WOW!!! Did you see Susie??? She looks great!!! 1/9

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Are there days when you feel less then stellar? You are tired and sometimes weary of eating right going to the gym or pulling out the dvd...I mean dang...sometimes you think "why can't I just have the donut when I want the donut?!?!?!!!!"

Well, I was reading PEOPLE magazine the other day while waiting on my car to get maintainence. The January issue was great!!! The whole issue had all ordinary folk who lost weight and I don't just mean 5 lbs! All real struggles and angst and problems while losing...get it if you

So my challenge is when you feel like giving a magazine like that and see how others like you worked at it and some for years and still hit their goals! YES IT CAN HAPPEN!!!!!! Stories inspire us. Maybe let your story inspire someone else. Here is another one from a magazine I like Keep and read when feel low:



  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 108 Member
    very inspiring reading!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Thank you! Tears again. Today is hard.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    At my work, generally speaking, we are a bunch of fatties. Since August:

    I've lost 25.
    The young guy in the next cube has lost 15.
    My boss has lost 10-15.
    His boss has lost 30.
    And the guy who went to Vegas and got a free meal at The Heart Attack Grill (Free meal if you're over 350lbs.) has lost 40.

    We're all losing weight. We all know it's doable. We all see it coming off. It's not some impossible barrier.
  • LoviesMom
    To aakaakaak: I love the team approach! Keep up the good work!
  • LoviesMom
    Did anyone see the recent Dateline special with Al Roker about his struggles with weight loss and weight gain and loss again!? I found his story very inspiring.

    I've been up and down so many times - maintaining for me has been impossible but I just know this time is going to be different!!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I read the People article, thankfully on a day that I was not feeling down about my weight, otherwise I would have thrown in the towel because when I read what they've done and it's something that I've done and it didn't work for me, I get even more frustrated and upset and that's when I think "aw, forget it!" and go order the extra super large nachos at my favorite Mexican restaurant then proceed to eat the entire thing while drinking an extra large root beer with refills (which would be what I would do if I had read it today and am still teetering on the brink of doing because of other things going on.)
    I don't read the success stories on here (usually because if I'm on here for anything other than tracking or contacting my friends on here, it's because I'm desperately looking for something to distract me from giving up or to give me the courage to go on and someone else's success will not do it for me)
  • QueenGreb
    great motivation thank you!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    No Ms Lovies Mom I didn't see it. It sounds interesting though.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    thats such a great story-

    Hits close to home-

    so nice to see other women in a very similar situation getting it done !!

    Thank you!!