Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

I need positive PCOS friends.

I have come to discover that when you talk about your PCOS to other people, they tend to judge, and question everything about it, including your doctor's orders. I came to this website for support with weight loss, and my struggles with PCOS. I am looking for friends here that will understand me, and my struggles. That will not judge me for having a bad day due to getting used to metformin, that will not suggest to me that my doctors orders will not work. I need solid support, and understanding and compassion. If you think you are a person that can do that please request me. I will give nothing, but support and understanding in return. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I am having such a terrible day, and it's only 10am. Damon our crazy hormones.


  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    Definantly sending friend request. Your make your goals by doing whats right for your body and not what anyone else tells you too. Your doctor has a better outlook so really I'd pay attention to what he/she says only! :) good luck and can't wait to travel journey together.
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you. <3
  • I have come to discover that when you talk about your PCOS to other people, they tend to judge, and question everything about it, including your doctor's orders. I came to this website for support with weight loss, and my struggles with PCOS. I am looking for friends here that will understand me, and my struggles. That will not judge me for having a bad day due to getting used to metformin, that will not suggest to me that my doctors orders will not work. I need solid support, and understanding and compassion. If you think you are a person that can do that please request me. I will give nothing, but support and understanding in return. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I am having such a terrible day, and it's only 10am. Damon our crazy hormones.

    I suffer with PCOS also. Its a very emotional rollercoaster. I have some symptoms but not all. I have terrible mood swings and since having my daughter in March 2012 I see signs of other symptoms. This is a judge free zone . Due to motherhood and work , I don't sign in as much as I would like to, but that will not keep me from being a friend. I need advice etc too, so we can support each other :-)
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    I too have PCOS and like prior poster said, it's a very emotional rollercoaster for us PCOS girls. We can support each other if you want. I'll send you a friend request.
  • I have PCOS as well and I'll be sending you a friends request. Anybody feel free to send me one as well just please send a note along with it :-)
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    You came to the right place. I feel a lot better with the support and encouragement from the ladies on this site. Even on the tough days, which we all have, some kind words make all the difference. Plus, we exchange a lot of helpful information. I hope you have a better day :flowerforyou:
  • I came here from another site that wasn't as good of a support community. My in real life friends that don't have any health problems aside from over eating and being lazy don't understand my plight and it's sometimes more frustrating than the PCOS itself :/ ("just eat less" they say... right. because 1300 isn't already kinda low...). I find this community a nice safe zone where i'm not judged. So, welcome :)

    and some doctors are a bit dim with PCOS. I had an argument with one of the pathologists i work with because he was talking about weight loss being 'just math'. Ugh. they're the worst. But a good doctor that's trying to help you is win <3

    Hope you have a better day! Mine started lousy and got a bit better towards the end so far :)
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Sending a FR. Love positive PCOS friends. :)
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you ladies for being so supportive. You all have made my day much better. It is good to know there are people out there who fully understand what I am going through.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    Hi new here! I was 200lbs when I found out I had PCOS. I lost weight naturally with a lot of dedication and was able to conceive my first son Isaac. He is now 20 months old and we've been trying to conceive and it just wasn't happening. Given I have let go of the things that got me to the point of conceiving Isaac in the first place. I have let myself go of far too long. I put myself in a back burner, I put my family on a back burner. I have put my foot down and said enough. I did it before and I will do it again. Though this time its very different I have a son who takes up my entire day. I am no longer just responsible for myself I am a full time mother too. I am not going to lie it is quite a bit harder. I too need encouragement and support. I am 182 I was 140 when I got pregnant! I was 165 post partum and I cannot believe I have gained nearly 20lbs from then till now. I nursed him up until two weeks ago. No nursing did nothing for my weight loss as you can see but I dont regret it. He is still very much worth every pound I have gained. What it comes down to is its crunch time. I need to be healthy for me, for my husband and for my son.

    When I was down in pounds I was up in health and in control of my body and symptoms. I hate the feeling I have now of no control of myself, my body, my emotions.

    Feel free to add me!
  • neans29
    neans29 Posts: 3 Member
    I've had PCOS for most of my life struggling with my weight and most of the other symptoms that go with PCOS . I was told I would never be able to have children but I have proved them wrong and had two lovely girls .Now I am on a mission to lose this weight from PCOS and have babies feel free to add me as a friend just right a note and say your from this group ,I'd love some motivation an support with the next step on my life :)
  • CupcakeKendra
    CupcakeKendra Posts: 212 Member
    Feel free to add me! I was diagnosed with PCOS may 2011....really hit it hard last year and lost 52 lbs in 100 days. Now back at it again! :)
  • ms_jen21
    ms_jen21 Posts: 61 Member
    Hiya! My name is Jennifer, I'm 21, I've had PCOS since I was 15. I will be friends with you! I understand how hard it is to talk to others about it when they don't know about PCOS or what it is. I get alot of questions about my "excess" hair and my "facial" hair. I just tell them I have a medication condition and It's really none of your business (unless they're friends or family, then I go into more detail) Alot of my friends are PCOS Cysters as well, so I do have a couple friends that I can talk to about my issues and such. But my other friends who aren't Cysters, they understand and are supportive and have even found more information for me and have given advice on what they've read. If you want to friend request me, please feel free. :)

    From another Cyster to Another,
    God Bless :)

  • Hey guys fellow PCOS sufferer here ADD ME please :smile:
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you so much for the support, all you ladies have been such an inspiration and helped me stay on track. I almost left MFP, I was starting to give up hope, but here I am still kicking. Thank you so much.

    Also I start the 30 day shred tonight, I am very nervous.
  • While I've probably had PCOS for awhile, I didn't get a definitive diagnosis until earlier this month. Today I saw an excellent endocrinologist. It was really helpful that I brought photocopies of past bloodwork which helped her see some additional trends, including cholesterol levels. There are more tests and doctor appointments coming up, and I'm trying to stay positive, seeing this as creating a game plan for my future health.

    The one area that does get me down is the fact that I may end up taking medication, especially after years of getting healthier and only taking vitamins now. I'll know more over the next few weeks.

    Recently I bought PCOS for Dummies, which I'm finding very informative and helpful.

    Hearing about experiences other people are having with this syndrome helps.

  • vwchel
    vwchel Posts: 13 Member
    I too have PCOS, dx back in 2008 while TTC #1. I have always been overweight, but it really got out of control in college, then after my wedding. Last July I realized I was at my highest ever and it was time to make a change. I met with a nutritionist and learned how to read labels. since then, I have lost 34lbs. Nothing huge, but a darn good start! We want to TTC #2 and my RE said to lose 30lbs, here I am 30lbs later and wishing and hoping.

    I rarely talk to ppl IRL about PCOS because they don't get it and its frustrating to explain. I would love to be part of the PCOS support community! I will send a friend request and anyone else here please feel free to friend me. All I ask is that you send a short note of where we 'met'.

    Keep your head up Cysters!
  • kkallas1
    kkallas1 Posts: 6 Member
    can I ask how your losing weight with PCOS? I am having a very hard time...
  • vwchel
    vwchel Posts: 13 Member
    can I ask how your losing weight with PCOS? I am having a very hard time...

    I cut back on carbs and sugar. Then I got serious about logging my food into MFP. For Christmas I got the Fit Bit, and that tracks my calories burned. I find that seeing what I eat vs what I burned is a HUGE help!
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    Almost 30 here from paleo