Bob's Team idea

6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
Hi team! I have an idea that I thought would be fun but wasn't sure if anyone is interested in participating. So.... I was thinking....:laugh:

Ya Ya Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
But in our case it is Ya Ya Sisterhood (or brotherhood) of the traveling card!:happy:

We could start by me sending an inspirational card to one person, that person sends a message. or quote, signs it and returns it to me. I then send it to the next person and so on and so on. At the end it ends up being a card full of great messages and notes from our team and then whoever the biggest loser is in our group for the entire challenge will get to keep the card as a celebration of our teamwork. I know people might be a little weary giving out addresses because many of us do not know each other in person, but was hoping that by only having to give me your address it might eliminate some of your concern. I promise I'm not a creeper!:tongue: I am willing to pay the extra postage (yes, even to China :happy: ) . You guys would just send it to me and I am in the U.S.A.

You definitely do not have to participate. I just thought it would add some more fun to Team Bob. It could be a hoot! Let us all know your thoughts on the idea!

Thanks! Mimi


  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    I would love to participate but I need detailed instructions to know how...

    Also, send us exercises to do on a weekly basis is something I would like to see...

  • MsEye
    MsEye Posts: 84 Member
    Count me in.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Sounds great! Whoever wants to participate just private message me your address. I will send out a card to someone on Monday (I'll message the person who it is getting sent to) and I will have my address on the card so you can send it back to me. When I get it I will send it to the next person (I will message them to let them know to watch their mail). Write whatever note/quote/whatever you want in the card... even just sign it if you want. There really is no wrong way to do this. I guess the most important thing would be to get it back in the mail to me as soon as you can so I can send it on to the next person.

    yspen42, thanks for letting me know about wanting some weekly exercises. I have a lot of ideas. My daughter is studying to be a certified personal trainer so she can help me too. :)
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm totally in for that!!! I will send you my address!!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I'm totally in for that!!! I will send you my address!!

    Great! What fun!!
  • mazarith
    mazarith Posts: 107 Member
    what a great idea! I'm in!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    what a great idea! I'm in!

    Wonderful!! :)
  • jahenry17
    jahenry17 Posts: 80 Member
    Great idea! Count me in!
  • momreloading
    momreloading Posts: 64 Member
    Great count me in
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Wonderful! The more the merrier! I'll have you know that I even walked to the store to buy the card instead of driving. :tongue: If you are in, just make sure to message me your address. I will let you know when it is your turn to sign it. Thanks!!!
  • hanginrailranch
    hanginrailranch Posts: 63 Member
    yes, count me in!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    yes, count me in!
    Thanks Judy. Just message me what address you want it sent to when you get a chance, :)
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 153 Member
    ha, send away, but you might be waiting a little from China...
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 153 Member
    Trent Lamb
    1357 Huqingping Rd, #50A (Ansheng Garden)
    Shanghai, China 201702

    Good luck with that! :)
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Trent Lamb
    1357 Huqingping Rd, #50A (Ansheng Garden)
    Shanghai, China 201702

    Good luck with that! :)

    I don't care how long it takes!! When it is your turn I am sending it!:laugh: I'll message you to let you know when it is sent your way.