A Memory of Light

jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
WOOOHOOOO 4 days left until the last book in the ultimate series come outs. I swear I wanna hang a countdown banner in my house. All of my WOT geeks what do you thinks gonna happen, Are you getting the book the day it comes out ,... COme people help me out here lol I need someone to cheer with me about this


  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Rand kills the dark one, Egwene finnally gets some nookie, then Gawyn puts on one of the Senchan rings and dies. Lots of braid pulling, sniffing, and adjusting of skirts . . .
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I have a very off the wall theory. You all know rands blood must be spilled on the rocks. Well what if Elayne gave birth there. The children are Rand's blood and we all know there lots of blood and other fluids in a birth. I don't think this will actually happen just one of my more off the wall theories
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Not sure how he is going to resolve everything in one book.... But been loving Sanderson as "co writer"
    Perrin becomes king of the world. It is all I want really :drinker:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Not sure how he is going to resolve everything in one book.... But been loving Sanderson as "co writer"
    Perrin becomes king of the world. It is all I want really :drinker:

    Only if they kill Faile cant stand her lol
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Rand kills the dark one, Egwene finnally gets some nookie, then Gawyn puts on one of the Senchan rings and dies. Lots of braid pulling, sniffing, and adjusting of skirts . . .

    aw c'mon spoliers!

    I realized that I've somehow missed the last 3 books (happens when you read non-stop for 3 years in nursing school, you just don't want to pick up a book ever again) and reading brief summaries I can't remember the storyline at all. Needless to say I'll be spending money to buy the books (again...some got loaned, some got lost, some got sold) to read the whole thing over again. Will be nice to know there actually is an ending now!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Rand kills the dark one, Egwene finnally gets some nookie, then Gawyn puts on one of the Senchan rings and dies. Lots of braid pulling, sniffing, and adjusting of skirts . . .

    aw c'mon spoliers!

    I realized that I've somehow missed the last 3 books (happens when you read non-stop for 3 years in nursing school, you just don't want to pick up a book ever again) and reading brief summaries I can't remember the storyline at all. Needless to say I'll be spending money to buy the books (again...some got loaned, some got lost, some got sold) to read the whole thing over again. Will be nice to know there actually is an ending now!

    You have exceeded the 2 year spoiler free window. and there is only 1 mild one in there, but you know about it in the books before the characters do.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Somewhere on the internet is a WOT drinking game that would have you sloshed before the end of a chapter. One of the rules reads everytime on of the girls sniffs take a shot
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I can't wait!! And $20 isn't that bad for a hardcover. Jordan says he knew the ending when he began writing the series so I expect it to be epic. Bittersweet that the wait is about to over. Gonna power read that book like none other.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Today is the day yaaaaayyyy.. Cant wait for work to be over so I can start reading. I'm even buying take out for dinner so I will not have to cook lol
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I'm over 10 hours into listening to it already :)
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I read 750 pages last night (I read fast) OMG so good. so far very happy with it
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I am listening, so it is a bit slower. I am a little less than half way done.
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    I'm way behind on this series... I read all of the books and a week after I finished the last one that Robert Jordan actually wrote he died.. I heard some bad things about the first post mortum book, so I haven't bothered to pick it up..

    Should I read the final two or are they not worth it?
  • newlyknit
    newlyknit Posts: 28 Member
    My husband reads the series, so starting last night I was a single parent. ;)
    Anyways, DH said he wasn't as disappointed with the second to last book as he thought he would be, he's also read more of Brandon Sanderson's books and become a fan of his. My opinion, I've only read the first book, some of the books in the series are very slow and if you can get through those its worth finishing the series.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I finished it ..... Amazing.. it made me cry a little too. hurry up at read people so I have some to talk about it with lol
  • Friday74
    Friday74 Posts: 36 Member
    As soon as it shows up from Amazon, I'll be reading it non-stop!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I'm way behind on this series... I read all of the books and a week after I finished the last one that Robert Jordan actually wrote he died.. I heard some bad things about the first post mortum book, so I haven't bothered to pick it up..

    Should I read the final two or are they not worth it?

    THe post mortum books are much faster paced, but the literature critics can tell the differences. For me I only noticed that Mat and the Aiel are a bit off, but the rest flowed well and it got better in the last 2 books.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    This is really the last one?

    I stopped after Book 11 I think (Crossroads of Twilight?), so haven't read any of the post-mortem stuff. I've sort of been holding off until it was actually finished, to read the whole thing in one continuous sequence, but I've heard that the latest ones are decent.

    Unfortunately I've just decided to embark on a reread of aSoIaF, so I might just get to this around the time the paperback comes out ;)

    One question though, if you were rereading the entire series, where would you read New Spring? Any news of Sanderson writing any follow-ups to that?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    This is the last book that will be written. There is an encyclopedia coming out at some point, but no new fiction. Harriet cancelled the contract for the additional 3 books because Jordan only left a sentance each to explain. This came straight from her mouth at a Q&A at the Charleston signing.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    funny story i can only tell fellow woters....

    i got memory of light for my BF, and after finishing it, he complained about some loose ends. namely, he was frustrated moiraine just showed up without any explanation of how she got out of the tower.

    fast forward a month, i just finished knife of dreams and was looking for towers of midnight. couldn't find it in our bookshelf.

    we looked online, discovered we had never purchased it, and in fact, my bf had never read it.

    haha...anyways going to b & n tonight to pick it up, and then we're fighting over it for the next week or so until i crush it in preparation for a MoL!

    KoD ended beautifully...so excited for Towers of Midnight.