new to this program looking for suport.

i am a 39 yr old wife mother of 2 girls, one of witch is autistic. I have limited mobility due to cerebral palsy and arthritis. i can and have converted exercises to suit my needs but it is not an easy thing. My husband is a professional chef and that is not an easy thing to resist either!


  • Lady_Clarington
    Lady_Clarington Posts: 76 Member
    What kind of exercise do you do now? Aside from looking after two children which is enough to wear anyone out!
  • kimberlykalie
    Welcome Mamajeans!
    Most the exercises I do are done slowly and incorporated into my daily routines. I try to walk a few times each week, mind you at a very slow pace. I try to do some modified yoga and tai chi. You Tube has some nice short workout routines. Mostly, you just need to keep moving any way you can. Again, Welcome to the group!
  • Mamajeans1973
    i do exercises that are slightly modified, like push ups against a wall and squats while supporting myself against the wall and i have a yoga video called "Yoga for the rest of us" they are modified poses for elderly of handicapped using chairs to "bring the floor closer" its an awesome video and the instructor has a very soothing voice. i live in the frozen north so i cant go walking now. it aggravates my arthritis which if that happens than i am out for the count for at least a couple days
  • kimberlykalie
    Hi Mamajeans! I too live in the north and have severe asthma, so i am shut in the house most days, especially if it's windy. Your video sounds great. I try to walk at Super Walmart or at the mall a couple times each week. I have to walk very slowly but at least I'm moving. My kids motivate me to move more. They are young adults (one teenager) so they are pretty observant and worry when I'm not breathing well, so I really try to move around so as to not worry them. Do your kids motivate you?
  • Ambermarigold
    Ambermarigold Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome Mamajeans!!

    I'm sure you'll find plenty of inspiration and support here. There are some amazing people on MFP and we all swap suggestions and ideas at times. The motivation is a great help too I find. I can't believe I'm still logging in after more than 100 days!! I wasn't convinced I'd last a week. I've lost 12 lbs now and am thrilled to now be noticing the difference. I'm physically disabled too and have a lot of serious health complications including arthritis, but like you I've modified exercises to suit me. I do Tai Chi for over 60's even though I'm actually 41). I walk (slowly). I use an exercise bike occasionally. I 'dance' (around my living room). I use on line (You Tube) videos for people with limited mobility. I enjoy gardening. And when I can have my PICC Line removed I'll return to swimming too. I used to do yoga too..... but found it didn't suit me.

    I hope you find MFP as helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm happy to support and share my experience too.

    Amber x:wink: