Let's set a challenge/short term goal!

Hey all. I was thinking (and reading what other groups were doing cause I'm new to this) and we need to set a challenge or a short term goal for us all. The ones that come to mind are like setting an amount of water to drink everyday and logging when you complete it; or exercising at least 15 minutes every day; or something like that? What do you all think?


  • PrinnyMartel
    PrinnyMartel Posts: 55 Member
    I like the water idea! I've been having trouble remembering to drink my set amount.
  • mcefan
    mcefan Posts: 3
    My issue is trying to do some sort of excerise every day.
  • cksummer2013
    cksummer2013 Posts: 39 Member
    Where are all our people?
  • LuvingMumof2
    LuvingMumof2 Posts: 7 Member
    Short term goals seem great! I am also new to this and I have approx 40 lbs to lose. The one goal I have set for myself, is to take my 1 year old puppy on 2, 10 - 20 min walks everyday!