Friday Challenge!!



  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    What has worked for me for me is intense exercise at least twice a week, eating healthier and w/in calorie range (when I do it!) and eating tasty food that I make at home...I tend to gain fast when I eat out or if I eat a lot of carbohydrates like bread. So I just try to limit amoung each day.
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    The simplest thing has worked for me this time - I'm not sure where I got this advice, but it's been working. Instead of thinking: "I can't eat that piece of cake, etc." I now tell myself "I don't eat cake, candy, etc." It's going from being powerless (I'm not able to do something) to being empowered (I choose not to eat something). It's done wonders for me and my cravings.
  • melissagrow
    melissagrow Posts: 13 Member
    I am still trying to find something that works! Thanks everyone for posting your is motivating me to not give up!
  • elescott
    elescott Posts: 22 Member
    I am good about exercising, so for me it's tracking everything I put in my mouth, and also cutting wine out almost completely. If I drink wine, I tend to eat! Also, focusing on health and fairly clean eating instead of eating "diet" foods. I try to stick to a 40-30-30 mix of carb, fat, protein. If I go over my carbs (or eat refined carbs), I am hungry at night. Also, I allow myself some dark chocolate if I have calories left as a little reward. This group has been a great motivator to stick to it and not fall off the wagon, thanks!
  • Working out twice in the AM and PM; doing INTERVALs; listening to my body; doing Peak 10 DVD's, Slim in 6, ZUMBA (it rocks folks!); going to bed early and getting 8 hours of sleep; wearing my biomedia armbad everyday (omg, I cannot imagine being without it); logging every single calorie that goes into my mouth; planning ahead.

    --stuff that I repeat to myself:
    I got this! (thank you Ruth...)
    This is the year of no excuses.
    You are your own best friend.
    No thought can dwel in my mind without my permission.
    You are more powerful than white chocolate raspberry cheesecake and french fries.
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    What has worked for me....
    Making time for ME. Even if it is after my daughter is in bed. I HAVE to make some time for me to exercise and plan out my meals. I also find that cooking at home has worked wonders. Since starting this journey about one year ago I have discovered that I enjoy cooking and that I am not that bad at it either. I actually like to find ways to make my old recipes healthy. I hope this helps.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    What has worked for me? I've always been able to do the weight loss thing. In fact this is my third time at it! This, however, will be the last time, as I plan to keep it off for good. I keep up with the gym 5-6 days a week, and I have shifted my eating habits. The biggest thing that is working for me is my shift in attitude. At this point I have decided that I am not eating healthy and going to the gym just to lose weight. I am now doing it to feel good and be the best me I can be where ever the numbers fall on the scale. Sure I have a goal weight in mind, but really, I am feeling the best I have felt in probably over a decade. I'm not giving that up. Before I would diet and work out for the loss and then hit some magic point and revert back to the old habits and then gain the weight back. No more of that.

    This time I started out different with just getting back into the gym. I saw some initial loss of 10 lbs over 3 months, but I was losing inches and feeling stronger. I still remember looking into one of the many mirrors in the class room and thinking "I look like a sausage doing the plank". Now I look in the mirror and see a strong woman who may not be 100% perfect, but is the best woman she can be. I like that. I think I will keep working on that feeling.

    So exercise and a cleaner diet has worked again to drop the weight, but what keeps me moving forward and not just saying "Well, I'm at the weight I want to be so now what...." is the change in what I expect to get from what I am doing. Not just a skinny me, but a strong, balanced, healthy, happy me.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    Logging. Being honest, facing my mistakes and then moving on. MFP friends. Low carb - I'm experimenting with the macro mix; probably going back to 5-60-35 carb-fat-protein. That seems to work best for me. Haven't been exercising at all - but I know I'll have to factor that in at some point; but dieting alone has been working so far.
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    What works for me...mfp and challenges like this.

    1). Smart shopping-finding the best nutritional bargains.
    For example, if you need spaghetti sauce, or sour cream, or bread (etc) Look at the labels of every sour cream (or whatever) is on the shelf and find the lowest calorie, carbs, sodium...etc and highest in protein, calcium, fiber...etc. Also "shop" people's mfp diaries. Note the best nutritional bargains and add them to your shopping list.

    It is amazing how different the nutrition can be for the same things.

    2). Prepare, prewegh/measure, and prepackage as many foods as you can for the week. Once a week I try and cook bunch of chicken, tilapia, ground turkey, hard boiled eggs, etc weight them out into containers and stick them in the fridge or freezer.

