I need an accountability partner!

Hi There Hotties!
I'm getting married on August 18th, 2013 and I want to rock a bikini on my honeymoon!
Is anyone interested in becoming my accountability partner?
This would mean communicating with one another every day and holding each other accountable for their workout and eating. We would share our food journals and our progress pictures.
I always do better when I have someone else on my side doing the same thing, and I know this could help someone else in a similar situation!
Please let me know if you're interested! If you've already started the program, I will start where you are, I do TF intermittently, and feel capable of starting where ever you may be.

Thanks again!


  • Antonia2501
    Antonia2501 Posts: 121 Member
    Today was my day one and I would be more that willing to be an accountability partner!