Breaking Fast

TisMissyKIA Posts: 33 Member
As you might have already learned from reading my posts and/or blogs, I'm pretty bad about eating breakfast. I have found that pre-planning helps and initially that if I go liquid (Slim Fast shakes, Carnation Instant Breakfast) for a couple of days, I'll wake up too hungry to skip it.

In reading through the posts, I see others struggle with breakfast, too.

Julie said that when she learned she didn't have to eat breakfast foods for her morning meal that helped her.

So, out of curiosity, what do you do for breakfast? What works best for you? Is it something you, too, struggle with?


  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    These are my go to breakfasts

    1 egg scrambled - no toast
    40g digestive first cereal and skim milk
    1pce toast with peanut butter

    or my fave and most common - home made juice. carrot, celery, apple, ginger, beetroot with a scoop of protein powder. I have this 4-5 days a week.

    I did have pizza the other day :)
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    I've never had a problem with breakfast foods-We eat them a lot of times for dinner too!

    My normal breakfasts are:
    -Quaker lower sugar oatmeal
    -Chobani Greek Yogurt w/1 TBS of Chia Seeds
    -1/2 c egg beaters w/toast or half a bagel and butter (Land O'Lakes spreadable light)
    -Egg beaters and low-fat cheese in a quesidilla or burrito (sometimes with some turkey sausage or bacon)
    -Special K or multigrain cheerios (or any other cereal); I try not to do cereal very often because it doesn't really fill me up

    If we have left over pizza or breadsticks I would eat that for breakfast too. Although probably not now that I am tracking ;)

    I find that if I don't eat a good breakfast I seem to eat more later in the day, even if I eat a bigger lunch so I always try to get it in.
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I am a terrible breakfast eater because I am always rushing around getting the kids and myself ready for school/work. I usually end up grabbing something I can eat in the car on my way to work. I usually have fruit, a slim fast shake, toast, or a granola bar. I occasionally treat myself to a breakfast burrito or McMuffin on the way to work with an unsweet tea.
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm horrible about eating breakfast. I have to take thyroid meds 1st thing in the morning and then wait an hour before I can eat. Most days I wake up around 9am. Shameful, I know. My kiddo is my alarm clock and we're kind of night owls. Anyway, all of that to say that by the time I'm allowed to eat it's nearly lunch time so I usually just skip breakfast. I really need to break that habit. Probably best thing to do is wake up earlier. lol.
  • _Heth_
    _Heth_ Posts: 4
    I'm a shocker for eating breakfast & always have been, but I'm now working with a Nutritionist who's helping me find compromises.
    I'll now normally throw a banana, 250ml Almond Milk & some"Green" Nutrient powders into the blender. I'll add an egg too, if I remember, & then drink it while I'm driving to work.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    My dietician told me to make sure I eat something. So I've been starting with something.

    Some days, I grab a banana and a piece of string cheese.
    Or I drink a Slim Fast shake.

    If I have time for more, I had some English muffins (whole grain).

    I've been consistent with breakfast since I started this plan (January 1).
  • TisMissyKIA
    TisMissyKIA Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone for the information and sharing! Great stuff!
  • dhydes2
    dhydes2 Posts: 17
    I've been drinking protein shakes when I wake up, usually within the first 30 minutes of waking like it says to in 4 hour body. It keeps me full for around two hours or so. It works for me because I hate waking up to cook.
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Not sure how much help this will be, but I am a mix of all the previous replies. LOL. I love breakfast foods, just not at breakfast. Prefer to have them for dinner and something light and easy to grab n go in the mornings. I am also on thyroid meds and that hour wait actually works for me.

    I now take my meds and then leave for work. I dirive almost an hour to work and then have about a 10 minute walk to the office. By the time i get to my desk, I am able to eat. I have been known to eat whatever I am hungry for (whether it be breakfast stuff or not). Lately, I have found that either cereal with skim milk or the Special K Flatbread Sandwiches (you microwave for 90 seconds) have been my mainstays. They are both quiet and easy enough to put down if I have to answer the phone or something.

    My husband who doesn't like breakfast at all, if he eats in the morning, will usually eat whatever he feels like. Usually something that he too can have with his coffee and get on the road. Pretzels, Carrots, and things the such.
  • watchthis1970
    watchthis1970 Posts: 31 Member
    Since the start of the new year I have moved away from the toast and peanut butter that had previously been my norm. I am now having a banana and a piece of string cheese or some pepperoni.
  • rissaloses
    rissaloses Posts: 38 Member
    I don't eat until I get to work on weekdays, so breakfast has to be desk-friendly. I often have a bowl of oatmeal with chia seeds and peanut butter/pb2 or yogurt/cottage cheese with fruit. I also keep some breakfast Lean Pockets in the freezer (egg, bacon and cheese) when I want more of a savory meal.
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    Breakfast is a challenge for me. I work from home and it is very easy to go to the office before I get breakfast and then not leave until late afternoon. I find I make healthier choices, in general, if I cook a breakfast. My favorite is a sunnyside up egg and a piece of toast. I also like breakfast burritos. When I am being lazy, I will have cereal or yogurt. This week has been a lazy kind of week, which is, overall, not a good thing.
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    I love breakfast!! I tend to be a carboholic if I'm eating breakfast after sleeping all night. (night-shifter)
    Like, whole boxes of cereal carboholic. Even the nasty Kashi Go-Lean one...

    Trying to stick to the greek yogurt.
    Egg white omelet. Jimmy Dean makes these precooked turkey sausage crumbles, with a sprinkle of cheese.
    Oatmeal concoctions. I find if I eat oatmeal I'm tired of eating it/full before I get to the bottom.
    Green monster smoothie in my magic Ninja Blender
    Protein powder smoothie with almond milk and PB.

    Those are my normal breakfasts. When I sleep all day, breakfast is whatever I cook Josh for dinner. =)