Welcome! Check in here.



  • albhd4
    albhd4 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All~

    I'm just a lurker on COTH (I haven't even taken the plunge to create a screen name yet :S ) If I do it will probably be that same that it is on here granted it isn't taken :) Riding wise I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. I've done everything from barrel racing to park morgans and lots inbetween! I am currently riding dressage, but really dream of being a jumper/eventer. Hopefully I'll be getting back into riding now that life has slowed down a bit.

    I came to my fitness pal to lose the weight that I have gained over the past year, I don't feel like the same person I used to be and I would really like to get that feeling back. I have ridden a little over the past year and I hate that I don't feel in control of my body the way I used to, and being on mostly unfinished/greenies, I need that control back!

    Feel free to friend me! I'm trying to be more active and seeing others drive and encouragment helps a lot, plus I can be a good support giver ;)
  • Baydale
    Baydale Posts: 22
    Hey there :)

    I've done a bit of lurking on COTH but have only just signed up today so I thought I'd join here too, if no one minds that is :) My username is Frolic, which I'm sure you've never seen on the forum as I haven't gotten around to actually posting anything yet!

    So, a bit about me. Well...I'm 18, show jump and do little else really. I joined MFP ages ago but didn't find the motivation until mid-March of this year. I've lost almost a stone so far so hopefully my horse's back can feel a difference :)

    Anyway, if anyone wants to add me or whatever, please do :flowerforyou:
  • Blugal1
    Blugal1 Posts: 92
    Welcome to everyone new! Feel free to add any of us as friends - encouragement and motivation works both ways. My participation waxes and wanes... more people kicking my butt would help. I don't mind doing the same!
  • Hi all! I'm Flagstaff Foxhunter on COTH. I joined MFP a few weeks ago and I love it. Just starting to get some traction, but have lost a couple of pounds. I love the accountability. I have battled my weight since I was about 8 years old. A lifelong rider, I recall noted horseman Ira Schulman commenting to my coach, circa 1973: "She's a great little rider, too bad about her weight."

    I have lost large amounts of weight, only to gain back more. I lost 50 pounds in 1989, gained 70 back, then lost 70 pounds in 1998, only to gain 90 pounds. Currently I'm 249.6 at 5'10". I foxhunt, trail ride, and low level event on draft crosses. My goal weight 180. At 170 I look great and wear a size 10. I'd be happy now that I'm 50 to be a 12 or 14.

    My husband loves my cooking and he's gained weight as well. My goal is to get us both trimmer and fitter and maybe go foxhunting in Ireland again, which is how we got together in the first place. I love the community we have here. My sense of self loathing has already gotten less and I am inspired by all of you. Thanks!
  • cannie55
    cannie55 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to everyone who is new! We have a pretty great group of COTH'ers on here :)
  • MinervaTK
    MinervaTK Posts: 20
    Hello! I'm new here! My name on COTH is FlyingHearts.

    I'm 29, I'm 5'6, and currently weigh 170. My BMI is 27.4 according to this site. I'm pretty active (ride 1-2 horses per day 4-ish days per week, feed 9 horses twice a day every day, and do farrier work part time). I like to run but can't run consistently due to old knee injuries (fell off a horse, gee). But last week I ran two miles in like 22 minutes so I was rather pleased with that considering I only run here and there.

    My goal is to get down to 140, however I'm totally not into being too skinny so if that ends up being too skinny for me I will change my goal - I just won't know til I get closer. I've never been below 155. 170 (current weight) is the most I've ever been and it's depressing! I've been eating like crap and I'm definitely paying the price.

    My horse is my main motivation - she is so athletic and talented and will hopefully be the horse that takes me to Grand Prix (dressage), and I seriously need to catch up strength wise to her abilities! I'm also really working on improving my posture on and off the horse (think Ride With Your Mind biomechanics) so my body is going through lots of changes, aaand I also really need to start incorporating some stretching into my life. So, here goes nothin! :)
  • jessie1480
    jessie1480 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessie! I'm not sure what COTH is, but just Jessie work for me.
    I train quarter horses, western pleasure and I show hunter under saddle. Some how, even riding five to seven horses a day I got up to 235 and now am down to 185, I'm hoping to get to 160. Now summer is here I'm pretty busy with work, I'm trying to squeeze in p90x still thru the summer, and hoping not to fall into the summer cycle that got me here. That would be working so hard that I don't eat the gorging on bad food at night, and not making smart food choices. It really is a life change.

    Glad to have horse friends!
  • Sunpoet
    Sunpoet Posts: 65 Member
    I'm Fourbeats on COTH and so happy to have found this site. I need support to help me stay on track to lose all this extra weight so I can finally start taking serious lessons.
  • Hello everyone!

    I'm Designermking on COTH and am more of a lurker than a poster, so I'm hoping that by joining this board I will become a little more active on the boards.

