Dizzy during Insanity

Hi there :) I started Insanity last week, I am on Week2day1 today. I got up at 8, ate about 300 calories between my coffee and peanut butter toast and started working out at about 9:30. During the workout I kep getting dizzy every time we went from floor to standing, even when I was taking breaks and standing up slowly, bringing my head up last. Is this a nutrition thing or a "i haven't worked this hard in the last 2 years" thing? Any advice? As I said, I am making sure to take breaks as I need them and I am NOT pushing when I feel dizzy, I'd just like to figure out if I need to change anything.



  • I am on my second week as well. Make sure you are drinking ALOT of water and staying cool. When I overheat I tend to get dizzy, so I usually make sure I am drinking alot of water before and during the workout, and keep a fan on as well. The coffee could be dehydrating you and causing you to become dizzy. Hope it gets better!
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    Could be a blood pressure thing. I think your blood pressure drops when standing.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I occasionally get dizzy during insanity. Make sure you are eating enough - sounds like you are. How's your iron?