do you drop in to other boxes when you're out of town?

I'm thinking of dropping in at a box in another town when I go visit family, but I've only been doing crossfit since August... I know they will scale for me, but I'm worried about being totally lost in a new/bigger box. Like, I wont know where to find equipment & I don't want to be the only girl. Who do I talk to when I get there/how do I know who the coaches are if ppl are just walking around? (I've emailed with the owner & she said come anytime, but what if she's not there?)

.. sorry for rambling.

I need to balance out the weekend of food and booze with my family. I don't want to wuss out and just go for a run, but I'm nervous.


  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Hell yeah I do! Its so much fun, it still scares the crap outta me but I'm scared of every WOD no matter where I am.

    Everyone has been very friendly, well trained, and a lot of fun at every drop in box I've gone to. If you notify them ahead of time the coach will be looking for a "new" face at the class they are teaching. Usually owners are very good about notifying their coaches of new people and/or drop ins that have contacted them.

    I tried out two new boxes when I moved to NM. Just emailed both of them and did back to back drop ins (sorry muscles!) and at the second box I was the only girl. All the dudes were super supportive and introduced themselves to me and gave me atta girls at the end. I think we all make CrossFitters out to be way more elite and stuck up than they actually. I think the average box is full of pretty friendly but driven people, always happy to see new people drinking the kool-aid.

    Also, ask if you can buy a shirt instead of paying the drop in fee, that's pretty common plus you get a kick *kitten* shirt!

    Good luck to you! (if you don't drop in, I have a HUGE list of BW WODS I can send to you, they're pretty brutal ;) )

  • Good luck to you! (if you don't drop in, I have a HUGE list of BW WODS I can send to you, they're pretty brutal ;) )

    send them either way! :) I'm sure I'll need one eventually.

    I have emailed the owner and she said come any time & I can buy a shirt instead of paying the fee. (I've been facebook stalking them, and they do have some pretty awesome shirts that they design. I hope they have the one I really like when I get there!)

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I think you're right about the kool-aid thing. lol. We love drop ins at my box but there's some other local boxes that seem to not really want visitors which made me nervous about going somewhere new where I don't know anyone.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Research the box and contact them before you show up. Most average is from $20 to $40 a day.
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    I did over the summer when I was visiting my parents. Bought a shirt, they waived the fee. They made sure they knew my CF history before throwing me into any part of the day's workout and WOD and a coach stayed close by until he knew I was good with the lifts we were doing.

    I really enjoyed it. Reminded me of growing up Catholic and traveling and going to churches all over the place. Kinda the same, yet totally different.
  • bowmab21
    bowmab21 Posts: 150 Member
    I worked out at CrossFit 912 in a Akumal, Mexico while on vacation. It was awesome, totally recommend if you are travelling in the Mayan Rivera.