
spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
I just started MFP yesterday. I'm 31yrs old, 5'2 & 155 lbs. My goal is to lose 2 lbs per week so I want to lose 10lbs & be down to 145 by Valentines. What about you?


  • 17 years old, 5'9, 200 pounds. I want to lose 2 or 3 pounds a week and hopefully be down to 190 or so by Valentine's day. After that, only 15 more pounds to get back to what I had before this past summer of lethargy....bleh.
  • omyfamily
    omyfamily Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! 27 year old mom of two little boys who are 3 and 1 year old. I'm 5'5" and 168 with a goal weight of 150. Hoping to be down to 158 for Valentine's Day (and for our winter vacation to Florida the week after). I've been doing Medifast and running my *kitten* off. 19lbs gone so far!

    What are your strategies? Counting calories? Specific exercise regimens?

    Thanks for creating the challenge, @katherinesfitness!
  • Hello I'm a new mommy of a 6month year old baby boy. I'm 23yrs old and I'm 5'2 and weigh 140. I want to get to pre preggo weight of 114. So leaving me with 26lbs to lose. That's my story and I want to lose 6pounds by valentines day to surprise my husband cus valentines day happens to also be his bday. :)
  • Hey y'all! I'm 23 and 5'5", i currently weigh 145. I'd love to weigh 135 by valentines day but realistically i think 140 is more reasonable for me. To achieve my goal i plan to exercise 4-6 days a week and stay within my calorie goals.

    I'm so glad there is a valentines day challenge! Everyone in this group can feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • Oh wow! You guys already found this!! Awesome :))) I thought we'd just weigh in on Sundays and try to lose 9 lb's before V'day!! A bunch of us did this for the Christmas period and it was awesome so I thought it would be good to do again :DD
    What do you think?
  • VP72
    VP72 Posts: 89
    Great idea!!!
    I weighed in yesterday, so have started the challenge! I am aiming to lose 2-3lbs per week so am up for the challenge - we should all update on here every week to say how we're getting on!
  • YummyMummy2k13
    YummyMummy2k13 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Guys, ive just weighed in this morning before I saw this challenge but I will weigh in again on Sunday, this is a great idea x
  • Hi guys,

    I am 25 and 156lbs (post all the wedding feasting at my big fat Indian wedding late last year). I am aiming to lose 1-2 lbs per week so that I can be 145 or thereabouts by valentines day. Really need to ramp up that exercising!
  • katrinaot
    katrinaot Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, Im 45 n currently weigh 136 pds, I joined mfp in nov 11, I had already lost over 1 stone in a year on ww diet and was a bit bored with the meetings, so tought i'd give this a go to lose the final stone. I would love to see 130 by Valentines but will now aim for the 127. What I really need is a kick up d butt to get me moving as I have every excuse as to why I cant, "Kids, Time, Tired, Too dark in the evening (n d morning) etc etc". I'm sure u get the picture. I think this is a great chalange as you dont feel so alone in your struggle and the goal is in sight rather than pushed to the back of ur head. Will weigh in Sun as well. thanks.
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all. Not sure if this is the same challenge i signed up for yesterday or not, but I'm in!
    Will be on hol for Valentines Day so this is ideal for me. I have 5lbs left to go & leave on the 10th. Katrinaot you sound similar to me - 41, 2 children, lost 1 1/2 st so far & 134lbs!
    Good luck everyone.
  • Meergan
    Meergan Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all, I'm a 21 year old fashion student currently weighing 145lbs and I'm 5ft9 and I want to lose a stone! Realistically I'd like to lose 6-9lbs before valentines day!

    I'm currently doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and am on L1D3! I've already lost a lb but it's probably just water so I'm not getting to excited! You can watch the DVD free on YouTube but I managed to pick one up for £4! Would love it if some of you joined me and did it too so we can all moan about it together..

    Will weigh in again on Sunday
  • I do not know my exact weight, but I do want my jeans to be on the loose rather than tight side, would love to be able to wear anything I fancied without worrying about my stomach hanging out, and want to have more energy. I am a 47 year old Mym of 2 who put weight on when she had children, and has been unable to say goodbye to it, but I have now had enough!
  • Heya :D I'm 175lbs and am hoping to loose 10lbs by valentines day as my boyfriend has surprised me (already lol) with a trip abroad and I want to look good for him (and ofc myself) Hope we can all make our goals! Good luck ladies! :D xx
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Meergan
    I have done shred & am doing 6w6p at the mo. I will share your gripes. 'This is not your mothers workout' is onre of my faves!
  • Hi Im Lynn, 51 and 147llbs, I really welcome some extra incentive, Im in the menopause and finding it difficult to shift size / weight. I've started going to circuits (about 7 weeks ago) so fitness is increasing and now I need to bring in food awareness and being sensible with what I eat. Good luck to us all ! x
  • snrichardson081
    snrichardson081 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All!
    I'm 5'4, 180 lbs and I've been using MFP for about a week now! The Valentines Day Challenge sounds like a great idea... 10 lbs, 5 weeks @ 2 lbs per week for a result of a 170 lbs reading on my scale!!!! Keep the goals small and realistic is what I keep telling myself! So ladies eat small, play hard and have fun!!! Good luck to us all!
  • kumica
    kumica Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there! This looks like a great group of people to do a challenge with! Just started up again after a few always seems to get in the way!! Ready to do this now for me!!!! Good luck to everyone and it will be interesting to see how much we lose together as a group!! Let's do this!
  • reeree83
    reeree83 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm 29 and 5'11 238lbs. I would like be 228 by Valentine's Day.........hopefully. My weight just goes up and down, I guess it because I loss my motivation. I hope by joining this group I will be able to keep my motivation going. Good luck to everyone.
  • Machete_Montoya
    Machete_Montoya Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm 43 and ust under 5'3" and starting weight (Tuesday this week) was 146 lb / 66 kilos. I used to be 54/55 kilos but I think realistically those days are long gone - I've slowly but steadily put on weight over the last 6 years, but have now finally been terrified into doing something about it as I apparently have to get into a bikini in Ibiza in July this year for a friend's birthday! :frown:

    Dream Goal Weight is 56 kilos (123 lbs) although I think perhaps I'm being optimistic here!

    So, according to Valentines Day Goal : my target will be 137 lbs / 62 kilos.

    I'm going to be trying the keto diet.

    Good luck everyone!
  • hjaribu
    hjaribu Posts: 13
    I'm in! I've been a member of MFP for a while and keep falling off the band wagon. This challenge should be exactly what I need to stay on track. This time around I've decided to start fresh and actually utilize the groups and other functions the site has to offer. It's time for some drastic changes and I'm ready and willing.