Anyone log WODs in MFP?

Do any of you log your CrossFit WODs in MyFitnessPal? If so, what "category" do you use? I'm not looking for it to be 100% accurate, but do want to track they days I workout and time I spent. Thanks


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I created my own exercised named 'CrossFit'. I wore a HRM a couple of times and estimate that I burn 350 calories in that hour. I know that some days are I am probably over calculating but most days I am under calculating.
  • PicklePlum
    PicklePlum Posts: 192 Member
    I also created my own exercise named "Crossfit WoD" and post what it is in comments. I guesstimated each WOD to be 200-250 cals, and 300-350 for hero wods.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I created my own exercised named 'CrossFit'. I wore a HRM a couple of times and estimate that I burn 350 calories in that hour. I know that some days are I am probably over calculating but most days I am under calculating.

    Did you find the HRM is uncomfortable or do you use it often? I have one that my bestie bought me last year and I never used it. It seems like a pain in the butt to wear the thingie around your midsection or whatever plus have to wear the watch during the workout. I am curious what my burn is though, so I honestly don't log anything in for crossfit and I should.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    I created my own exercised named 'CrossFit'. I wore a HRM a couple of times and estimate that I burn 350 calories in that hour. I know that some days are I am probably over calculating but most days I am under calculating.

    I do the same thing . . . However, every now and then I wear my HRM to double-check (or adjust) my calories burned estimates.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    It is uncomfortable during most WOD's so I quit wearing it. I plan on wearing it a couple of times this month just to check to see if I am way off but I feel comfortable with my estimates.
  • I don't use a HRM, but just use "Circuit Training". Might not be completely accurate, but it's good for me.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    I also created my own exercise called "CrossFit" - I do wear a HRM to each & every class so that I know what I've burned - there is such variation between the WODs. I also track in the notes what the Strength or Skill we did as well as the WOD, just in case I ever want to go back & look (which I have not done at all by the way).
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I don't use a HRM, but just use "Circuit Training". Might not be completely accurate, but it's good for me.

    I do the same.
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I also wore a HRM for a while and found that I burn about 350 calories an hour on an moderately intense WOD day. If I feel like the intensity was lower, I manually lower my calorie burn by whatever I estimate it to be. If we only did lifting or there wasn't much intensity I log it as only 1 calorie burned, which is rare.
  • kkenny0146
    kkenny0146 Posts: 66 Member
    I just use circuit training as well, but only log the actual WOD time I worked out. I usually log time if we spend time on our power/olympic lifting as well. I always list the WOD in my notes on here, even though I keep my WOD book as well.
  • I just use circuit training as well, but only log the actual WOD time I worked out. I usually log time if we spend time on our power/olympic lifting as well. I always list the WOD in my notes on here, even though I keep my WOD book as well.

    I use the circuit training as well - but I haven't been listing the WOD in my notes - that is a good idea!
  • FloEd
    FloEd Posts: 15 Member
    I created a CrossFit exercise as well. I wear a HRM and I just adjust the time to match the calories burned. So if the WOD took 15 minutes but I burned a ton of cals I will log 20 min since I don't really care about the time as much as the cals. But I also log a bit less than the HRM shows since there is sometimes some standing around time while people ask questions, load bars, etc.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    I use the "calisthenics" preset. I have a heart rate monitor but there I'm wearing wrist supports for a lot of the Oly lifts now and it was getting in the way. I try to keep my calories at about the recommended amount BEFORE I work out so I figure it's all to my benefit.
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    You are not going to get something that is 100% accurate. One of the beauties of Crossfit is that you ramp up your metabolism and burn more around the clock. If you are not wearing a HRM, probably the next best thing is to just use the circuit training or calisthenics and enter the time that it took to do your WOD. Both have the same calorie count per minute.