Tell us about yourself!!

Let's get to know each other better! Share your info here... Career, # of kids, interests, etc.!


  • I'm a stay at home mommy of two. My eldest is five and, of course my youngest is two and a half. They are both wonderful and I couldn't imagine my life without them. I'm a gamer at heart, really. I love to spend time relaxing and playing an mmorpg or something on our xbox 360. Though I do try to avoid this hobby, I'm afraid I will start to commit too many hours to it. Before I had kids I thought I might go into psychology. It was the one thing that really interested me and it just made sense, nothing else had clicked like that. Then I discovered I was pregnant with my son and that was that. Now I find that a lot of what I knew before has been replaced with mommy knowledge (understandably) and it sometimes seems like pregnancy brain never fully went away. Eh, I'm a fairly simple person. :happy:
  • I'm 24- happily married for almost 4 years. I'm a full-time mommy to two beautiful little girls (Irish twins) and pregnant with our third and final child: a little boy. I work part-time at the High School I graduated from with the intention to go full-time when all of the kids are in school.
  • Kay_313
    Kay_313 Posts: 11
    You could honestly find my life story on BBC but....
    I am a 22 year old mother to a beautifu 2.5 year old named Samantha. I am a licensed cosmetologist that will be going to a state college for buisness/accounting in a few weeks. Ummmm I am wanting to get in shape and lose 10-15lbs and commit to a new way of eating!!! Yep, that's all I got right now-
  • Since I was the curious one....

    I'm Jeannette and I'm 33.5 years old. I'm currently a SAHM to 3 kids-- Olivia-9, Colin- 4.5, Jillian- 2.5. I've been married for 11 years now. I have degrees in psychology and nursing and plan to go back to nursing in a few years if I can find something that works with our hectic family schedule. My oldest is in 4th grade and super busy all of the time as she's involved in tons of extracurriculars. My son has Asperger's Syndrome which is a type of autism. He's very high functioning but keeps us on our toes. Jillian was our, "bonus baby." She's very independent and fiesty.

    I'm struggling to lose the baby weight from 2010. Nothing like some PTL and having to quit working and do modified bed rest to add to that lovely 46lbs I gained. We have 2 weddings this year and I can't go to them like this. I also had some serious health problems in the Fall and want to see if losing this weight will help at all.
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    My turn! I'm another Samantha lol but I go by Sammi. I am 22 and currently in school for medical assisting. I have had two kids, my first I had at 16 and his father's parents adopted him. Long, emotional story for a completely different day. Anyways, then I have my July 2010 bug Haylee. Her dad and I have been through A LOT of problems and sometimes that makes it hard for me to stay in a good place with all of this. But recently we have gotten better with our communication, and it seems that we are FINALLY getting over this hump. Yay! He is working full time to help support us and to get us out of relative's house while I go to school full time. It's not easy, but we are making it work. Uhm...Once I graduate from my current program and we get settled in our own place, I do plan on going back to school (part-time) for medical imaging.

    Before having kids I had that super amazing metabolism that everyone wants. Ya know, eat a huge fast food meal and not gain an ounce? Yeah, that was me. After having gone through pregnancy and having kids though, I have lost that amazing metabolism. Just before I got pregnant with Haylee, I had finally gotten down to 150, ten pounds away from goal and PP1 weight. It was VERY discouraging. Anyways. My short term goal (by my birthday-June29) is to be down to 170. My overall goal (hopefully by years end) is to be back down to 140. .....And apparently there is my life story hahaha :bigsmile:
  • bdubs1224
    bdubs1224 Posts: 12 Member
    OK I'll share....I'm 2 weeks into being 31... so far so good. I have one little dude Colton (7/27/10), his dad and I are together but not married. We've been together for six years (we are planning on marriage but not anytime soon). I was working as a casino dealer for a while during my pregnancy (picture a 9 month old pregnant chick dealing craps, lol funny right?), but after having a baby, working late nights was killing me so we decided it was just best I stay home with Cole. So I've been sahm 2 years this June, and I just don't think I'm cut out for it. This **** is hard.

    Anyway, I just started classes back up last semester. Going for my bachelors in radiography and MRI. I haven't been in school for 5 years so I was freaked out but I managed good grades. I learned a lot about the human body which has sort of been a reality check for my health, leading me up to this point.

    I've always been a heavy gal (god I hate admitting that), however, several years ago I did manage to lose 65 pounds. I did it by taking diet pills, starving myself and having a slight obsession with working out and calorie counting. I gained about 20 pounds before I had my ds, and then I gained about 40 more pounds on top of that with my pregnancy.

    So here I am. I'm pretty determined to lose this weight but I need help. I did it all alone last time and it was more of a punishment than a personal accomplishment...if that makes any sense? Anyway...I'm pretty geeked about using MFP with you ladies. I really hope we all see results :-)
  • I'm Sloane. I'm 39, will be 40 in April, and I'm an engineer for Texas Instruments. Jeanette, I have Asperger's, and we suspect my son does, too. Anyway, I have 3 kids, Vana who is 18 and a senior this year. She will head to Texas Tech next year. Vail who is 13, will be 14 in April and she's an 8th grader. And Vance who is 2.5, of course. I have a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a master's degree in Electrical Engineering. I'm deciding if I should pursue my MBA to open up different job options for myself.

    Sammi, I had that amazing metabolism when I was younger too. I am now ~25 pounds heavier than I was in high school. I'm not looking to get back to high school weight, but I am looking to get closer to a healthier weight. My goal is to lose 5 pounds, but if I could do 10, I'd be ecstatic!
  • Sloane- Thanks for sharing! It is SO helpful to us to meet people who are in our same boat and doing so well!
  • samantha1277
    samantha1277 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Samantha. I just turned 35 in December. I am SAHM to Max born July 2010. DH and I are still in the process of deciding whether we would like another. Maybe next year.
    I'm a wanna be writer. I have a masters in written communications. You can read some of my musings on motherhood at But I haven't written in a long time!
    Before kids I worked in UK immigration, then at an art gallery. I never really found what I wanted to be when I grow up! I'm still searching I guess.
    Before having Max I stayed in pretty good shape and I've run two marathons in the past. But I haven't run almost at all since pregnancy. I might sign up for a couple of 5ks in spring to motivate myself! I would like to see that scale get below 140, which hasn't happened since before pregnancy either. I've recently discovered kundalini yoga and I love it. Most of all I want to feel healthy. I struggle with bouts of depression and I feel like keeping a healthy body helps my mind stay healthy too.
    We can do this!
  • Hi, I'm Shari. I'm a thirty one year old stay at home mom to two girly girls-Gracie (5) and Ruby D (2). My husband and I will have been married for nine years in February. I have a degree in elementary education and plan on home schooling my older daughter next year. Before having children I worked in retail for over ten years (primarily at the courtesy desk). My husband and I actually met while I was covering his breaks. He currently works as an assistant manager at a major retail chain but is working towards his bachelors in Health Care Management and hoping to get a job in that field. I love to read, plan Disney vacations, work on craft projects with my girls, and collect glittery nail polish.

    I was very thin throughout high school and lost the weight very quickly after my first pregnancy. Although I am still slim I just can't seem to kick these last ten pounds. I seem to lose five or so and then gain them back every few months.