Hello, My Name is...



  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    My name is kate, 29, doing shred starting today! I'm looking forward to having others going through this with me!
  • Aliykat
    Aliykat Posts: 29
    Hello My name is Ali,
    I am on Day 13 of the 30 day shred, Level 2.
    I have not missed one day yet and am making it my purpose not to skip a single day even with other work out or activities planned.
    So far so good and only a few days off from the half way mark!

    We can all do it!
  • Hi, My name is Kari, 25 yr olds.

    I started 30DS sometimes last year. I think I made it to about 4 or 5 days of lvl 1. My goal is to go through with this the whole way even if I don't see my scale move! I am also doing the C25K at same time so I can participate in a 5k at the end of March.

    I noticed that with the training I've been doing with the C25K I'm able to keep up with Jillian better now except for the jumping rope. I hate that part!!
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, my name is Stephanie.

    I'm on day 2 of the 30DS. I'm feeling a bit sore from it, but trying to stay positive/motivated. I'm attempting to lose some post partum weight and heard this would be a great way to start.

    Good luck to everyone! Feel free to friend me if you need support.
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi - I'm Jen,

    I just started the 30DS today. I've done it before, but only 2 or 3 days a week, whilre running on other days. This time I want to go straight through the 30DS with no other exercise (taking Sundays and maybe Saturdays off). Then I have two more Jillian workouts to work through (No More Trouble Zones and Ripped in 30.

    I'm about 5 to 10 pounds from where I want to be, but am more concerned about toning up. I'm do need to get my eating in check (I'm embarassed by my food diary!) but it's a lot easier for me to work out than watch what I'm eating.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • jtromb01
    jtromb01 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Jay and this is my first time doing the 30DS. I have about 25 lbs to lose, and I typically have a tough time staying motivated without concrete goals so I thought maybe this would work pretty well for me. My husband, despite being aggravatingly skinny, is doing it with me for support and excercise, which is definitely helping keep me on track :)

    I'm on day 4 of level one, and I think the initial soreness is wearing off thankfully, and yesterday I was able to move up to 5lb weights for all but the side lunges (ouch!) so I was excited for that :)

    Anyway, please feel free to friend me, I would love to cheer other people going through this on, and be held acountable so I keep going, ha ha.

    Good luck to everone!
  • I have tried 30DS 2 different times and couldn't get past day 5. I really want to stick with this and make it the full 30 days. Finished day 3 and didn't know if I could do it. But, I did. Those who have done this before, you are the ones I am looking to for motivation so I know it can be done!
  • awakencordy
    awakencordy Posts: 7 Member
    I've been gaining and losing weight for all my life. I've done it by myself, professionally, everything. Adter having a year with an illness and its treatment, now I want to lose weight for once and all. Starting to new years helped with it ;)

    Since ALL my friends around me are fit, thin and healthy, i was always alone. I did use MFP a year back before illness and I started 30 day shred last night. Of all times, NOW i remembered that there are people like me and they might be using forums, and heh, they are using it :)

    I'm a lawyer, I work all day, i'm always running or walking ALL DAY, so i'm relying on my metabolism. The worst thing is being alone in this, THAT's what I know.

    I've seen many "friend me" posts, and this is the first time i'm doing a post like that, so I don't know what to say :D I'm very active on mobile/social platforms (lawyers are always using those damn phones :P) so I know i'll be always checking up on you and support you back in return :D

    Hopefully i can get new friends in this while losing weights.
  • Iwant2b140
    Iwant2b140 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi All.. my name is Coralee and I just began Jillian's 30 days this evening. I have been doing her AB DVD once in a while because I am trying to tighten my postpartum midsection. Looking forward to making new friends.. have 15 pounds until my goal and hopefully you and Jillian can help me achieve it!
  • You sound like me! You can do this! I really want to do the full 30 days and not quit. Did day 6 today.
  • You can do this for the 30 days! I am in the same boat and bound and determined to get through it. On day 6!
  • Donwilks
    Donwilks Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I'm Donna from the UK. Tried the 30DS a couple of years ago, managed to nearly make it to the end and definitely felt more toned! I'm desperate to get back to as near to my profile picture as I can!

    Started Day 1 today, am determined not to skip any days - my arms are still shaking now though. Can't believe I can't do 3 minutes of cardio without stopping - how rubbish is that!!!

    Hope to get lots of motivation from this group! If anyone wants to add me that would be great, need all the encouragement I can!
