Just bought the book

Hi everyone, I just bought this book and am interested in doing this diet! After reading the few posts, I figured the best way to have serious dialogue about this diet would be to start a group. I have some weight to lose but more annoying is that I have some GI issues that are really annoying and I have a hunch they are related to something I am eating, but what? so, the virgin diet sounds like a good way to find out. I won't be starting for two weeks because I have a weekend trip, but have started drinking the shakes for breakfast. I bought Lifetime Life's Basic plant protein mix, chia seeds, organic mixed berries, and unsweetened coconut milk from Whole Foods. The Virgin protein powder from JJ Virgin's website seemed a little pricey to me...for only 20 servings! so, this powder met all the requirements from the book. I would love to hear other's experiences with this diet and any tips, recipes, etc that help. I think eliminated the 7 hi-fi foods will be somewhat of a challenge and would love support of others doing this diet. Thanks@



  • FindingTheNewMe
    FindingTheNewMe Posts: 5 Member
    I am on day 7 of the diet. I use the vega one powder. I use 1.75 scoops of it and throw in raspberries and strawberries and flaxseeds. I usually hate to drink shakes but this one is yummy! I weigh myself tomorrow so am excited to see the results. I had a headache the first 4 days but I think it is mostly due to the fact that I was addicted to diet coke. I have a hard time coming up with dinner ideas - feel like I have done chicken to death. It felt really extreme to me to cut those 7 things out but it has not been as hard as I thought. I have had lots more energy (after day 4) and the mind clarity that she talks about.
  • lisalisa74
    lisalisa74 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck tomorrow! I hope the scale shows that 7lb weight loss :)

    My shakes are pretty yummy too! I saw the Vega brand at the store and it looked yummy! I have vanilla now...will branch out with chocolate next. The recipes in the book look awesome. I can see getting stuck eating a lot of chicken...easy to get in a rut. I love salmon, maybe shrimp? pork?

    I am excited to get started! Sounds like you are doing great :) It is extreme to cut those 7 foods out, but it seems to be working well for you!
  • FindingTheNewMe
    FindingTheNewMe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,
    Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I lost 6 lbs so not quite 7 but I'll take it. I have a long way to go weight wise so it will be interesting to see how much weight I loose in the next 2 weeks. My eating habits were so bad that I think any kind of diet would have yielded the pounds results. However, I have never had any other diet make me feel better in terms of energy and mind.

    Day one of week 2 is going well...had my shake for breakfast and lentil and vegetable soup for lunch. Need to start thinking about dinner. Thanks for the ideas of salmon and pork...I keep forgetting about the pork option.

    I'm going to up my exercise this week. I took it easy last week since I was focusing on just getting the diet right and plus I felt terrible the first 4 days.

    Hope your Monday is going well!
  • Hi ladies, Lesa here, and need to lose about 15 lbs - I'm trying out this new diet too. Seems to be working though, and I love the protein shakes too, but when I track my calories, it seems like I'm only getting about 800-900 calories a day, which I worry will hurt metabolism - at least that is what I've read. I am losing - which is encouraging. I still can't give up the half and half (or at least milk) in my morning coffee, so I guess I'm not following exactly.ANy ideas for substitutes for that? I tried using coconut milk at first, which tasted fine, but then I discovered it has carageenan in it, and I have a real insensitivity to, so had to throw it out.Coconut milk also has it in it, and I couldn't tolerate that in the shakes, so I just use water.
  • FindingTheNewMe
    FindingTheNewMe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Lesa,
    I also have a problem with getting enough calories. I find that I can only eat so many vegetables and then I am full. I add a snack of nuts or add avocado to lunch or dinner which helps with the calorie total. If I am totally out of ideas then I will have half a shake like I make for breakfast. This will usually keep me around 1300 for the day.
    Sorry, I don't drink coffee and couldn't think of another idea for milk instead of coconut milk.
    What day are you on and how have your results been?
  • Well, I started seriously, without cheating, (except for a little half and half in coffee) 4 days ago, doing 2 shakes a day and one meal, usually salad or soup, and one snack (mostly nuts) and I'm down 3 pounds, so that is encouraging - I have a difficult time losing weight I think because I am on the tail end of menopause. I've also exercised 3 of the last 4 days - 1 hour on the treadmill, walking and jogging (which I haven't done in a while, and I'm sore!)

    I'm using the Life's Basic unsweetened protein powder which has rice, pea, hemp and chia seeds in it - that was all I could find at Whole Foods. It was 29.99 there, but I just saw it on the internet for 17.99. What are you all using? Are you using organic berries? They are so expensive - I just bought the Kirtland mixed frozen berries at Costco, but I'm feeling guilty they aren't organic.

    Funny thing - I was at my YMCA yesterday and they have a smoothie bar, and guess what their smoothie of the day was - a Berry Blast, which had all the same ingredients as the JJ Virgin shak. It must be catching on.

