opposite direction

HELP! i did so great the first week. 6.6 lbs gone. then starting saturday almost a pound per day gained! i did not cheat at all - i am determined to get 15 off - kept track of everything i put in my mouth, and exercised, and drank water. at this rate i will be back to the starting weight by the end of the week. any thoughts out there?


  • lady_g9980
    How often are you weighing yourself? You should weigh yourself once a week and not on a daily basis... your body fluctuates a lot on a daily basis (water, hormones..etc) and that's the reason it's best to weigh in once a week, at approximately the same time.. keep it consistent. Also,make sure that you are weighing and measuring your food so you are getting an accurate calorie count. I hope this helps!
  • katmcq29
    katmcq29 Posts: 54 Member
    How often are you weighing yourself? You should weigh yourself once a week and not on a daily basis... your body fluctuates a lot on a daily basis (water, hormones..etc) and that's the reason it's best to weigh in once a week, at approximately the same time.. keep it consistent. Also,make sure that you are weighing and measuring your food so you are getting an accurate calorie count. I hope this helps!

    Yeah def dont be weighing yourself everyday! I agree totally with lady_g9980! Measurements are the best way to give you an idea and 1lb fat weighs the same as 1 lb muscle but muscle takes up less room :)

    keep positive and dont give up!
  • smallmuscleathelete
    smallmuscleathelete Posts: 186 Member
    Stay positive and don't get too stressed, if you're doing everything right, it will come back down again :-)
  • asiandressing
    thanks for the information everyone. must confess, i do weigh every day... i am a little OCD about it... i am very OCD about weighing all of my food and keeping track of everything also. everything is perfectly portioned. i will keep trying. thanks for the help! good luck to all of you!
  • MrsNole
    MrsNole Posts: 26
    Definitely don't weigh everyday! Though I know it is harder said than done!