    I also make my own salad dressing (mustard, a.c. Vinegar and stevia ) and pack those up.

    Lots of veggies, fruits, nuts, bacon bits, cheese...etc. the list is endless dips like hummus, peanut/almond butter, cream cheese. Snacks like trail mix, nuts, ww crackers, pretzels etc.

    I'm trying to create Healthy "fast food" for my whole family.

    Sometimes I Sharpie the calories and carbs on each bag so I can log it easier.

    If i have per measured healthy, yummy foods to grab and go, then I am more successful in my new healthy lifestyle.
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Cooking for me much greater control...when I eat food someone else has cooked, even though they might say what has been used in the product....can't really,be sure...weighing and measuring everything!
  • zoeygl
    zoeygl Posts: 18 Member
    :wink: what has worked for me in the past is PATIENCE! I tend to lose slowly, and gain slowly. I have gotten to my goal weight 128 at WW but then SLOWLY gained it back... up down up down. I am trying hard to remember to be the tortoise in the race.... and just keep at it. Also, I have to make my food interesting and tasty or I will eventually get bored and quit.... i have gotten better habits through the years - eat whole grains mostly, veggies and fruits, much less fat, so my lifestyle is changing and hopefully this will be a permanent change in my i need to drink more water for my body....
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    Meal prep and a cold! Planning my meals has made me focus so much more on what I'm doing and the one day I left it in the fridge and bought a sandwich from the garage I made a point of going for the healthiest option rather than the one I probably would have chosen otherwise. Having a head cold and feeling rotten has also killed my appetite but it's not recommended!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Things that are working for me:
    -Daily Food Log
    -Decreased Wine :drinker:
    -Going to GISFW 3x week: Working out with others has been extremely supportive & motivating along w/ the Nutition Accountability
    -Eating more protein and less fat grams and planning better on that area
    -Sleep 8 hours each night
    -Quiet Time
    ALL = weight loss, body toning, feel good, more energy, patience, persistence, acceptance.
  • irishjune
    irishjune Posts: 42 Member
    What a great thread - thank you everybody!

    I'm new to MFP but have lost about 50lbs overall. Here's the list I made for myself of things that work for me ( because it is so easy to forget sometimes!) The one that has surprised me the most is that eating MORE fat, not less, within my caolorie goals has made a big positive difference.

    1. Plan.
    2. Cook real food.
    3. Include more fruit, veggies, protein, AND fat. (40-40-20 Carb/Fat/Protein)
    4. Limit alcohol.
    5. Track. (Everything - the food scale is my friend!)
    6. Set a sustainable calorie target and follow it. (But enjoy exceptions to the rule.)
    7. Move, move, & move. (When I can't do what I wish I could, embrace what I can.)
    8. Embrace losing slowly. (Focus on the process, & don't let the bathroom scale mess with my head.)
    9. Learn & get support from others. (But don't get hung up on how other people are doing it.)
    10. Pray. (No, not for weight loss. It's about keeping what really matters at the center of my life.)
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    My trick is eating soup for lunch. I usually add in leftover meat, veggies or beans to my favorite Campbell's soup, making it a hearty, low-cal, nutritious lunch that really keeps me satisfied all afternoon. It works for me. And I track everything I eat!
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    Logging my weight everyday in a journal I keep. I only post on MFP when there's a loss. I compete with myself everyday to stay on track - low carb helps me - and I HATE seeing the numbers go up even .l ...Logging on my diary keeps me honest about what I'm eating as well. Oh, and LOTS of water!!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    What has worked for me?

    Being more conscious of the foods I eat. Drastically reducing processed foods, being honest in my logging of everything, eliminating the whites (bread, rice, potatoes) as much as possible, making healthier choices at restaurants, etc.

    Working out regularly. I'm certainly not "in shape" but even something as simple as power walking makes a difference.

    Using MFP for information and motivation.
  • jgollnick
    jgollnick Posts: 73 Member
    Tim Ferris's Slow Carb diet. It's not the easiest diet but the results were awesome. With my current exercise program 30 minutes 5 days a week I melted away 5.5 lbs. It is actually probably more but I gained .5 % in muscle mass and I am down 1.5% body fat. I am going to try the diet for another week and then I will go back to portion control and maintain my simple carbs making sure I don't go over 150 grams.
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    Eat. Run. Lift. Sleep. And repeat. :)