January - Monthly challenge

electriq Posts: 359 Member
Hi everyone,

I used to find these monthly challenges useful and fun so I thought I'd start one up. Even though we are already a fair way through the month we can just start from here, or perhaps you've already had a monthly challenge that you'd like to share. The general idea is that there are no rules, you set your goals for the month be they exercise or weight loss or healthy eating or all of the above and then we check in with each other once a week with how we are going. Our final check in is on the 1st of the following month when we can reflect on our outcomes and hopefully celebrate!

My goals for January:

Eat 90% wholefoods and absolutely no fast food
Swim 3x week
Loose 2kg

What are your goals this month?


  • ThereOnceWasAUnionMaid
    Your goals look great! Here's my goals for the rest of January:

    Try not to eat back my exercise calories 90% of the time
    Swim at least 3x a week
    Lose 3lbs/at least 1/2" on arms, legs and stomach
    Make sure I get at least 8 glasses of water/day

    Who else is in?!
  • Jakedenver
    Just getting back on the wagon with this weight loss so I am starting out small.
    No fast food and no soda.
    Walk the dog every day.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    So my month was kinda shot for the first two weeks with being really retardedly sick.

    So now the rest of the month my goals are:
    -Run every day
    -Restart P90x Leans program
    -Loose 10lbs this month

    -Try to hit 1,000 calories burned in one day (three times a week).
  • unkeptwalnut83
    unkeptwalnut83 Posts: 33 Member
    small goals to build on:

    -less soda (1 per day)
    -fewer cigarettes (no more than 3 in a day)
    -less booze (no more than 3 times a week)
    -more meditation (at least 3 times a week)
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Yay! So glad you guys are joining me :-)
    Everyone's goals look great, I'm a big fan of setting achievable goals.
    I really like your bonus round thesoundofwol so I am totally joining you with that one.
    Let's check in again next weekend with how we're going. And in the meantime anyone is welcome to join!
  • shieldsa
    shieldsa Posts: 2 Member
    Being I just started, my goals are simple:

    Stick to diet for 10 days. (Then go from there)
    Avoid sugar and use less artificial sweeteners
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    OK, little goals for the rest of the month:

    1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    2. Eat more vegetables
    3. No soda and no sugar in my coffee (ouch!)
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    So it's been a week since my initial post. I am pretty happy with how things are going.
    I have been swimming 4 times this week
    And completely whipped the bonus goal of 1000 cal burn 3 times a week (I made it 4 times), woo!
    I have been eating largely wholefoods although I did have a little slip with some treats last night (I still remained below my cal count for the day).
    I haven't however lost any weight, I'm trying not to worry too much about this as I know I am eating healthy, in line with calorie count, and exercising and so it's just a matter of time.

    How are you all going?
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Well, looks like it is only me who is doing the weekly check-ins at the moment which is fine although I would love for others to join me.
    This week has been pretty good even though I had a real blow out yesterday
    I swam 4x this week
    I've been eating well and
    I've lost 2lbs since last time, yay!

    How are you all getting on?
    It's not too long until the end of the month now
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    So it's the end of the month, I'm pretty pleased with my progress
    90% wholefoods - check
    Swim 3 times a week -check, and I actually made it 4 times a week most weeks
    Loose 2kg, almost, at last weigh in I was down 1.7kg so I'm happy with that
    How did others get on with their goals this month?

    If you're interested I am starting a new thread for February so check that one out :-)