What was your starting weight?



  • I started out at 450lbs. Was 430 at surgery in July and currently 334lbs. Goal is to be under 200lbs.
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    I started at at whopping 413...I still have a hard time looking at that number. I had myself completely fooled that I really wasn't that big, but I promise you, I was! I have love 123 as of now...just had hip replacement surgery on 11/20/12, so I am looking forward to being able to do so much more with my life!

    My VGS was 03/05/12...I lost 48 pounds pre-op, from August 2nd to March 5th. I know I still have over 100 pounds to go, but I try to look at how far I have come instead! :)

    Good luck to all!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    When I started MFP on 2/1/12 I weighed 270 I lost 47 pounds before sleeve surgery between 2/1/12 and 6/11/12. I weighed 223 day of surgery on 6/11/12. I currently weigh 149 as of yesterday 1/2/13. I would like to get to 130-140 for my height of 5'4". I still need to loose 9-19 pounds.
    I do exercise. I have been walking 2-4 miles a day. I do 2 miles in 30 minutes with a Leslie Sansone walk at home dvd. I recently started running in place 10 minutes at a time and today up'd it to 20 minutes of running in place at home. I also walk 20 minutes at work in the halls during my lunch hour at a very brisk pace. I am going to try to run 20 minutes in the morning before work, walk 20 minutes fast on lunch hour and then do another 20 minutes of running in place after work. I joined a gym, Planet Fitness and it was supposed to open this week but now they aren't opening up till 1/17/13. I plan on hitting the gym 5-6 days a week also once it opens to work on toning up and cardio.
    Good luck!
  • ic2133
    ic2133 Posts: 6 Member
    Day of Surgery on 10/12/12 was 279.5. Did not have to do pre-op diet so all the weight I have lost has been since after surgery. Current weight as of this morning 237.5.
  • Butterflysecrets
    Butterflysecrets Posts: 4 Member
    I started at 255, lost 15 prior to surgery and I'm now at 224. 7 weeks post-op
    Goal is 170
  • JillyInAZ
    JillyInAZ Posts: 44 Member
    I started at 380, which was my highest, and have lost 120 so far, in 10 months. I'm currently at 260. I fluctuated between 260-360 for the last 12 years, so it finally feels like I'm just getting to "new" weight loss... meaning I haven't seen visited my current number various times previously!
  • My weight at surgery was 261. I'm currently 171 but had gotten down to 160 about a year and a half after surgery. I'm regrouping and aiming for a final weight of 150-155. I'm 39, 5'4", and hoping to see my goal by my 40th in July!:flowerforyou:
  • My starting weight was 263, the day of surgery 10/18/12 I was 244, and as of today my weight is 206. I'm hoping to get down to 130-135 - I'm 5'5''.

    I do exercise - I pretty much hate the gym, don't like to run, feel like a rodent on any cardio machine...I think I'd be considered a "picky" exerciser.

    I walked at first and now I'm back to shakin' my groove thing 3 -5 times a week at Jazzercise. I fell in love with the format because I love to dance - the routines are choreographed and set to contemporary music and I swear I've never done the same class once - though I generally always know the routines in the class, there are no mirrors and there's a wide range of ability and body size. In 60 minutes I get 30 minutes of aerobics/cardio & 30 minutes of strength training. LOVE IT!

    I’ve heard the key to exercise is to find something you like to do. Also, once I knew "no pain, no gain" is a myth (and in fact can be terrible for you) – that freed up my definition of exercise.

