Two weeks in, and no weight lost. :-(

martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
So, no weight lost is probably a lie. I've lost .9. But after two weeks of clean eating, and lifting heavy, I haven't lost anything. Think it's because I've lifted heavy? I can see a bit of a difference in my arms. They're looking tighter, but not much of a weight loss.


  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    The first time I started this program after the first month I got on the scale and nearly died, I had gained 5lbs. I could see a huge difference in my body but I let the scale derail me and I quit. I suggest staying off the scale until at least after phase 2. Go by what you see in the mirror, not the numbers!
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    Yeah. I'm trying not to let it frustrate me. I can see the difference, but it's 27 years of society telling me the scale number is the one that matters. I WILL change this mindset, but dang, it's hard! Eat Clean and follow your dreams!
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    For ths reasone I'm taking weekl measurements. I "gained" almost 3 lbs from last weeks weigh in to today's. I'm sure it's mostly water weight (TOM is next week as well) - so while the scale went up, I did see a small change in my measurements going down. I've been addicted to the scale for so long that it's hard to break it, but I can only allow myself now 1x a week weigh-ins.

    I say do measurements and toss out the scale # for a while - if you're like me and live by it, it'll drive you bonkers
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    you guys are hitting it right on the head! Phases 1 and 2 are for muscle building, phase 3 is the fat burning phase! Stay patient! :o]
  • mznortiz
    mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
    don't be slave to the scale. i'm not weighing myself until the end. i read on other forums, that you will weigh heavier but lose inches. i'm in this for a lifestyle change not numbers on the scale. let's keep our focus ladies:-) what weeks are you all on?
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I start week 3 today. Doing days 15 and 16 together, as I got lazy yesterday. :wink:

    Thanks for all the feedback. I hate how we're expected to live and die by the scale. I was only going to weigh myself at the end of each phase but curiosity got the better of me. Let that be a lesson! Scales LIE! (Or at least don't tell you the WHOLE truth).
  • supersparklies
    supersparklies Posts: 40 Member
    I just, started week 1. :)