Brides-to-be! What's your plan of action???

Good morning fellow brides-to-be!!! Everyone knows that we succeed better when we have a plan. So what's your plan for slimming down and shaping up??

My person plan is portion control stating at 1700 calories per day and NO alcohol!!!
I work on the road so I am away from home 10-14 days per month. Working out on the road isn't always easy...gym equipment doesn't work properly...someone is on the piece of machinery I want to use...I can only pack so much in my suitcase. To overcome this I broke down and purchased a few sessions with a trainer. I want to throw my gym scenarios at him/her and see what kind of good whole body workout I can achieve.

So ladies..what's your plan to staying on track and overcome obstacles so achieve your goals??


  • GettinFit_11
    GettinFit_11 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi fellow brides! My "countdown to the gown" (April 5, 2013) plan is:

    - 1400 cals a day OR a 300+ cal deficit
    - burn 3500+ cals a week
    - water water water
    - limit sugar, alcohol, and white carbs

    My biggest challenge is getting past the all-or-nothing attitude. My pattern is usually doing awesome on Mon and Tues, and then doing something less that perfect on Wednesday that makes me think the whole week is now screwed so I'll start again next week. I know I have to change that and allow myself an occasional treat or rest day or full on splurge day but then jump right back in to action and good choices. Planning ahead will be critical -- making meals for the week and scheduling in my workouts into this crazy life.

    Feel free to add me! =D
  • CGPrincessWarrior
    CGPrincessWarrior Posts: 76 Member
    My plan of action is sticking to my plan! NO more excuses :) 1400-1600 calories per day plus working out 5 days per week. Drinking tons of water and limit my sweet intake. I have such a sweet tooth so I'm trying to cut those out (except for cake testing of course :)) But really the biggest thing is no more excuses. If I want to get my dream dress and look amazing I can't be making excuses for poor choices. Let's do this and be fit brides. We're already beautiful it's about getting in shape and, for me anyway, feeling beautiful!
  • bmpal
    bmpal Posts: 36
    Hi fellow brides! My "countdown to the gown" (April 5, 2013) plan is:

    - 1400 cals a day OR a 300+ cal deficit
    - burn 3500+ cals a week
    - water water water
    - limit sugar, alcohol, and white carbs

    My biggest challenge is getting past the all-or-nothing attitude. My pattern is usually doing awesome on Mon and Tues, and then doing something less that perfect on Wednesday that makes me think the whole week is now screwed so I'll start again next week. I know I have to change that and allow myself an occasional treat or rest day or full on splurge day but then jump right back in to action and good choices. Planning ahead will be critical -- making meals for the week and scheduling in my workouts into this crazy life.

    Feel free to add me! =D

    I have the same problem with the all or nothing attitude! I fall off the wagon easily and then have a really hard time getting back on. Right now I'm having difficulty planning in my workout sessions. Wedding on 4/26/13!
  • - 1850 kcals a day
    - 30 minutes MIN exercise 4 days a week (excludes the long *kitten* walks i go on with my pugbaby)
    - Restricting processed sugar, dairy (i'm lactose intolerant anyway)
    - LENT! It starts next month and we will be cutting out dairy, eggs and processed sugar completely for 40 days

    My biggest pitfall is always my own job, I work in food service at a sub shop. The sub part isn't so bad it's the dang COOKIES and sweets that sit at the counter all night long, when you're on a 9 hour shift that ends at 3am you start craving those like mad! Also not giving up going to the gym just because i'm tired or depressed.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    - cut out sweets completely for the first 5 weeks, and then MODERATION.
    - Stick to serving sizes. I have been measuring everything out.
    - Do more rigorous workouts more times a week. Working out(no prob) I been doing that, but I need to burn more.
    - NO STRESSING! This is my most important. We know we stress over the smallest things when it comes to weddings, but a calm head will get it done just as well. Stress is not good for your health.

    My wedding is in June & I plan to fit my dress, look good in a bikini, and be healthy for the rest of my life.
  • -Sticking to the MFP calorie goal for me. Or as close to it as possible. I set it for 2lbs a week so hopefully even if I go a bit over some days, I'm still okay.
    -Work out five days a week. I have a Curves membership so between that and my Zumba game, I think I can swing it.
    -Weigh and measure food! This is a tough one for me.

    And, like a few others have stated, make sure that I try to avoid my all or nothing attitude. It's so easy to see one bad day and decide the week is destroyed.

  • I am trying so hard to stay under my calorie goal and be WAY more active.

    I used to be a competitive gymnast... and then I got older, got a full time job, ect. And now it seems like I come home from a long day at work, and plop down on the couch until it's time for bed. NO MORE! I have plenty of wii games that are all work outs including, zumba. I can do this. 10/5/13 is the day!