1/9/13 Plank

JM48124 Posts: 18 Member
Based on a suggestion...Wednesday will be plank day. So. Plank for as long as u can. If you time yourself then tell us how long you made it!!!


  • Sophiel000
    Elbows and toes 1 min 30
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    My best so far is 2:30 elbows and toes. I will try to beat that tomorrow for plank day =)
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    i planked yesterday and totally sore from it. I did 30 sec. 4 times with rests inbetween. will adjust schedule so I can join the wednesday plank challenge
  • juniebug2013
    juniebug2013 Posts: 31 Member
    My first time planking and I have to say that it's much harder than it looks! I only made it 30 seconds, but will try again later.
  • JM48124
    JM48124 Posts: 18 Member
    Good job people. My work out yesterday was a tough one and my whole body is sore so I'm being a loser and not planking today, I doubt I could hold myself up.
  • susannahsutton1
    I forgot I had joined this group, so today I did this and the crunches and the pressups all in one go. Best plank time was 45 seconds. It may have been longer had the dog not tried to get involved. Should have done it at the gym!