How to juggle school and fitness

I got off to a very good start over the break (consistence in logging and exercising, etc). But now that school is starting back up i'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to keep it up during the semester?


  • orkilatrish
    You just have to do it. One thing I have found helpful though is to use a pedometer. I have a FitBit Zip and I use it to track all the running around I do on campus. I logged 3 miles on Wed. just going from class to class and meeting to meeting.

    Here are some other ideas:

    If your school has an on campus transit system or shuttle, don't use it, walk where you need to go instead.

    If you commute to school, consider walking or biking all or part of the way if that is possible (depends on weather, distance, geography, and if you have any 8 am (blech!) classes...)

    Use exercise as a homework break.

    join a club sport or dance group on campus

    Good luck!!
  • notpregnant23
    notpregnant23 Posts: 27 Member
    i schedule my work outs like there another class or work. i make time in my schedule to do it. i prefer mornings because then i'm energized and ready for the day. then i do drop in zumba later in the evening about 5 or 6 depending on the day. hope this helps. :)
  • tpfoodie
    tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
    You just have to do it.

    ^Absolutely this.

    I'm in grad school at the moment. I work four jobs, am a full-time student and am in the process of applying for jobs in May. But I still make time.

    The most successful time I've been able to carve out has been in the morning. I wake up at 6:30, or 7:00a, drive myself to the gym, swim, and get ready for the day at the gym.

    In the end, you have to keep yourself motivated. I remember being in college and thinking "I don't have time," then laying down for an hour long nap. You have time. Just make it for working out.
  • EstiloPanama
    You just have to do that I mean, you have to want to do it and force it to happen..

    I'm a full time mother, full time college student, very supportive and active fiance to a full time military member. I have to keep up with the bills and household, but I absolutely have to carve in time for fitness and logging. I have an App on my phone for MyFitnessPal and everytime I eat anything I log it. I usually have my phone on me anyway so it's not so hard. To exercise, I would say get up earlier, or get it in later at night. Either way, FORCE yourself to do it, and it will become habit. I promise :) The first few weeks are hard but it will become routine. You just have to get out of your comfort zone.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    One thing that helps is planning meals ahead of time and packing a good lunch/snacks to bring. That way you avoid the pitfalls of eating crap food at school (it saves money, too!) I agree with the others, too; you just have to add it to your "to do" list for the day. I look at my labmates who are just as busy as me but who also have CHILDREN and somehow manage to get their work done on time (and even work out, some of them!) That makes me realize that there are enough hours in the day if you prioritize things and carve out the time. I know, too, that most of us spend at least SOME time almost every day just goofing around (i.e., procrastinating :P) - that's time that could be spent doing a quick workout! :)
  • HuneeBunee08
    I have to make a schedule. and instead of having one big workout, i break it up. Taking the stairs in stead of the elevator, or taking the long way to class if you have the extra time, and i walk at a fast pace. I also try to get up a little earlier to get in a quick 20min work out. And if your school has a gym or a fitness room Go there!!
  • char316
    char316 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks, tpfoodie, for the great response. You sound very motivated. I realize that sometimes I don't get a lot of things done on my "to do" list by waste time doing nothing of importance.
  • aspireforfitness
    Thanks so much for the great responses! It makes so much sense! I started to say I didn't feel like working out when I got off of work but I said No, I can't start making excuses because if I do i'll spiral and lose all that i've worked for!