Important stuff will go here one day.
Day 25
Today is the medicine ball blast. I am going to tackle it after work. Has anyone tried it yet?
Day 22
I am so sorry I haven't been on the broad, we had a slight family emergency and I haven't been able to keep up with everything. Today is baseline assessments. I am sure we are all being to see progress in our numbers from when we began three weeks ago. Again, I am so proud of us for sticking with it. modified push ups 25…
Day 19
Me and my husband will be doing the couple work out later. I must admit, I'm a little scared. I hope I make it through. Have fun and push through, we are almost done.
Day 17 & 18
Sorry I forget to set up a topic for yesterday, I was super busy with school. This semester is kicking my butt! Today's workout looks like it will be a killer. I will probably modify the ones I can and power my way through it.
Day 16
Power 20-13 workout. and 2 minute abs..... I'm not going to lie, I could only get through one round of this workout today. I felt like I was going to die. Maybe its just too early for me to be trying this (6:15am). I will definitely be trying this one again later today. 2 minute abs felt great though. Have a great day…
Day 15
Baseline Assessment and Late night abs....
Day 14
Rest - Plan - Prepare We are about to enter week #3 of the challenge, we are half way done! I hope everyone is sticking to their plan. I know it has been a hard road (well at least for me it has). Remember, we will all have good days and bad days. It will all be worth it in the end, hang in there!
Day 13
Are you ready to dance???? Today I will play "Just Dance" with the kids and my oldest daughter and I will get on the treadmill for a 20 minutes walk/run. Have a great weekend everyone.
Day 12
Sorry I am so late, I've been super swamped with homework today and did not get in the workout. If I do not pass out I will do it after all of the kids go to sleep. Just got home from Chuck E. Cheese celebrating good grades in school for my kids.
Day 11
Dumbbell demolition .... I would love to keep my streak going but I am just not sure I can do this workout. I have a herniated disk in my back and last time I tried this workout I was out of commission for 3 days. I will try my best with some modifications and let you guys know how it went. Good Luck everyone and remember…