Week 1 - Weigh In



  • PW - 174
    CW - 170.4
    GW - 168 (this is my 1st goal weight)

    I have lost 17lbs althogther, since I had my little girl at the end of October 2012. It just seems to be dropping of at the moment.

    Hope your ear ache and tooth ache have gone now (or at least eased off if they haven't).

    Your all doing really well. So proud of everyone. xxx
  • Zenyehtta
    Zenyehtta Posts: 37 Member
    Well this is late, but my weight hasn't changed. Like, it was exactly 136.6 again lol. But I didn't eat too good this week so that's actually a good thing for me LOL
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Gw-145 (goal for now)

    I know I did the steps each day but spaced on the star jumps and didn't do them--star jump fail! :-) I totally remember those from high school field hockey and even when I coached... We always yelled "I'm a Star!" when we jumped up. I'm sure anyone driving past laughed at us!
  • Runner2shed
    Runner2shed Posts: 16 Member
    PW : 212 (at highest, about 2 years ago) more recently-- 185 about 2 weeks ago.
    CW: 184
    GW: 150 by end of May.
  • kittycat7580
    kittycat7580 Posts: 3 Member
    PW: 286 (In November 2012 when I started)
    CW: 266.6
    GW: 200
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    PW 200 lbs when I started MFP in Sept 1012
    CW 184 lbs
    GW 125 - 130 lbs

    Weight loss has been slow due to binges and poor eating habits which I am working on changing right now. I am really grateful for the encouragement and support I am getting on mfp.:smile: