How are you feeling today and where are you in the program?

Just completed day 3 of level 1 and feel better today than yesterday. I feel less sore but it has moved to my arms. I am noticing that I already have higher endurance...the first day I was using 2pd weights and today I did all the weight exercises with 5 pd except for the lateral side squat things...those are tough!!! One thing that has changed is I am looking at the calories in my food so much more with a fine toothed comb because I worked hard to burn them off and don't want to waste it with a few bites of food.


  • Ovaltinie
    Ovaltinie Posts: 7 Member
    I did Day 1 yesterday and pulled my calf muscle. I am limping along today. Do you think it will be ok to do more of the punching move for the cardio and make the jumps and running lower impact? Loved the programme though.
  • kullyg
    kullyg Posts: 17
    I dont see why you cant amend it a little, the point is to get yor heart rate going, so do what suits you and your injury. I am on L1 D5, well doing D6 today when I get home from work. Cals are under but trying to stay off the junk, but I do still need my treats most days, but I am not kicking myself about it. All in moderation as they say
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    I am on day 8 and I too notice a change in my endurance. I laughed when I read your post because the lateral side lunge kills me with the 5 pound weights too! I just started being able to complete the arm part of that exercise with the 5 pound weights.

    Around day 2, my 4 year old daughter was watching me exercise. I did a couple of the lunges with the weights and then had to put them down. My daughter kept saying "mommy you have to copy them, you have to do it just like them!" I said "I am honey." To which she replied, "no mommy, look at their hands, you don't have anything in your hands!" She's as ruthless as Jillian ;)
  • thissamelissa
    thissamelissa Posts: 5 Member
    Today I will be doing Day 4 of Level 1. The first 3 days I was SO sore but today I woke up only a little sore. My stamina is definitely improving. Ive been watching my calories and trying to stick with protein and good carbs. No junk food. So far so good and I'm actually looking forward to doing it after work today :happy:
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    just did day 2 lvl 1 added the weights today

    Yea had to put them down for the side lunges

    Feel pretty good

    gonna hop inthe shower cause i stink :sick: LOL
  • shmurrow
    shmurrow Posts: 13 Member
    Going to do day 4 tonight. I can do most of the strength exercise with weights without much problem, it's the jumping jacks that I have the most problems with.

    My thighs are still sore, but that's about it.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Just finished day 3 lvl 1, have already 3 days of ache in my kalves.
  • Ovaltinie
    Ovaltinie Posts: 7 Member
    I dont see why you cant amend it a little, the point is to get yor heart rate going, so do what suits you and your injury. I am on L1 D5, well doing D6 today when I get home from work. Cals are under but trying to stay off the junk, but I do still need my treats most days, but I am not kicking myself about it. All in moderation as they say

    Thanks for the advice. I'm just going to keep it low and really go for it with my arms. I loved it last night. Bring on tonight. x
  • monariC
    monariC Posts: 3 Member
    Finished day 4 level 1 this morning, I feel great it's getting much easier for me. I tried it once before and couldn't sit for almost a week I was in so much pain, but I knew better the second time around so I didn't over do it the first couple of days. My thighs are the only thing really killing me because I've been doing taebo live for about a week and just added Jillian in, so my legs are achy but I love it! Good luck to everyone!!!!!!! BTW I stopped the first time cause I found out I was 3 months pregnant (no wonder I felt so tired : ))
  • AVASMOM314
    AVASMOM314 Posts: 5 Member
    I have used the 30 Day Shred before, but I am actually using Ripped in 30 currently. It is slightly more challenging and has 4 levels instead of 3. I am on day 4 of level 1. This is about the 3rd time in 4 months that I have tried to start and complete a cycle of this video, so I am feeling pretty motivated this time! I already notice an increase in stamina. Last night was much easier than Monday. I am getting excited! My ultimate goal this year is to prepare and attend the Hell Run in Dallas at the end of the year. I have given up every year thus far, so hopefully this helps me stick with it.
  • bray246
    bray246 Posts: 15
    I'm on day 4 of level 1. For the past 3 days I've had sore arms and legs, but today I woke up and my muscles hardly hurt at all. Just finished the workout and made it through with no breaks.
  • I am on day 3 of level 1 and I'm sore but am motivated to get through it. Seems like my left knee feels like I pulled something or it's catching. I haven't got any weights yet but plan to get some this weekend.
  • Finished Day 5/Level 1 this morning. Wasn't too bad. Definitely getting easier but I kind of felt like I was able to endure more and go harder yesterday, so that was kind of weird. But I did do it last night and then again first thing this morning, so maybe the 2 were too close together/not enough recovery time. I don't know? But I guess we will see how tomorrow goes and if it gets any easier.
  • SharonBluntz
    SharonBluntz Posts: 82 Member
    I'm completed Day 4 of Level 1 today. I reeeeeeeeally didn't wanna do any workouts today and almost thought about taking a rest day but I'm glad I pushed through and completed it today. My endurance is getting much better. I've been watching my calorie intake. No junk food since new years so I'm going strong! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Just did day 3, Level 1. Gosh it's killing me!! haha :) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? I am doing 30 minutes in the treadmill each evening and Shred in the afternoon so I'm not really letting my body recover too much. No shred on the weekend though just treadmill. I am getting through it slightly better each time but I definitely still have trouble not stopping for a few seconds here and there
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    DId L1 D10 yesterday so moving onto L2 tonight - feeling pretty scared about it having watched it last night eeek!
  • I did day 5 yesterday so onto day 6 today. Definately feeling that it is getting easier (though not by much) Still finding it difficult to get through the squat and press without stopping for a few seconds. I make it throught the first set but the second set are a killer :devil:
  • Just did day 3, Level 1. Gosh it's killing me!! haha :) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? I am doing 30 minutes in the treadmill each evening and Shred in the afternoon so I'm not really letting my body recover too much. No shred on the weekend though just treadmill. I am getting through it slightly better each time but I definitely still have trouble not stopping for a few seconds here and there

    Well done! I think you are the first to graduate to level 2? Keep up the good work :happy:
  • I'm completed Day 4 of Level 1 today. I reeeeeeeeally didn't wanna do any workouts today and almost thought about taking a rest day but I'm glad I pushed through and completed it today. My endurance is getting much better. I've been watching my calorie intake. No junk food since new years so I'm going strong! Keep up the good work everyone!

    You are so good doing both threadmill and the shred - I am only doing the shred - how about everyone else? are you adding shred to other exercise or just doing it on its own, Please tell me Im not the only lightweight? lol
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    I need to do day 3... skipped yesterday (had a fever of 101.8 - no fun) but still have a sore throat. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow to do day 3.

    Uhtil today, I have been painfully sore, esp. my thighs.