    How are you all doing with your results?
  • dibs813
    dibs813 Posts: 4 Member
    So glad to find this group!! I am on Day 4. Yesterday was the worst. Felt really distracted and did not get nearly enough done at work. I came across this diet after being diagnosed a week and a half ago as being allergic to wheat, dairy and eggs. I had testing done to see if we can figure out what is causing this HORRIBLE eczema I have on my hands. Anyway, I expected wheat but dairy and eggs rocked my world. (I used to eat a lot of Greek yogurt and egg whites. The allergist gave me NO guidance so I started research and came across JJ Virgin. I thought what the heck I already have to get rid of three, let's make it seven. I will likely not even challenge wheat, dairy and eggs in cycle 2, we will see.

    I've also been trying to take off 15 or so pounds. I have been stuck losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for months. Interesting enough, a few months ago I told my trainer that I swear every time i have an eczema flare up, I am up a pound or two the next day. I've tracked it for months and I have a hard time believing it is all coincidence.
    Anyway, that is a little about my situation. Looking forward to doing this journey will you all!!
  • FindingTheNewMe
    FindingTheNewMe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    So I completed 8 days then totally screwed up my day eating whatever I wanted. I am back to day 1 again. Not happy with myself but going to just keep moving forward. Not sure what happened. What I do know is that I was very happy with the results of the 8 days that I did do. First four were horrible but then it was great. I had lots of energy and mind clarity. I also didn't get that panicky feeling I get where I feel like I have to eat NOW....I think that is related to blood sugar issues. I have also had acne for several years now and that just disappeared (crazy to think how much money I spent on products)

    In response to the questions, I use Vega one for the shake. It is expensive but it was the only one I could find at the time and it tastes good. I do try to use organic berries and I keep frozen ones in my freezer as a back up in case I run out or the fruit spoils.
  • dibs813
    dibs813 Posts: 4 Member

    You completed 8 days!! That is great! Don't focus on the slip. If this was easy we wouldn't be doing this, right? Sounds like you had some great results. I know what you mean about mental clarity. A few years ago I went off wheat and dairy and one day it was like someone turned on a light bulb. I am on day 4 now so I had the opposite of mental clarity today!!! I am hoping to turn a corner tomorrow. I also have a work dinner event tomorrow night to get through.
    Take care!
  • Well, I made it 7 days, and total weight loss was 5.5 pounds. Not bad for a 52 year old with stubborn weight to lose.I exercised on 3 days on the treadmill run/walk too. I wasn't perfect either - had a little half and half in my coffee most days, and probably ate organic only half the time (that is really hard to do 100% I find). I'm really determined to lose this weight though, and as hard as this diet is,and it is HARD, I'm going to give it another week and see how I do, but not sure I will replace 2 meals with shakes; they are getting boring, and seem to taste worse. I may try some coconut water in them, since I can't tolerate coconut milk due to the carageenan in them.I also am TRYING to give up my coffee and replace it with green tea. I made it through yesterday, and am sipping it this morning, but again, this going to be tough,because I love my morning lattes with milk or cream, but its a small sacrifice I guess, if the weight is coming off. So let me know how you all are doing and if you found any good meal ideas. I've been eating alot of chicken, sweet potatos and salad made with napa cabbage, radishes, almond slivers (so much better than lettuce!) and snacking on walnuts and almonds.
  • dibs813
    dibs813 Posts: 4 Member
    5.5 pounds is GREAT for one week! I am on day 6 and have lost 4 pounds so far.
    I have eaten "clean" 97% of the time as far as I know. Slipped one day and tested my daughters hot chocolate :) And I have had a couple of diet lemonades which have sweeteners.
    However, I am doing one shake and two meals. Didn't even try to do the two shakes one meal frankly. And as far as organic, I would love to but not really in the budget right now. I also haven't watched portion sizes as much as I should. I did exercise three times this week. Shooting for more next week.

    The first four days were HARD. Yesterday started better but by the afternoon I had a splitting headache and wanted to sleep. Today is much better. I have noticed today that I am not hungry between meals and haven't had cravings at all which is VERY unusual for me.

    I am eating a lot of chicken, mixed greens, broccoli, sweet potatoes,cabbage. Will have to get more creative next week.

    Regarding the coffee. I still have my one cup in the morning. Have you tried Almond milk? I have been drinking Almond milk in my coffee for a while now and I love it. I've seen the small individual sized ones at the store. I buy the store brand but I think the brand with the small silk is Silk. That way if you didn't like it, it wouldn't be a huge waste.
  • I have been eating an avocado every day for the last several days--I wonder if my body is wanting this because of the extreme drop in the amount of fat I eat? Anyway, an avocado with black beans and salsa is making me happy!
  • Hearing from a few other people (including myself) a huge craving for something at this point seems typical. I don't want to beat myself up for eating half a box of wheat thins--just want to realize what happened and keep moving forward. Good luck!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Hey! Here at last! How are you all! I finally found the "Group" so that we can hold each other up on this journey! :love:

    Have any of you tried the Fish Stew in the book?? It is awesome!!! I made it according to the directions except I put in one Medium Zucchini instead of the green pepper and put in Shrimp and Smoked Salmon for the fish. It was really, really good.

