKING. Man, I hate January. ;D

    lol @ your belly button changing shape! That's so funny! i don't think I'll get an outie but I used to have a very deep, narrow belly button and now it's wide and shallow. I had an appt today so I will see how much I weigh. Normally when I go home for a week I gain a decent amount but then I just run it off when I get back to NJ, so this should be interesting since I'm not going to deprive the baby of food or workout more than I ought.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    welome Skoblink! That's great that you have only gained 12 lbs!

    Wicked- I wouldn't say more nausea but yes crappier, I've never had heartburn but I think it's mostly heartburn ICK
  • Obum88, no nausea in the last few weeks *knock on wood*... sorry that you're still struggling with that! Are you on any meds to help with morning sickness?
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Emily- I can totally relate to the belly button being weird. Right now mine is starting to act like it will pop out. Weird because with my first it never did this. I guess the saying " every pregnancy is different" is true!

    I just finished my 26th week (due 4/23) and I can't believe I will be starting my last trimester so soon. Still don't have a name picked out for our baby girl. We will get there sooner rather than later. I went through my son's old 0-3 month clothes yesterday and am so glad I kept them! We didn't find out what he was before the birth, so we have a bunch of unisex yellow & green clothes that she will be able to wear. I do have some that have some yellow stains on them, so I will be trying to get them out this week to see exactly what we still need. I also need to get the room they will be sharing ready, and to go through all my son's toys and figure out what to save for her and what to donate.
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Just checking in....it's been awhile. I am on week 27 so that means next week starts my third trimester right???? It's crazy how fast it's going. We got the babys room painted last weekend and now I just need to go through my sons clothes (we didn't find out what we were having with him so we have a lot of gender neutral stuff). We didn't find out with this one either.

    Hope all of you are doing well! I don't have my next appt. until the 28th but then after that I am on 2 week appts. CRAZY!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Just checking in....it's been awhile. I am on week 27 so that means next week starts my third trimester right???? It's crazy how fast it's going. We got the babys room painted last weekend and now I just need to go through my sons clothes (we didn't find out what we were having with him so we have a lot of gender neutral stuff). We didn't find out with this one either.

    Hope all of you are doing well! I don't have my next appt. until the 28th but then after that I am on 2 week appts. CRAZY!

    It is blowing my mind how fast everything is going! We are still working on remodeling, so baby STILL doesn't have a nursery until my new bedroom is done and we can shift everyone's bedrooms! I am starting to freak out because at this point during my other three pregnancies, the nurseries were all completely done! I am currently working on gathering my home birth supplies until I can get the bedrooms together! I hope that everyone is feeling well! I have been a little more tired, but other than that I feel great.
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Just checking in....it's been awhile. I am on week 27 so that means next week starts my third trimester right???? It's crazy how fast it's going. We got the babys room painted last weekend and now I just need to go through my sons clothes (we didn't find out what we were having with him so we have a lot of gender neutral stuff). We didn't find out with this one either.

    Hope all of you are doing well! I don't have my next appt. until the 28th but then after that I am on 2 week appts. CRAZY!

    It is blowing my mind how fast everything is going! We are still working on remodeling, so baby STILL doesn't have a nursery until my new bedroom is done and we can shift everyone's bedrooms! I am starting to freak out because at this point during my other three pregnancies, the nurseries were all completely done! I am currently working on gathering my home birth supplies until I can get the bedrooms together! I hope that everyone is feeling well! I have been a little more tired, but other than that I feel great.

    Nikki, I am freaking out in general! :-) It is going by sooo fast! Hope you get everything done soon!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one in freak out mode! I'm so excited about the baby and can't wait for her to be here but also thinking "holy cow there's still so much to do!" Plus this is my last semester of school so i'm trying to focus on grades while also working on baby stuff. Our first shower isn't until Feb 19th so I'm thinking of at least buying our crib so I can somewhat invision the bedroom. I also have changed my ideas for the nursery like a million times so I feel like once I get the crib and maybe dresser I will be able to visualize it a little better.
  • My last shower is February 16th, but my in laws already sent me a cute play gym.

    I decided to start painting the baseboards and windows in the nursery and well, it might never get finished. Such a pain, why did I START!?
  • Oh man! Sorry! I have a sit down job, so I guess I am lucky. I guess I am glad its normal though. Yeah, I eat smaller portions now too. Still pretty often now. Yesterday I literally ate from my 'take out box 'lunch' from noon till 5.
    Wicked....... I am on 8mg of Zofran a day and will be til i deliever. i realize that when i started eating in moderation instead of eating to do away with nausea it tapered down. My body is defnitely all too busy this time around to egg my nausea on as with my first son..........That being said it also means i am running around so much now that when i do vomit it is usually with little warning and at the most least expected times at work. The thing that is most burdenson is the sensation that will past out that i feel in the first 5-6 hours of being at work and constantly on my feet.