Post Miles for Jan. 13-19

SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
Happy Monday Miles Challengers!!!! It is a new week. Lets make the most of it. Walk, cycle, jog, and exercise our miles and minutes away. Have a great week.


  • cdmarie
    cdmarie Posts: 21 Member
    I hope you have an awesome ever-active week also! :)
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Options total now 226.5km/133.7mi (44.6%).

    Had a couple of days off the bike as the weather has been really cold. Bit warmer today so got out for a 23.0km/14.3mi ride to top my total up to 249.5km/148.0mi (49.3%).

    I see some good results were posted last week. Well done everyone.
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Options total up to 249.5km/148.0mi (49.3%).

    Today's ride was 22.0km/13.7mi. Total now 271.5km/161.7mi (53.9%).
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Total now 271.5km/161.7mi (53.9%).

    Have noticed that my maths have gone awry since posting my ride on the 9th. The daily kilometres and mileage quoted have been correct, but when calculating the mileage total for the 9th I miscalculated the value and this has had a knock-on effect ever since in the total mileage quoted and percentage completed.

    Today's ride was 38.1km/23.7mi and my corrected total mileage and percentage is now 309.6km/192.4mi (64.1%) - values double checked :-)
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Options mileage and percentage is now 309.6km/192.4mi (64.1%)...

    Didn't get very far today due to the snow. Rode 10.4km/6.5mi. Total now is 320.0km/198.9mi (66.3%).
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Only up to 26.6/70 miles, been sick this week, hope this passes so I can make my goal :ohwell:
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Cumulative end of week results: 330/400
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    ...Total now is 320.0km/198.9mi (66.3%).

    Rode 22.6km/14.0mi today, so total now up to 342.6km/212.9mi (71.0%).
  • dan_boisvert_sub5x50
    Hello everyone. My apologies for not updating! Here's a cumulative update through Jan 19th:

    294/450 minutes walking
  • cdmarie
    cdmarie Posts: 21 Member
    45,726 steps taken, 13 floors climbed, 18.78 miles traveled, 30 minutes ridden on new cycle trainer.
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    I've been really bad about keeping up with posting here but im at 24.65 miles for the month. Im once again not going to meet my goal. Im finding it super hard to find time/energy to run while working 60 hours a week and taking care of 4 kids and a house. BUT its time to stop the excuses and get my butt back in gear.
  • dan_boisvert_sub5x50
    Go get 'em, Krim!
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
    I completed 30 miles this week. Fifty miles left.