just started group

:flowerforyou: thank you for joining us.


  • sura987
    sura987 Posts: 30
    Thank you for starting this group! I hope to start a much healthier lifestyle for 2013.:wink:
    And anyone who wants to, please add me as a friend.
  • thank you for joining us :)
  • thank you for joining. i hope we can all start out 2013 healthy and help each other meet our fitness goals and begin living happier healther lives.
  • sura987
    sura987 Posts: 30
    Thank you, I'm really happy and excited about it!
  • this is a tough thing to do. I find i want to snack way more than i should. Actually seeing the calorie count makes me say no to slipping though.
  • so glad to have you as part of our group. i think it will help us all set our goals and no make any excuses, which is my downfall.
  • sura987
    sura987 Posts: 30
    I agree this is tough, but if you want anything bad enough, then you find ways to accomplish it. I don't think I really wanted to lose weight bad enough in the past, because I always cheated, made excuses and gave into comforting myself with food. No one knew, no one saw me, but the only person I cheated was myself. My weight kept me unhappy and stuck in the past. I want to free myself from that and I have to be willing to accept that my efforts are needed, I can just will something to happen magically.
    My actions ( watching what I eat, exercising, and being accountable) must match my intention ( the intention is that I want to be at a healthy weight, be physically fit). And that's the reality of the situation.
  • Well said! i am very bad about treating my depression over my weight problem with food. But, with baby steps I'm learning that there are other ways to deal with it. One thing I have done is start a group so, we can have a place to talk about issues we are having that trigger our over eating and helpful solutions that others have you used and helped them. If you have any ideas to make excerise more fun or healthy ideas for breakfast, lunch or dinner please feel free to share. Please bare with me, Ive never done anything like this before and am willing to except any ideas you have to help our group grow and help others. If you feel like talking about anything, even if its just having a bad day please feel free to share and always remember this is a no judgement zone. We are all here for the same reason and that is to get healthy and stay healthy. loves and hugs to all and hope you have a great weekend!
  • sura987
    sura987 Posts: 30
    You're doing a great job!! You're open, honest, and sincere about overcoming what it is that keeps you from your weightloss/fitness/health goals and you're also willing to help others by starting this group...that's awesome!!
    Just like you, I'm learning too...what works for me and how to keep my momentum going so that I can stay determined and follow through. I agree with you about the baby steps and taking one day at a time. One by one, each step we take, and each day we stick with it, will bring us to closer to our goals. Have a great weekend!!
  • thanks so much for that. its hard to be honest about why i cant achieve my goals. now i have no place to hide. lol. cant wait for spring though, mabe i will be able to get around better and feel like getting out more.
  • Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Hope your day is as beautiful as our is today. You enjoy the day, dance around the house while doing housework or go for a walk even, if its around the local walmart or mall. Make the day yours. Hugs and loves to you all. :flowerforyou: