Weak wrists.

SashThompson Posts: 130 Member
Recently managed to make my way up to a 32kg dumbbell press but am having a bit of trouble with my wrists and they're holding me back. I have the strength in my chest to push the weights no issue but my wrists are quite weak and have started to almost buckle over to the front when I try to push the weights up.
Is it best to get some wrist supports? Or is there a way I can strengthen them? Only reason I'm hesitant about wrist supports is because I don't want my wrists to become reliant purely on the supports.
Any suggestions would be great :)


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    awesome job, that's a good weight to be pressing! A lot of people have issues when they get to a certain weight and most switch to a barbell press which takes some strain off the wrists (less twisting movement).

    There are some wrist specific exercises but I'm not sure how effective they are, wrist curls come to mind but some others might be able to shed more light on this.

    I have some limitation with my grip strength so a couple of times a week I'll add some specific training for that (eg dead hangs, plate holds etc) at the end of my workout.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I'd recommend grabbing some wrist wraps for your heavier sets if it is becoming a problem. Lifting with your wrist in a compromised position is going to do more harm than good in the long run. No reason to become dependent on them, just throw them on when you start to feel it becoming too much. I'll usually wrap for anything over 225 when benching and even more often for overhead work, almost always for dumbbells. Can't say it has made my wrist any weaker, it has certainly alleviated wrist pain the next day though. Even if your wrist do get stronger it is still a lot of stress on them over a long period of time if you keep at it, taking a load off small body parts like that seems like a good idea. I'm not sure what the best specific exercises are but I'm sure it would be easy to find, throw those in instead of dropping the weight down or lifting in poor position. You don't need a cast, just something that offers enough support. I'm sick and half rambling but hopefully that helps somehow.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I have the same, impossible to avoid at some point, I found out... I would advise against using straps because they may stall your strength gains in your wrists. Concentrate on good form, keep your wrists straight and take your time. You will get stronger, but increasing the weight too soon won't help.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Recently managed to make my way up to a 32kg dumbbell press but am having a bit of trouble with my wrists and they're holding me back. I have the strength in my chest to push the weights no issue but my wrists are quite weak and have started to almost buckle over to the front when I try to push the weights up.
    Is it best to get some wrist supports? Or is there a way I can strengthen them? Only reason I'm hesitant about wrist supports is because I don't want my wrists to become reliant purely on the supports.
    Any suggestions would be great :)

    X2 to what punktorian said. Invest in a quality set of wrist wraps. Elitefts has some awesome wrist wraps..I have a pair I use for my heavier work and love them. They will help increase stability in what is a joint built more so for mobility. They are a very useful and valuable tool to add to your training tool box so they are there when you need them. I would not worry about becoming purely reliant on them. As mentioned, use them when you feel you need them. Your heavier work or higher volume cycles ect..
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Definately get wrist-wraps, there's no shame in it. I really don't think there's much you can do to strengthen wrists (grip strength is a different beast). My wrists suck, I remember have issues with them when I was 6 years old. I need wraps for bench but even more so for my back squat as my rack is low and narrow...
  • SashThompson
    SashThompson Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks for the info guys, think ill grab a good set and use them when I need to. Anyone know any good brands that I should get that will ship them down to New Zealand?
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    cant remember the brand of mine. :P

    but one tip, wrap em tight!!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Yet another vote for wraps here.
  • DMevis
    Impact exercises, i.e. heavy bag work will increase bone density & wrist strength.
  • mrdjmo
    mrdjmo Posts: 79 Member
    Recently managed to make my way up to a 32kg dumbbell press but am having a bit of trouble with my wrists and they're holding me back. I have the strength in my chest to push the weights no issue but my wrists are quite weak and have started to almost buckle over to the front when I try to push the weights up.
    Is it best to get some wrist supports? Or is there a way I can strengthen them? Only reason I'm hesitant about wrist supports is because I don't want my wrists to become reliant purely on the supports.
    Any suggestions would be great :)

    Try working out your forearms more often I found this helped with my overall grip/wrist strength.

    Also if your getting pain from it just lower the weight until you strengthen your wrists up.

    No point risking an injury for an extra 5kg.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I prefer to lift without wraps..........but maybe my wrists are freakishly strong (I could understand the right but not the left :blushing: )

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  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    you have to get them stronger, do wrist curls and hammer motions