    I am on day 19 and all is going well. I don't seem to be losing any weight, just staying about the same. I got down 6 pounds and am sitting tight. Any of you doing that too?

    I have 35 pounds to lose so I am a little concerned. :noway:

    Anyway will be sharing more. Soooo glad to be here! Vickie
  • I figured out a fast food we can have - Chipolte Mexican Grill - their salad bowl which is romanine, and we can have it with black beans, chicken or steak, gilled onions/peppers, salsa and guacomole - really good, and mostly organic. This save me last night.

    Have any of you ever tried the green coffee bean supplements? Dr. Oz endorsed them, so wondering if they might help.
  • Cate1898
    Cate1898 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all

    I too am glad I found this group! Maybe now we can discuss the Virgin Diet without all the silly remarks!!!

    I started out using coconut milk, but not really a fan. I have switched to Almond Milk. It's still not milk, but it is certainly very palatable and I will continue using that. One thing however, has anyone else had it curdle in coffee? I am afraid to try it in my coffee again. I have just abstained from coffee and switched to tea, but it's not the same in the morning. I miss my morning coffee!!!

    I am on day 6 today and have only lost 3 pounds. I believe I am going through menopause myself and have heard it is more difficult to lose weight at this "special' time. Ha, the only thing special is the loss of my monthly friend, whom I do not miss at all!!! To be honest though, I have not made time for exercise yet, so I guess the 3 lbs is not at all that surprising when you consider that. I was hoping to lose 20 or so before our cruise in May. Guess it probably won't be 20, more like 10 or so perhaps.

    About the shakes, I started off having 2 a day and a salad with protein and chick peas on it. But I was too hungry and have gone to 1 shake and two meals. I personally have no problem using my calories for the day. I wish I had the problem of not eating enough. The protein powder I bought is the Organic Brown Rice and I don't know if it's all protein powders, but it is not very good and I just try and chug down the shake to get rid of it!

    I have not noticed any change in mental clarity or the fog lifting. I thought for sure I would, as a naturopath I went to years ago tested me for food allergies and I tested positive to Dairy, Gluten, Eggs, Yeast and Soy. I guess I will just keep on track and hope to see more results. Sorry this post is so long....
  • Yay! I found the group sounds like everyone is doing good. I'm on day 22 and added back eggs today! They were really the only thing I was missing so far I feel good. I feel all of you on the coffee thing I've been using coconut milk with an oz of vanilla syrup I know that's not on the plan but to me that's the only added sugar I'm having and I fine with doing it for the rest of my life. Plus I figured if my weight loss stalls I can try to take it out. So far I've lost 7 lb and have about 15 to go so I'm happy with that. I've gone out twice with my family and passed on eating fast food and just ate when we got home that was huge for me. We live in Japan right now so that is making everything a little more difficult but Im figuring it out.
  • I am on day 20. My digital scale can vary by a few pounds. Does anybody else have this problem?
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    I'm on day 10 (Sunday) and have lost 6.2 pounds. I have lots to lose (100+). But my first goal is 10 before January 28th when I go back to my diabetes doc who wants me to do barbaric surgery which I'd rather not have. I have noticed inflammation being reduced and it is nice, really notice it in my fingers. I have fibromylgia and usually start out each morning with stiff hands and making a fist is is easier than before when I first get up. I found out that pinto beans definitely tears my tummy up, was sick for a day and a half, so not having those again. Fixed chili with black beans today and those don't seem to bother me nor the garbanzo beans in my hummus which I love. I've been trying to not cheat but have had a glass of red wine.

    I'm not missing eggs or bread or milk. I've been using unsweetened almond milk which i like fine. Not missing cheese either, I"m using some feta cheese which I like.

    I did purchase 3 of the supplements recommended in the book by Thorne. pretty expensive but I figure I'll try a round and see if it helps. I have some Isagenix protein shakes left that I'm using that will work so I'm using those up before ordering any from the Virgin store.
  • eac97
    eac97 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to MFP as well as to the Virgin Diet. I actually just bought the book and I'm planning on starting it next week. It will be a change for the whole household! :-) (Myself and my boyfriend) We deal with a lot of allergies and other medical issues on both sides of our family along with several pounds to lose while working to be healthier.
    Along with support I'm looking for suggestions on affordable options and meal ideas. I've come to loath the question "What's for dinner" :-)