Weclome Moms!



  • And for all of you thinking couch to 5K, do it! It's how I learned to run and over the course of a year I went from not running to running a marathon.
  • LuvingMumof2
    LuvingMumof2 Posts: 7 Member
    I have two boys age 3 & 6 and I struggle finding time to get to the gym or to squeeze in a workout... My hubby also works evenings and the afternoon is the only time we have to spend together during the week.... So I have been getting up and going to the gym at 530 am.... I am enjoying it so far! Best of Luck!!! xo
  • working out!
    I have one toddler and a hubs that loves to do nothing after work and leave a mess everywhere he goes! I'm 35 weeks with my second daughter and struggle to get in my prenatal yoga/walks. It's thankfully gotten easier to eat healthy
  • MrsNole
    MrsNole Posts: 26
    I want to know your greatest stuggles fitness wise. Eating, working out?

    Mine is getting time to get my workout in!! With 3 boys 4 and under I actually have to do it when they nap, or get up early with my husband to get it done. Anyone else stuggle with this?
    Hello all!

    My greatest struggle would definitely be trying to a workout in. I have to work out when DD is napping or in the morning before she wakes up. Or I can wait till DD is asleep and by that time I usually just want to watch TV and go to sleep!
  • fuzziebee
    fuzziebee Posts: 3 Member
    My 2 year old just stands there and watches me like I'm a moron when I try to work out! I've only managed it once so far and now she refuses to sleep in the day so am trying to find other ways of fitting it in
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    My greatest struggles in keeping on the eating right plan during the weekend. Its not too hard but the booze is a temptation! :drinker:

    Also finding time to work out between school, kids and my marriage.