
FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
How on earth are you supposed to follow this plan at the office??? And there is no way I can eat 4 meals and 3 snacks. How are you guys handling this???


  • cristieg
    cristieg Posts: 31 Member
    The hardest part of the plan for me is to eat all of the food. But, you do not have to eat the snacks. You MUST eat the meals on time. If you aren't hungry, just eat part of it. You must eat something at meal time (about every 3-4 hours) though.

    It's a little difficult for me while I'm at work too. I pack everything the night before so it's ready to go. I'll eat breakfast at home and take snack 1 with me to work.

    I am able to go home at lunch time to get my exercise in. I will eat meal 2 (usually a protein shake) at home or in the car. Before I head back I grab my items for snack 2, & meal 3.

    Do you have access to a fridge at work? A microwave? Can you eat in your work area? Do you get a break in addition to lunch? If so, is it possible to split your break into 2 shorter breaks?

    This is my rough schedule. It's not perfect, but it works for me:

    7:30-8:00am - meal 1
    10:00am - snack 1
    11:00am-12:00pm - exercise
    12:00pm - meal 2
    3:00pm - snack 2
    6:00pm - meal 3
    8:00pm - meal 4
    10:00-11:00pm - Bed time
    I usually do not eat a 3rd snack.

    I set up reminders for the whole week in my google calendar to alert me on my phone when/what I should be eating. It's a little tedious to set up, but it really saves me time and headache throughout the week.

    I also keep an apple, can of soup, ww melba toast & a protein shake packet at my desk just in case. I always have a bottle of water.

    SHRED takes alot of planning ahead and probably isn't doable for everyone, but I hope this helps.
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I have to do the prep work on Sunday so I have my fruit or veg. cut up and ready to go already. I make a pot of soup and put it into serving sizes for on the go. I buy the yoplait frozen shake mix sometimes and all I have to do is add almond milk to it. I also buy something called Naked Juice. It's smoothies already made without added sugars. It's in the produce isle and I try to use them only when I am on the go. I sometimes can't finish the entire bottle because of the calories.
    There are times I can't get all my snacks in or sometimes I can't get to have the fruit or veg in while having my smoothie.
    Do the best you can until you find your groove and what works for your lifestyle.
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I forgot to add that I happen to have something called "Magic Bullet". It is a small blending device that allows you to prepare the smoothie in a plastic cup and you just screw on a blade cover and it blends in seconds and you use the cup you blended it all in. Very convenient. Look it up on line.
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
    I actually own a Magic Bullet, but it is at home. If I make my shake in the morning, will be still be good when I need it at work??
  • hikaratedeb
    hikaratedeb Posts: 17 Member
    Just a note I add a fruit to my protein shake so that combines the 2 dont have to worry about eating fruit just blend it in smoothie
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I'm wondering if you froze the smoothie the night before and then brought it with you to work, it can melt by the time you need to drink it. Unless of course, you needed it as your first meal, then I would make it fresh at home and bring it to go.
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I tried the chocolate banana protein shake and it's amazing!!! and really keeps me full!