New years resolutions/plans

:smile: This year, I'm not making a resolution exactly, but I am starting a new diet and fitness program. I just started the wheat belly diet. It's a low carb diet, allowing absolutely no wheat. I'm only on day three but feeling good so far. I have gained so much weight this fall; I know it's time to buckle down and really take care of it. I also started Insanity yesterday. I really want to get in shape for tryouts this year. I've never been able to do 25 in 5. I can do everything else, just not that. So that's my ultimate goal, loose weight and get strong enough to be able to accomplish 25 in 5. Anybody else have any goals or plans for the upcoming year. Good luck in all your endeavors this upcoming year.:flowerforyou:


  • 76blaze
    76blaze Posts: 32
    A week of Insanity and still going strong. I lost 7 pounds last week so I'm happy about that. Anyone else out there doing anything?
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    So are you a bouter that can't do 25 in 5? I'm just trying to get a better knowledge of what is required in other leagues. My plans are to quit smoking, so I can step up my endurance. So far I'm failing miserably :( My other goal hopefully in the near future is to be able to do 1 foot weaves (right and left).
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    I don't have any resolutions per say but so far, which I am only on my third week of freshmeat training, the only thing I am really struggling with is getting up without using my hands. My coaches said that I have a couple of problems that are working against me on this. The main thing is my skates. Until I can afford to get my skates I am having to use the crappy rental skates at the skating rink and the other thing they have told me is that I am waiting til I come to a dead stop to start trying to stand. So my "resolution" is to strengethen my leg muscles, lose some more weight, and get better skates so that I can stand up without putting my hands on the floor.
  • 76blaze
    76blaze Posts: 32
    My team is a new team. Last year was the first year we played anyone. We aren't a WFTDA league yet, although we are trying to find a team to apprentice with. We also don't have a whle lot of members, so we weren't strict with the rules. This year we are bigger and have better skaters. So this year it will really matter if we can do minimum skills or not. This year I have to step up my game and I realy have.