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  • mamakoleta
    hey there! my name is Colette and I've had fibro and cfs since 2003. I'm 46, married 22 years w/ 2 kids, aged 20 and 17. My condition unfortunately has had me home bound more and more as it has progressed. What a journey this has been(I'm sure you all can agree w/that!) and I've gained a lot of weight on it - well, that is why I am here at mfp (jut started 3 days ago).....Hope to get to know you better and hope you are having a pain free day!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Morning everyone. I was diagnosed with fibro over 20 years ago now after a serious car accident I was extremely lucky in that I had a great doctor who immediately sent me to a rheumatologist who in turn sent me to a fibro specialist on Vancouver island. Considering these were the dark days of fibro when it was at best considerd a myth and at worst, well you've all been there I'm sure. I became a bit of a test patient and test case as everything with my situation was pretty classic. I had all the tender points and there were days that were so bad I just wanted to curl up and disappear. I eventually had to give up my career. There were long hours, long days and lots of travel. All of which conspired to make it impossible to function. It took years to come to terms with not being able to work and further years to finally reach a happy medium with daily pain. I haven't had a pain free day in 20 years but that doesn't mean I don't have good days. Since I've joined this site I have been able to increase my walking from 400 metres up to 7 kilometres. I've done it slowly, rested between days and I've been able to increase without deleterious affect. I'm so thrilled with that. I still have to bite my tongue al,ost every day when someone, quite well meaning, says but you look great there can't really be anything wrong with you! Argh that irritates me, walk a mile in my shoes. Then say that. I very seldom talk about it and almost never refer to it, so it is wonderful to find a group within a site from which I have already received so much support. Thanks so much for getting this up and going. Cheers to all of us.
  • thi3
    thi3 Posts: 13 Member
    I just found this group on here, am so happy to join. I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis behind my kneecaps after a half marathon two years ago. I already had Hashimoto's and was trying to lose weight. Even after OA diagnosis, had some problems. Found I have positive ANA-DX with UCTD. Mine manifests as lupus, raynaud's, ibs, sjorgren's. Started Plaquenil, NSAIDS and Celexa. A few months later, amitryptilene and methotrexate. Even then, still some pain. Added Fibro to the mix. Now I want to lose the weight amitryptilene has put on and get back to my active life. Feeling better pain wise and want a positive support. I have a full time job and three teens so exercise really helps with stress. :smile:

    Thank you for starting the group!
  • sprapp
    sprapp Posts: 5 Member
    I was diagnosed with Fibro about 3-4 years ago and stayed in denial until last year when I finally had to stop working. I had a lower back fusion in 2006 and have been in pain ever since. I kept insisting that my pain had to do with the surgery but as it's spread throughout my body I finally had to concede. I've always believed in conquering one's dragons so this has been an extremely difficult adjustment for me, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I've been working real hard trying to balance the three, but boy is it a continuous work in progress. It's been quite a roller coaster ride and I try to keep in positive spirits about what this next new adventure will bring, but dang those lows are dark. lol. I just turned 50 last November and I am convinced this new decade is going to ROCK!....but probably with more comfortable shoes. giggle.

    Thank you for this site, it sure helps to know I'm not alone when it comes to struggling with finding the right doctors, meds, physical exercise, diets, work, etc.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Checking in here to say hi. I've been ill now for 7 months with CFS/ME (Drs are still running tests, but if nothing else comes up, this will soon be it). I have fairly bad post exertional malaise and so really cannot exercise at all (15mins slow walking is about max per day - although sometimes I do a little more and then less the day before and after.)

    So all my dieting is on restricting calories, which means my allowance is only 1200 cals a day and even that low will show a very small weekly wt loss. I've been eating 1200 most days, but also doing "fast" days sometimes of around 500cals just to help keep things moving. Thankfully my appetite has mostly reduced.
  • sprapp
    sprapp Posts: 5 Member
    Same here. I can only walk about 15 minutes but can do a bit longer in the pool so calorie restriction is what will help me the most. Hang in there. I enjoy this site because watching my calories is something I can have control over as I learn to manage pain. My motto is now "baby steps."
  • ChihGirl
    ChihGirl Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm 21 and was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a couple months ago(after suffering with it for around 5 years), soon after being diagnosed with depression and anxiety, several months after being diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis, and about a year after being diagnosed with Vocal Cord Dysfunction and acid reflux.

    This summer I made so much progress in my health... My pain and fatigue decreased, due to more regular/more hours of sleep. I lost over 10 lbs without even exercising, due to eating healthier foods and smaller portions (which also helped with the fatigue). I managed to work 40+ hours (including walking to and from work, and home for lunch) per week.

    Then school started. :( I had thankfully decided to become a part time student, after 3 awful semesters... However, even with only two classes and 20-25 hours of work per week, I've since worsened quite a bit. I'm trying to continue losing (or at the very least not gain anything back!) and eat healthy, but the stress of school flares my fibro a lot. Sometimes I wish I could just quit school, or take a break for a year or so. Even work can become quite difficult, but it's nothing compared to being a senior at an extremely rigorous university!!!

