Break is over?!? Now What?!

faupster Posts: 86 Member
I am ready to get back to school and my routines, how about you guys?


  • Not so much looking forward to classes, but I am pretty excited about my work out routines and getting back into them.
  • faupster
    faupster Posts: 86 Member
    I like routine-ish so that will be nice
  • zx0810r
    zx0810r Posts: 62 Member
    Not looking forward to the work I put in for school but of course am always excited to see where I get in the gym.

    Not looking forward to all the new resolutionists in the school gym though.
  • Chelseatheturtle
    Chelseatheturtle Posts: 25 Member
    So ready to be back on a schedule! Staying in the house most of the break has been driving me crazy. I am looking forward to my classes as well. I start back on Monday. Having a gym up at the campus is awesome. I am stuck there all day since I have no car, so I can workout in the mornings and afternoons. We also have a Subway on campus which is good... when I have money.
  • aretek983
    aretek983 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm looking forward to being close to the gym again, and being able to buy my own, healthier food again.