Day 2

asdjlo Posts: 76 Member
Tomorrow is the 54321 and ab workout. Good luck. If I remember this workout correctly it is a killer.


  • asdjlo
    asdjlo Posts: 76 Member
    I just completed 2 sets of the 54321 workout and I'm pretty sure I'm ready to DIE!!!!! I had to do all modified exercises. I started with the jump squats and made it through 27 of them and had to stop and switch over to jumping jacks. If my lungs recover I will attempt this workout again later this afternoon.
  • dshields89
    dshields89 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes!! After I finished the first squat jumps my legs were feeling like jello!! My legs still feel like jello! I'm going to be sore tomorrow,I know it!!
  • GettingDBack
    GettingDBack Posts: 75 Member
    I did not do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, but I did do the late night abs 3 sets of 25. I wanted to do low impact today, so I concentrated on upper body strength training and light cardio. Tomorrow I plan to go to an hr spin class. I plan to do the 5,4,3,2,1 later this week, Thurs or Fri
  • klkilgore
    klkilgore Posts: 21 Member
    oh my....54321 was rough. my legs r jelly. getting ready to do sit ups take a shower and go to bed!
  • xoveronica
    xoveronica Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry for the late post. I did an evening workout. I did got through round 1 with my sister and boy was she not focused. I shortened round 2 because I was exhausted from working out for an hour and a half with p90x. My sister gave up after round one but boy do my legs hurts. Tomorrow is a new day!! :) keep up the hard work everyone
  • Ingy5308
    I was too sick yesterday to do the 54321 challenge:-(. I felt better this morning, so I attempted to do Day 2, but after nearly falling on my face...I decided that I still was not well enough.
  • asdjlo
    asdjlo Posts: 76 Member
    I was too sick yesterday to do the 54321 challenge:-(. I felt better this morning, so I attempted to do Day 2, but after nearly falling on my face...I decided that I still was not well enough.

    I am way more considerate than Mr. Shut up and Train, lol. I will say, get plenty of rest and I hope you feel well soon, he would simply say .... "Shut up and train" LOL. Feel better soon!