New! MFP gives me a lot of calories!

shelly_38 Posts: 28 Member
Hi everyone!

I just had my third baby in August so she is almost 5 months old! Time is flying by and she is just precious!

I am breastfeeding exclusively and plan to slowly introduce solids at 6-7 months. I plan to bf for over a year as I did my other two kids.

I gained 50 pounds with this little peanut ( well she was not so little at 9'9" and now she is almost 20 lbs!). Within 3 weeks of delivery I had lost 30 lbs but my weight has totally stalled since then. I am now at 183-- lost 2 lbs right away within a couple days of tracking my cals with MFP.

MFP allots me 2345 calories plus I gave myself 500 for breastfeeding so that is 2800 calories! I am paranoid about losing my milk supply so when I set up my calories I put .5 pound weight loss per week.

So far I have not eaten all those calories-- about 100-200 below because I am just not hungry.

With my first baby all the weight came off on its own and extra by 10 months without exercising or watching what I eat. With second baby I did weight watchers for awhile and it all came off plus extra by a year and then more during the second year of nursing. But I am 8 years older than when I had my first.

Anyone else eating this much? Seems like a lot!


  • blissfulbutt
    I had mine in sept, the 3rd bio-child here too. I was 245ish, down to 222, 13 of those since using mfp.

    I modified my settings so my cal goal is 2000. I then take 1000 out in execize everday as my BF allowance. I know it's really only 500-800 a day you burn w/ BF but my chunky gal eats A LOT. and I'm not logging the random chase kids through house 5x a day 7 days a week lol.

    I try to eat all my calories in a day but it's hard some days. I figure if I get within 100 I'm alright. I don't eat back the calories I burn, least of all all of them. I figure those create a difict so I'll lose weight right?