Intorduce Yourself

ksfischer Posts: 41 Member
Hello everyone!! I am a 32yr old mother to 4 and am finally getting serious about getting the weight off! I am currently down about 24lbs but have a long way to go!

I look forward to doing this with everyone and seeing the success! :happy:


  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm a 34 year old teacher who is lacking motivation! :-(

    This is my first ever attempt with the 30 DS. Hopefully all will go well!
  • Patyal
    Patyal Posts: 3 Member

    I'm Patricia. 6 years ago I was super skinny and super strong. I was working out twice/day and eating a super clean diet. Unforeseen circumstances put me completely out of balance on the years to follow.

    I first dropped from 131 to 118lbs / size 2, which I kept for most of 2006. Then I put the weight back on to 155lbs /size 8 by end of 2007. I went back to 131-133lbs / size 6 by end of 2008.

    Even though I've never stopped exercising, truth is I became super lazy and didn't care much for my eating on the years to follow. I hadn't weighted myself in years but I went from a size 6 to a 10. This past Dec 31st 2012, I reached 180lbs, size 12 (tight). The heaviest I've been in my whole life!!!

    I used to be part of online forums thru most of the time I was super fit, so I'm looking forward for the mutual support and motivation :-) I'll be posting my journal for my own accountability. My goal is to drop 50lbs and go back to comfortable size 4~6

  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Hi, im 36 , this will be my 2nd round of the 30DS I just finished last week. I was very happy with my results so im going to do it again. I lost 9 lbs and 3.5 inches on my waist these are my results if anyones interested, thanks terri
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    Reba here...ready to kick some serious @$$ doing the 30-day shred!!
  • praying4four
    praying4four Posts: 29 Member
    Hi I am Susan. I started 30DS on Jan 8th. Looking forward to seeing some serious results!

    I am 34 mother of 4. SW: 217 CW: 213.4 GW: 145.
  • futurereporter88
    futurereporter88 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, everybody!

    My name is Danielle and I'm from Denver. I am 24 years old with 4 year old twins. I weigh 152 and my first goal is to get down to 133 lbs. I have always weighed more than 150 lbs. Last year I weighed near 180 lbs and lost 25 lbs from taking long walks and sort-of,-but-not-really watching what I was eating.

    I have heard of the 30DS through MFP. I am very excited to join this group. I just joined MFP about a week ago. So some new friends and support would be very nice.

    I also wanted to say how scared I am to commit to this group. My fear of letting people down would normally keep me away but this time I'm just going to do it and see what happens when I put all my effort into it. :)

  • Hi Everyone

    I am a 50 year old woman that has had weight issues for years. From 2009 -2010 I lost over 100 pounds. About six months after I reached my goal weight. I started having asthma attacks sometimes as many as 3 or 4 in a day. Once that started happening I couldn't exercise. It's hard to exercise when you can't breath. It took over 1 1/2 years to get my allergies under control which allowed for my asthma to be under control so I can start exercising again. I have started taking allergy/asthma shots and I will need to take a breathing treatment before an exercise session and after. But I am willing to make whatever adjustments necessary to get back on track.

    I love 30 day shred, that was one of my favorite workouts. I am looking forward to this challenge.
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi, my name is Mari. I am so excited to join this group, share results and success with each and every one of you. I am 50 years old, and waiting for fabulous to kick it. My goal is to lose 45 pounds.. I have lots of work, determination and motivation ahead of me. I'm so happy to have found MFP! Thanks and good luck to everyone!
  • lacalif11
    lacalif11 Posts: 3 Member
    OK! I'm excited to find this group! I'm 41 y.o. and and trying to lose these last, stubborn 7# to make my total weight loss a cool 60 #. What a journey!
  • lorettakay
    lorettakay Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 43 years old, 5' and weigh 190lbs. I am a very proud mom of three recently had a fourth in June 2012 who did not survive.....I'm now ready to "bring sexy back". I've always been on the heavy side, however; I wish to make a change in my life NOW! I bought the 30 day shred in November of last year but just can't seem to get started.......Maybe now I'll open the case and hit "play". Good luck to all of US! SW: 190, CW: 180, GW 135. :happy:
  • Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm 28 yrs old. Im the mother of two amazing little girls, 3 and 5. Both pregnancies were rough.... Even under close supervision by a prenatal nutritionist , I gained 80-90 lbs with both. I was able to get much of the weight off after each, but since the birth of my youngest i have noticed loosing weight (and finding the energy to get moving) have become much harder.

    I signed up for mfp sometime last year during a failed dieting attempt- I like the format of the site and the message boards.

    After letting myself go over the past year, I am ready to kick it into high gear. Started my "diet" and exercise journey on the first of the year and plan to make this a permanent lifestyle change. On jan 1st I weighed 210 lbs, I currently am at 201. My first goal is to get down to 160 and my final "happy weight" goal is 125. I am hoping this group will give me more motivation, and give me a reason to hold myself accountable!

    Note: I've never done anything like this before.... But I am so excited to get started!
  • lpz_car
    lpz_car Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm Carmen.
    This is the first time joining a group. I'm hit my big 40 last year and it time for a change. The main reason I'm making changes is for my health. I've been diabetic for some years now so my main goal is to get it under control. I honestly need motivation!
  • hi, i am knew here and i am 5'3 , i have three energetic boys and i need to get stronger and i am tired of shopping for different sizes. I can use some friends who have the same goals.:smile :smile:
  • Mariadoodle
    Mariadoodle Posts: 8 Member

    I'm Maria. I'm 26 and have 2 children. I've been doing OK on my diet but am struggling to loose the last 7lbs. I fell off the wagon yesterday and have been eating pretty badly today- tomorrow will be a better day and the first step to shifting the last half a stone! We can do it!
  • Hi I am a 58 year old mother of 8 and grandma of 8 soon to be 9. I have a daughters wedding in May to get ready for and a good 10 to 15 lbs to lose. Having a tough time with the flu and before that a bad fall on my tailbone in front of Old Navy. Be careful of their carts. But determined to keep trying. Weight now 149/. Goal 135. :bigsmile:
  • Hi,

    I like challenges so I joined this group. However I don't know what the 30 Day Shred is! Can someone explain it to me? Thanks!

    CW: 175
    GW: 160
  • BlazeyGal
    BlazeyGal Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all! I'm a 24 year old, struggling to lose those few extra inches. I've been using the same ol' routines for months and now I'm ready for something different, which is why I'm here.

    @mannorbeast- the 30 Day Shred is Jillian Michaels DVD and she also has a newer one
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Hey all!
    I'm Jessica, 5'0" cw134#. I was 155 when I came home from my last pregnancy (10m ago). I'm unfortunately NOT one of those women who's weight just falls off while nursing.. Nope, my body has hung on LOL! I have 4 kids, 3 girls, 1 boy. All very close in age. This is my chance to finally get rid of it for good. I'm not so concerned about the weight as I am of the shape.. Just finished day 1 Lvl 1 today, and I'm adding some zumba in too... Excited for the support of this group! Have fun ya'll!!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi, this is my first time trying this but I have heard alot of good things. I am 47 and have 80lbs to lose. I also have 2 children daughter is almost 12 and son 10 and they always want me to do things that I have no energy for. It is time I did
  • futurereporter88
    futurereporter88 Posts: 71 Member

    I like challenges so I joined this group. However I don't know what the 30 Day Shred is! Can someone explain it to me? Thanks!

    CW: 175
    GW: 160

    It's a workout video that you can find on Youtube by Jillian Michaels. You do Level 1 for ten days consecutive and then Level 2 for ten days in a row, and then Level 3 for another ten days.