    I have been struggling with the affects of Hashimotos disease after being diagnosed about 3 years ago. Now that my meds are straightened out and I'm feeling like a human again I have decided to tackle my weight. On the downward slide of the disease I gained around 70 lbs. It is so difficult to lose weight because I am constantly fighting against my body, but now that I am feeling better it is starting to come off. I have lost 13 pounds so far and consider each pound that I lose to be a huge achievement. I have not ridden consistently in a few years, mainly because I feel so lousy but also because my weight is such a huge hindrance. My goal is to not only lose the weight but also to get back in the saddle!

    I'm hoping to find support and motivation here and am looking forward to getting to know everyone!

  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome to all the new members!! :)

    Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm Abby, and my COTH name is ellemayo.
    I'd really like to lose about 20 pounds, but mostly work on my fitness level. I've got a job/location change coming up, and I'm really hoping that with the new job will come more riding. That means I need to get my riding muscles as well as my wind back!

    My plan is to jog when my ankle allows it, and swim/walk when it doesn't. My friend is also a crazy fitness nut, so I'll probably do exercise videos with her.

    Glad to have this support system!
  • nis75p06
    nis75p06 Posts: 114
    I'm Aelfleah Farm on COTH...

    I've been "too heavy" to ride for many years now, though I am still active in the horse world as a breeder, owner, and amateur trainer. I also drive, though even there my ponies could do with a lighter whip...

    I told my favorite mare that I would start riding again as soon as I got under 200. So that is my short term goal - to get under 200lbs and get my (somewhat thinner) behind back in the saddle.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Hi! I'm Susanne. I live in Tulbagh, South Africa - a small, beautiful village in the countryside, surrounded by mountains. I have been riding for as long as I can remember. Currently, I have 3 horses, a retired gelding, a 7-year old breeding stallion and a 4 year old gelding. I need to lose about 5kg's to be at my best riding weight. At the moment I really feel unbalanced and just not as effective as I should be to bring out the best in my horses.

    At 40 years old, it seems as if getting rid of those excess kilos is just so darn difficult!! Can't one just pop a few magical pills to get rid of it???
  • emnpepper
    emnpepper Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Emma and on MFP I'm emnpepper. I live in Brisbane Australia with my husband, 2 horses, dog, cat and 2 chickens :-) I love everything outdoors - snow skiing, water sports etc but my greatest loves are my horses and working/training/hanging out with them. My weight crept up over the past couple of years but I've just lost almost 15kgs using MFP and can't wait to lose the next 7kgs! I work full time and I really want to increase my fitness levels so that I have the energy and motivation to ride at least 4 times every week. I'd love some horsey MFP friends! (I keep my diary open to friends and log every day). Please add me if you're interested...
  • Hey all! Superminion here. I decided that I needed a kick in the pants to finally not only lose that last bit of baby weight, but also be able to physically give my mare a good ride. I can't do that if I'm huffing and puffing. Who better to administer a kick in the pants than COTHers! ;)
  • SuperAlter checking in !

    I started myfitnesspal early last year and like most things, it lasted about a month. Im here again and determined!
  • Midnight444
    Midnight444 Posts: 23 Member
    My name on COTH is Dobbinacres... :flowerforyou:

    I started horseback riding lessons when I was 6 yrs. old... I have 3 horses that we keep here on our property... Teddy, 27 yrs. old Standardbred, we don't ride him anymore, he gets kind of acky at times... Fritzy, 13 yrs. old Foundation Quarter Horse we've had since he was 2 yrs. old, I'd love to be able to do cow work with him someday, he loves doing that... and Otis, very big & stocky 15 yrs. old, black Percheron/Quarter Horse cross... I used to do jumping when I was younger and I love to trail ride and work on basic dressage type things in the ring, and I love doing groundwork with them... Some day I would love to learn how to drive with Fritzy and or Otis, Otie already knows what he is doing, apparently he was used for logging and also apparently use to be a carriage horse... Due to health issues, anxiety, weakness, shakiness, and being overweight, I have not been able to ride much in the past few years, but am hoping so badly to be able to work back up to doing more and more with them, and maybe even jumping again some day... :flowerforyou:
  • Midnight444
    Midnight444 Posts: 23 Member
    I also want to add...

    When we found our trainer after we got Fritzy, she introduced us to Buck Brannaman's horsemanship... She has a background in dressage and jumping. When she became seriously injured years ago, she was brought to one of Buck's clinics and that was her introduction to Natural Horsemanship... I also really like Ray Hunt, Tom Dorrance, Bryan Neubert, and Joe Wolter... I am always amazed at some of the things I was taught while growing up about handling horses, some things were so negative and very counter-productive and downright unsafe... versus the ways of Natural Horsemanship, which are so much safer and easier... I love learning more and more about horses and why they so what they do... I love working on improving my communication with them so that we can work in better harmony together and build on our skills both physically and mentally... and spiritually too... also it helps so much to feel so much safer around them too and work on the "less is more" philosophy... Horses are not just a hobby for me... :heart: they are my life...

