Did my first 5X5 last night!

miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
Hi ladies,

On Tuesday (1/7) a male friend pointed me toward Stronglifts. Clicking through the PDF made me hyperventilate - all those pics of dudes with huge muscles. I complained about it on my newsfeed and a female friend pointed me toward this group - I'm so glad!

I did my first 5X5 (workout A) last night. I was so nervous! I'd never even been in a freeweight room before! I got really brave and just went in and did my thing. Nobody pointed at me or laughed!

I felt great after the workout - I did the treadmill for 20 minutes (walking and running). I'm so excited to be trying something new. Please add me if you read all the way through this and liked what you saw! I could really use some Stronglifts girlfriends!


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Congrats on your first workout! I started on Sunday :)
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    Well done!! I started Monday and just finished up workout 2!
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member

    congratulations on doing your first one! its not easy walking into that weight area for the first time.

    i did my first session last night, i did it with my trainer as i had no idea what to do or what weight to start with.

    I got a strangely nice buzz from it actually, that I've never gotten from doing cardio,

    Here's to new beginnings!

  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    i'm starting monday!!

    I've been going to the gym for agessss, but never been to the weights room. But tomorrow my godsister is taking me and showing me how to use the barbell properly.

    I'm starting 5x5 on monday! So excited to see results and lose fat :)
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I also just started and did workout A for the first time last night. Really enjoyed it!! Add me if you are interested.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    *waving to all the new ladies*

    Hi everyone, you are all doing great!

    Just popping in to say hi and cannot wait to start my second wave of 5 x 5 later in the year. (am still strength training but lighter and way more cardio so I can get a good time for my triathlon come June)

    Best of luck to you all. We are stronger than we/they think. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Hey girls!

    I did workout A for the first time on Monday and loved it but then was offered a 4 week progressive strength PT programme for silly money (subsidised by work) starting today so I'm going to do his programme and then start 5x5 properly with a bit more strength, fitness and confidence (from a month of monitored progress).

    I'll be keeping an eye out to see how you guys are doing!

  • michelledsmith517
    Great job!! I remember it being a HUGE mental hurdle just going over to that side of the gym. Now I'm in love with lifting!

    Feel free to add me!! :D
  • Katy_V
    Katy_V Posts: 43 Member
    I am soooo glad I found this group - strong ladies unite...!

    I did my first Workout A on Saturday as part of my "let's get serious" drive after three weeks of being sick (and finishing the festive eating) - I didn't start at 35lbs, I started at 25lbs - but gotta start somewhere... Workout B tonight!
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I did my first Stronglifts workout last night and was so excited to bench press for the first time in my life! Workout B on Thursday.....!~
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hello new friends and Bowiejesus. Welcome, and good luck. I think it's awesome to see so many ladies interested in getting strong.

    \o/--OHP yeah!
    / \