Exercise Motivation

Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
I'm having some issues getting up the motivation to start my workouts. It's either I'm tired or there's things going on with the family or stressful stuff is going on at home, or I just am not feeling comfortable doing it in front of the family. Does anyone else have these kinds of issues and what tricks do you use to motivate yourself? And if anyone wants to virtually kick my butt to get me up and moving, please do!!


  • dellmech
    dellmech Posts: 113
    When I start the weight loss journey...motivation is by far my toughest challenge.

    When I have "weak" moments...I look at a picture I have of my family in my wallet. Or I think about instances where I've been unhappy because of my weight. For example, I saw some people (relatives) I hadn't seen in awhile and I would get comments like "You are a big boy!" and "You certainly filled out". Those are things that stick in my head and I don't really want to hear them again.

    The key (I find for myself) in exercising is:
    1) Set small goals to start out - length of time and intensity
    2) Chart progress - I enjoy looking at what I have done and it makes me want to fill out the rest of that chart
    3) Plan ahead...maybe set small goals of increasing length of time and/or intensity
    4) Blast the music or have the TV on (we love music and television...nothing wrong with both while working out)
    5) Lastly- THIS GROUP gives me motivation. I have great friends in this group and seeing the exercise, food diary, and weight loss updates is tremendous motivation! We are in this together and I enjoy watching my MFP friends succeed with me!

    I know MFP charts progress but I like to chart things myself as well along with my GOALS. Here is a picture of an example of my 2013 plan...I have weight UP around holidays or vacations (I'd like to not gain any weight but I feel better giving myself a cushion)...the same is done for my exercise plan which I'm in process of completing.

  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    This is really simple strategy.. but it works.. .. I change every day from my pyjamas into my workout clothes.
    I strap on my heart monitor, and get my iPod ready. I tell myself that I am not getting out of those clothes without doing something physical. This is a daily habit I have found really helps me.

    Also its a good idea to check whether your workout is too hard far you? Sometimes if we take on something that is beyond our fitness level.. our primal brain sees it as a confrontation that we are not going to win. Therefore we have some kind of unconscious avoidance that we don't clue into. Start with something you can conquer. If you don't want your family to see what you are doing., buy a piece of exercise equipment from the want ads,to put in your bedroom, or climb the stairs somewhere they cant see.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    That's a great idea. Maybe if I make a chart and post it over my computer it will give me more motivation because I'll want to complete the chart. Thanks!!:happy:
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I think I'll try the changing directly into workout clothes too. That would actually kill two birds with one stone. I want to get some exercise in in the morning but keep putting off doing it and just get ready for work. If I put on the clothes immediately then I HAVE to exercise, which means I HAVE to make time to do it before my shower in the morning. AND then if I do some more later in the day with my daughter I get 2 workouts in instead of just one. Awesome!
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    When I start the weight loss journey...motivation is by far my toughest challenge.

    When I have "weak" moments...I look at a picture I have of my family in my wallet. Or I think about instances where I've been unhappy because of my weight. For example, I saw some people (relatives) I hadn't seen in awhile and I would get comments like "You are a big boy!" and "You certainly filled out". Those are things that stick in my head and I don't really want to hear them again.

    The key (I find for myself) in exercising is:
    1) Set small goals to start out - length of time and intensity
    2) Chart progress - I enjoy looking at what I have done and it makes me want to fill out the rest of that chart
    3) Plan ahead...maybe set small goals of increasing length of time and/or intensity
    4) Blast the music or have the TV on (we love music and television...nothing wrong with both while working out)
    5) Lastly- THIS GROUP gives me motivation. I have great friends in this group and seeing the exercise, food diary, and weight loss updates is tremendous motivation! We are in this together and I enjoy watching my MFP friends succeed with me!

    I know MFP charts progress but I like to chart things myself as well along with my GOALS. Here is a picture of an example of my 2013 plan...I have weight UP around holidays or vacations (I'd like to not gain any weight but I feel better giving myself a cushion)...the same is done for my exercise plan which I'm in process of completing.


    I liked your idea of maintaining a chart for the progress. I have made one for me but it is not as fancy as yours. But a good idea.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    Do you have someone you can partner up with who will exercise with you? It's always more fun with someone else and it helps keep you accountable to each other. If I didn't have someone making me feel guilty I would probably not move a muscle.