Anyone starting insanity soon?



  • jess1795
    jess1795 Posts: 3 Member
    It depends on the person how many calories you burn I have the new balance heart monitor and it says I burn 440 on the week one workouts.
  • ltravis66
    ltravis66 Posts: 14 Member
    I am not following the meal plan but am eating about 1200-1400 calories a day. Does this make a difference?
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    I'll be starting on Jan 14, after finishing up P90X this week.
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    I am not following the meal plan but am eating about 1200-1400 calories a day. Does this make a difference?

    Not an expert, and haven't looked at the meal plan, but I don't think 1200-1400 would be enough. Maybe netting that amount.
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    I watched the fitness test today... while eating some chocolate covered cherries I might add and I thought... How in the world am I gonna do this? How many of you thought the same thing and how did you get through it?

    I tried insanity as the first workout I ever did when I started working out. I failed...just couldn't do it as I wasn't at the level of fitness I felt I needed to be. Now that I lost 40+ pounds I felt like I could do it again. So I restarted & my first week I hated it. It was nothing like the other programs I had done. Now I am almost done with month 1 & I actually look forward to the way I feel during the workouts. It is still hard & I feel like I die each workout but I push through but I'm not hating it! Also, a 40 min workout feels like 10 mins now! Good'll make it! Just do what you can & each workout push yourself to do a little more!! =)
  • trfoxcpa
    trfoxcpa Posts: 3 Member
    I wanted to get a slight jump start on the new year and started 12/31/12 .. which was a Monday. So I'm about a week and a half into the program and each morning I've been asking myself (for about the full 40 min) "What the heck was I thinking?!?" To go from a pencile pushing CPA to trying to keep up with these folks. The HRM was probably the best gift EVER! I keep an eye on this throughout the work out and when I've given it 100% for as long as I possibly can ... I just hit the pause for 1 min ... no longer ... just to catch my breath and get the heart rate back down just a little.
    Did not feel the meal plan was that great but using it just as a guide. I did find a GREAT web site from a beachbody coach ( that was VERY helpful in setting my targets. He's got a lot of good information that is free.

    Only ONE New Year's Resolution: Make Progress, NOT Excuses!

    Good luck to us all. We're in it together.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    I started insanity Monday. I have an open diary and love to have more friends.
  • BowaBowa
    BowaBowa Posts: 162
    I am not following the meal plan but am eating about 1200-1400 calories a day. Does this make a difference?

    Hello, yes it does make a difference. You will really shred the fat off if you watch your carb/fat/protein intake. Keep your carb at around 50% so you will have sufficient energy to get through your workouts. Try to eat your carb meal before your work out. Keep your fat intake super low, say around 50-60g to start off, and work your way into the 40-50g. Protein, keep it super high, as high as your carb intake or more. It will help promote recovery, muscle growth, and burns fat.
  • wemmsie
    wemmsie Posts: 21 Member
    i have just got the cds and starting tomorrow when the kids are in school i do hope it works
  • I just started this week, my fit test was Monday... this is challenging but I will stick with it. I am excited about the end results. I am able to wear two more shirts that didn't look so good on before so that is encouraging.. can't really say Insanity is to be credited but it's still an encouragement. Feel free to friend me, I will need an Insanity partner
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Starting ROUND 2! I love it! Check out my Insanity results video on YOUTUBE!
    Hope if gives everyone some inspiration to stick through it!!
  • I'm starting it on the 21st, right after my 30 day shred ends on the 20th! Is there anyone starting on that day or close to?