another challenge?

I was wondering if we were going to do another 5 week?


  • Yes please!
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    Just wanted to share that as of this am I am at pre-baby weight. I saw 213.6 lbs this am which is what i weighed when i got prego with my almost 5 month old.YAY!!!!!

    Honestly its cuz ive dropped 5 lbs in 2 days with the nasty cold that ive had....but i will take it.
  • jeweljeans
    jeweljeans Posts: 109 Member
    Just wanted to share that as of this am I am at pre-baby weight. I saw 213.6 lbs this am which is what i weighed when i got prego with my almost 5 month old.YAY!!!!!

    Honestly its cuz ive dropped 5 lbs in 2 days with the nasty cold that ive had....but i will take it.

    WAY TO GO! I was just getting fed up when my little one was 5 months!

    I'm in on another challenge. I weigh in Saturday mornings... I'm 159, down another 2! My overall goal was going to be 155, but I think I can do 150. I'll see once I reach 155. I was 176 pre pregnancy, so I'm just elated to be where I am now.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    Im in!
  • suzannearaya1976
    suzannearaya1976 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! What do we do? lol
  • ljervisleah
    ljervisleah Posts: 15 Member
    So intrigued! What's the challenge?