What's your tip?

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
It's a new year and some of us are beginning our journey, some of us are starting over and some are going strong! Although we aren't all experts we have all learned something during the weight loss process. Think about your own journey and what has and hasn't worked for you. Share with everyone one thing you know for sure that has helped you along the way. (be specific, don't just say exercising -- explain what you do and how it helps!) and one thing that sabotaged your success.


  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Staying organized is key for me. I can't wander through my life without a plan. If I don't have a lunch plan, all of the sudden it will be 2 in the afternoon I will be starving and stopping at a drive thru for instant gratification.

    Being organized for me means batch cooking on Sunday. Making chicken breasts, cutting veggies, boiling rice, making iced tea, refilling water jugs, snacks are bagged, and supplies are stocked.

    Being organized for me means knowing when I will workout the next day. Morning or evening if I don't make a plan most often I will skip it altogether because last minute conflicts will happen. If I schedule it in and bring my clothes with me to work or set my alarm for a morning workout -- it will happen!

    Being organized for me means planning my meals so if I am on the road for work for the afternoon I will have brought a sandwich along or snacks so that I am not wild eyed and crazy looking for a $1 cheeseburger.

    What doesn't work for me is the flip side. Being casual works for some people. Eating in moderation. I am NO good at moderation. It is really hard for me to eat chips and not eat all the chips so I'd rather have a free day to eat whatever I like but be pretty strict with myself otherwise. The moderation idea sabotages me because I can always find a way to eat more than I should or buy too much and be eating that item everyday instead of a one time treat. It doesn't work for my personality.

    These are the things I have learned about myself during the many many many attempts at a lifestyle change over the years!
  • squeekersmom
    squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
    My tip is don't buy what you can't stop eating. For me it's anything crunchy and salty. Like chips
  • roundtherink
    2 things have really helped me. The first is finding an exercise that I enjoy, and that I don't dread having to do. For me its walking/running/biking/swimming/kayaking. I can't wait until my pool is warm enough again to swim (mid-March)!

    Also, for me, I have to have treats in the house. I love to cook/bake, and knowing I can still have my dessert every night, in moderation, is the only thing that keeps me from binging. I can do moderation, and in doing so, I don't feel deprived of anything, so I'm less tempted.

    I also plan various restaurant 'splurge' meals, that help keep me on track.
    And, like lissa0040, I also plan out what I'm going to eat, and STICK to it.
    That said, I also work around a last minute dinner out. This week, I had an unexpected meal at TGI Fridays, so that morning before I ate, I went to their website, figured out what I could have within my calories, and adjusted the rest of my day accordingly. Now I know what I can order there, so if it comes up again, I don't have to fear making a bad choice.

    Because, lets face it- who wants to have to tell a friend, "Sorry I can't go out to eat since its not in my calories?" Not me. That's not living. The balance, for me, is finding a way to do that fun stuff. :)
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    what works for me is being diligent with my tracking---when I do well, I am on my app every meal or snack, logging like a crazy lady. I eat out wisely, researching ahead of time if I can.

    also, my exercise can't bore me---that is kinda what I have fallen prey to this month----I joined water aerobics, even though it is not as much of a workout, I do like it.

    What sabotages me, is me getting lazy with my tracking---thinking Ican eat a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese and not track it. Success makes me relax, and I can't. I have to track everything, or I get right back in trouble.

    Enjoyed reading these!