    Lots of people lose without it. For me, this was a total life makeover and that included getting moving to improve my cardiovascular, bone and mental health. Exercise goes a looong way toward those things. And I figured if all I did was get down with my bad self while vacuuming…then I was doin’ ok!
  • LexThaSongbyrd
    LexThaSongbyrd Posts: 63 Member
    Height: 4' 10"

    highest weight: 231 lbs

    Starting: 226 lbs size 18/20-June 2011

    2 week Pre-op liquid diet: 221lbs

    Day of Surgery: 210 lbs -March 2012

    Left Hospital: 215 lbs

    Current: 135 lbs size 5/6

    Goal: 110 lbs
  • kmwheel
    kmwheel Posts: 2 Member
    232 starting weight, VSG 9/14, current weight 173, goal weight is 140. I have 33 lbs. to go.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    346 at consult, 313 day of surgery, 252 6 months out. Doctor says I will probably get down to 200 from the VGS. That is going to be my next goal. I hope to lose more but going to take in smaller steps.
  • ohgerard
    ohgerard Posts: 5 Member
    My starting weight was 257lbs.
    I lost 14lbs doing the 2 week pre-op diet.
    I had my surgery 7 weeks ago. Now, I am 213lbs,
  • tashacan
    tashacan Posts: 121
    My starting weight was 257lbs.
    I lost 14lbs doing the 2 week pre-op diet.
    I had my surgery 7 weeks ago. Now, I am 213lbs,

  • stimmy179
    stimmy179 Posts: 1 Member
    I revised from the band to the sleeve on 1/21/13, I weighed 159 on the day of surgery. On the date of my band surgery, 3/5/07, I weighed 226. Lowest weight with band was 131. Trying to get back there and maintain after complications with the band.
  • meganw5638
    meganw5638 Posts: 45 Member
    New to this group! I'm almost 18 months out from surgery 8/10/11 . . . SW was 263, CW is 171, GW is 150. Lowest I've been is ~165-ish, I've bounced up a bit during holidays/wintertime. Just back on track this week with MFP, I had tracked very sporadically over the past months. Loving my past few days of self-control!!! :) Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm always up for looking at other people's food ideas.
  • My starting weight was 239. I am at 204 as of today. My surgery date was November 21, 2o12. I have lost 35 pounds. My goal weight is 150. I am working out every day-moving, walking, etc. I plan to add weights to my routine. I am currently building muscle so my scale hasnt moved in two weeks - I know it will come off! I eat about 800 calories a day if I can get it in, and still have snacks and popcorn, etc..although I am considering going hardcore on myself and sticking to protein and veg/low carb for a few weeks to get things kickstarted again....

  • wanttobeamoore
    wanttobeamoore Posts: 9 Member
    I was 408 at my consult, crazy to think about that now! I prepared for a year, seeing the dietician and doing physical therapy from September 2011-August 2012, and I was 330 on surgery day. Today I am at 233 pounds and am 1 week away from my 6 month surgiversary. I WILL lose those 3 pounds this week!!! My goal is to get under 200 pounds. I am getting married in May, and it would be nice to get there by then, but my real goal is to get there by my 1 year surgiversary. I feel like 200 is a good place to be for makin’ babies, and that is what I would like to be doing at 1 year out :-)
  • My Highest weight was 320 in January of 2011. I started logging on MFP in March of that year and by October was down to 269.8. I had a series of tragic events happen in my life and gained 20-30 of those lbs back. I never got back over 300 but was very clearly in the 290's. I don't remember what my weight was at my consultation but I know I had gained a little before I started my 2 week pre op diet. at the start of my pre-op diet I was 294 even. The day of my surgery I weighed 281.8. Today I am 3 months out from surgery and I weigh 252.6 My goal is also to be under 200 but would love to be down to 150. I am 5'6 and my goal is ultimately to be healthy enough to get pregnant. I do exercise a lot! I am in the gym 6 days a week. I can't say I enjoy working out but I enjoy what it does for my body and I love the people that work at my gym. I also have a trainer that I meet with once a week and she has really become a close friend. Its people like that that make a huge difference in the way I look at the gym.
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Band to VSG revision 5/2012
    HW-297 BMI 54
    Personal GW-150 and reevaluate
  • Starting weight was 315. Current is about 189. Joined this site some time after I had surgery and had already lost a bit of weight.