    So nice to meet everyone... :flowerforyou:
  • s00n2befit
    s00n2befit Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, COTH friends! I am "barnworkbeatshousework" on COTH. I've been on MFP for almost a year, but I had no idea there was a COTH group! Just found out about it in the Rider Fitness thread in the Eventing pages. Thank goodness for all of you!!!! Now I don't feel like such a cow. I screwed up my knee sometime last year (must have been the six hours of dancing in the mosh pit at the 80s Punk Club Reunion in DC, last August...). I use to work at a barn, and between that, taking care of kids, and our home and property, I was in decent shape at 5'6" and 140lbs. I use to ride about two or three times a week, plus run 4 miles, three times a week. I'm really careful about my weight because if I'm not, it all centers on my middle (hips and tush). After three kids in four years, I went up and down between high risk pregnancies. After our last child, I peaked at 225 lbs on my 45 year old 5'6" frame. I lost 85 lbs of it on my own and went down to 140 lbs simply by cutting back portions and running 3 to 4 miles, three times a week, combined with Tae Bo Kick Boxing. (Loved Tae Bo, it allowed me to punch and kick without actually hurting anyone...)

    Fast forward to summer 2012 and my bum knee combined with a suspected rotator cuff injury put me out of commission. No more mucking or hauling 200 lb wheel barrows of muck across fields and throwing hay bales. I've since gained almost 20 lbs. (Ok, 15 lbs, because I've lost 5 lbs in the past two weeks since I resumed using My Fitness Pal - which I LOVE - and hitting the gym.) Did the elliptical for the first time and didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I managed to run a mile on the treadmill without my knee giving out or burning in pain, that was a huge milestone. (Vet wrap is awesome for keeping knees aligned...) Went to an orthopaedic doc yesterday who guessed I have a torn meniscus in my left knee, and a ligament injury in my shoulder. Waiting on two MRIs to find out whether I have to give up running permanently, or just temporarily. I've always been an outdoorsy/athletic/don't coop me up kind of person, so this sendentiary lifestyle has been killing my soul. (Funny thing, Doc told me not to run, and even said to hold off on the elliptical. When I asked him if I could still ride, he looked at me dead-pan and said, "I know you horse people too well. It is pointless to tell you not to ride, because you will, anyway. Particularly you crazy Eventer types!"

    I've been riding for 30 years, but I remain a horseless rider - still waiting on that "first" horse. My dad was in the US Marine Corps, so wherever we moved (in the US, or overseas), I'd ride whatever I could find. I started out H/J, did a bit of Classical riding and Dressage in Africa, and now I'm an Eventing junkie. I'm leasing a TB right now who is equally as fat and out of shape as I am, but thankfully, without a gimpy knee. He was a dummy foal, has some neurological issues. He was shown by a previous rider, but did not do very well in public settings. He may not be my first BN Event horse, but he is lovely, and so we enjoy lots of good ring work. I take clinics when I can (though I must audit, unless they have mounts I may ride). I have a new possibility on an OTTB a friend is babysitting, so hopefully I'll get more saddle time in 2013. As for my lease, I do have a spot in my heart for him and with the both of us out of shape, we're not doing each other any favors.

    My 2013 goal is to ride him at least four times a week, if not five. Today I rode some good trots sets for 25 minutes, then after I put the kids to bed this evening, I hit the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and a mile brisk walk on the treadmill. That combined with the calories I burnt grooming and riding allowed me a decent glass of wine, and a modest baguette with London Broil, blue cheese, and a green bean vinegrette salad. Here's to all you fellow COTHers fighting the same battle, support is good! And, if you are on My Fitness Pal, check out the exercise/calories burned under the Cardiovascular section. There are entries for grooming, as well as riding. And don't forget to tally the calories burnt for sweeping the barn, that's a great upper arm workout, too!
  • fivecardstudpts
    fivecardstudpts Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone. Just recently joined MFP. Got tired of feeling like crap all the time and found this 'place'. My normal weight according to my Dr. is right around 150, where I've always been. Then I gained 50lbs when I met my BF. Got rid of him, and eventually the weight, now I'm trying to drop a few more pounds, tone up, and feel better. I currently live in Maine, and own 2 horses. Full time, I work at a local hospital, but part time I work at a standardbred breeding and training barn, and then during racing season I get to work at the race track and get to see my babies train and race.
    Some goals this year, other then losing that last 10 lbs, lol. Would love to ride more, I know I saw that on a few posts :) I would also love to be able to move out west!!
    Also, I loved reading everyone's stories. Very inspiring.