    I still have hope though! And I am glad to have found this online community of people who understand the physical and mental issues which for me are a daily struggle, but which people seem to think is "all in my head" (uh, yeah sure, you try to live in my body for even one of my GOOD days, THEN tell me I'm making it up! They'd go from thinking I'm a wimp to thinking I'm strong I'm sure! :tongue: )
  • lilmissbamaqueen
    Hi, I'm Stacey, 32, from Alabama, and while I have not been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I believe that I have it. My mom was diagnosed about five years ago, and she thinks I have it, too. I have that awful achy/tired/cold feeling most of the time that I can only describe as "flu-like", which makes most physical activity (cleaning, exercising, etc) very difficult. I also have trouble sleeping, and cannot sleep through the night without some sort of sleep aid. Anyway, this being the first of the year and all, I have decided that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I have been trying to exercise more and eat a little better (not like a single guy... pizza, frozen burritos, etc). I am starting kinda small and am using my Wii Fit about 20 minutes a day, which is about all I can handle right now. I find if I do the yoga/stretching exercises first, it makes the cardio exercises easier. (I know, duh.) So, that's me. I'm glad that there are groups on MFP for Fibro sufferers, because it helps me feel not so alone.

    Take care, all.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Hi I'm Bev from UK. I had ME as a teenager and recovered mostly after two years. I had a virus in November 2011 that brought it back, I have also being diagnosed with fibro. I have had to give up my personal training business. I'm married with two boys, my eldest is autistic.

    These are the things that have helped me:

    I supplement for cell renewal, energy production, anti inflammatory and healthy gut. I believe this has made a huge difference! Especially the magnesium.

    I have turned to eating Paleo, no grains, no gluten, no dairy, no soy, no sugar. 80% of our immune system is in the gut and I believe the body has to be given time to heal. It can not heal the gut with these foods being digested. (I have researched this a lot and was already intolerant to gluten dairy and soy)

    I eat less than 50g of carbs a day.... My pain seems to be connected to the my body creating huge amounts of lactic acid (please ask me about Dr Myhill explanation of this of you'd like more info) and by keeping carbs very low the body is unable to convert the glucose to create this lactic acid. I am in 90% less pain by doing this.

    My biggest advice: research a lot! Be careful where you take your advice from. Focus on healing the body, I.e. stress reduction (this includes physical stressors like insulin spikes from sugar intake) avoid chemicals (including the chemicals in your food) and keep a positive mind (positive thoughts etc change our chemical output re cortisol levels etc).

    I do spend a lot of my time lay down, it's made a massive impact on my life again but I will never give up hope that I can be well again
  • tracyann5891004
    Hi all. Its really nice to see a FM group that is not full of self pity but full of positive attitude and determination. I'm very pleased to be a part of such a group. I have FM and ME and some days can be like fighting my way through treacle with fatigue, with little men inside my body pulling at all my joints and muscles...BUT... I'm in a very happy place in my life right now, having finally found Mr right and living happy ever after, and there is NO WAY I am going to let FM/ME control me, or affect the lives of those important around me. I work full-time and we have 5 kids (4 being teens) between us and its organised chaos most days but I wouldn't want it any other way. I have put on a while dress size recently, one because the new mr right is a chef and is always producing wonderful experiments in the kitchen and two because of fatigue i find it harder to find the energy to exercise so joined mfp for some motivation to get back my jeans :).
    Looking forward to good times and making some new friends
  • doubleH39
    NEW to this all .. was told i have fibro in Jan. of this year. Ive been on a rough rd and now starting to feel like me again. Im on lyrica and it does help with the pain for me. I m wanting to know if any one else is taking it and if your are able to drop the pounds. Im down because i know you gain weight with it . I dont want to give it though cause it does help with the pain
    any advise would be helpful .
  • AlexThreeClaw
    AlexThreeClaw Posts: 73 Member
    Hey, everyone. I'm Alex, 29, diagnosed with ME/CFS about 15 years ago. One of the things I find most frustrating is knowing my limits and not going over them. It's very easy to push too hard and make myself ill for a few weeks, especially when people around me are encouraging me to do more. I've just gotten over a three month bad patch and noticed my weight is creeping up quite a lot. I want to do something about that, so here I am. Hoping for plenty of support and lots of new friends.
  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I haven't signed in for ages so feel like I'm 'new' again! For those who don't know/remember me, I was diagnosed with CFS in 2010 after my health gradually deteriorated then crashed, and since then I've been working on building myself back up to recovery.

    Iron_Pheonix, I think that I agree with just about everything you said in your post!

    I've not actually been doing calorie counting (hence why I've not been signing into MFP so much) as I found it wasn't the way for me: it was flaring my OCD up! (Really.) Anyway, I have been watching what I eat still and am steadily losing weight. I've still got a way to go before I'm back to the shape I was before I got ill, but onwards I go... The reason I've come back to MFP is because I want to keep track of my exercise more and get more involed in the community.
  • MarjorieStevens
    MarjorieStevens Posts: 16 Member
    Hello. I am somewhat new to the MFP community. I have been diagnosed with Fibro for about 3 years now. I have lots of other medical problems as well. I'm really glad to have found this group!
  • albelite
    albelite Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, I have just joined this group, I am diabetic, osteoarthritis in knee, back, shoulders etc, fibromyalgia and sciatica which is giving me hell at the moment and painkillers don't seem to help that much. I used to weigh 350 lb (25 stone) but lost 9 stone, then gained 4.5 but have got 2 stone off again so now i'm 18 stone 6 lb, I find it a struggle to keep to a diet every day with being a compulsive over eater by nature and sugar addict. I try to go swimming at least 3 times a week and go for a walk a couple of times a week, but have to push myself, it would be so easy to just sit around all day feeling depressed about my situation which has all been self inflicted with my weight probably, but I do think stress plays a big part which I live with on a daily basis, always been a worrier as well. I don't want to moan and really just want to keep motivated to lose more weight with the hope I will start to feel better in my health. Thanks Sue
  • sandydoyle33

    Is this still and active group?