Nike+ Fuel Band

RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
Hey fellow MFPs, any thoughts on the Nike+ Fuel Band? Anyone tried it or know if its any good? Thanks in advance.


  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I have not tried it but I will keep looking and asking for some advice especially some runners. Love to know!!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    ive read up on it because i have been interested in it as well. from what i have learned, many seem to not think it is very accurate only it is based on movement, like a kinetic watch where it stays powered with every movement you make with your hand/wrist. So whenever they keep it on whenever they are inactive, any hand movements log as activity and counts calories. However, i would actually only use it whenever i am doing something (i.e. working out/ playing baseball) so i can get some sort of idea what i am doing. i wouldnt keep it on and keep wearing it whenever im asleep. so i am sort of still leaning towards getting one. hope this helps some. :)
  • elescott
    elescott Posts: 22 Member
    I have a FitBit and love it! It integrates easily with MFP - not sure if the FuelBand does that. And you can stick it in your pocket so don't see it. If you are working out hard (other than walking) a heart rate monitor is more accurate. With the FitBit app you can input your calories for your workout from the HRM and it won't double count what FitBit estimated.